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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Apr 16 2007, 07:10 PM)

    None of the bugs I cared about were fixed in 8.2.1. as indicated from the NI buglist. So NI has dissapointed me with the 8.2.1 release. Am I being selfish? Of course I am... I'm a customer.

    ...Some bugs are fixed but not listed under the same CAR #...

  2. Hi all,

    Lots of acronyms are used here and I assume I am not the only NNSE (Non Natural English Speaker, I made that one myself :P) that often has to use google to find out their meaning..

    AKA, IMO, IMHO, etc. I now know what they mean but I had to :book:

    I guess it would be possible to make a routine in the post editor to detect then and add a "tip strip" with the meaning so that both NSEs (Natural English Speakers) and NNSEs don't have to make an effort. Does it sound like a good idea to you guys ?

  3. The NI Developer Suite first quarter shipment includes new Microsoft Windows Vista support for the LabVIEW platform and new versions of LabWindows/CVI, Measurement Studio, and DIAdem. Click on the links below to learn about the new features in the each software package.

  4. CITATION(Tomi Maila @ Apr 12 2007, 03:37 PM)

    It seems as if NI is double charging for their software. Fist they sell 8.20 with a large number of bugs at least when it comes to LabVOOP. Then they fix a number of these bugs and resell the same value proposition again for the customers who have already bought the same story. Definitely not the right way to go. I hope someone at NI management notices that this is not good PR.


    Indeed !

    I though we had to pay only when the second digit increases.

    e.g. LV 8.0 to 8.0.1 is free

    and LV 8.0 to 8.2 is not.

    Is that not how it works ? :unsure:

    On m'aurait menti ?!?

  5. CITATION(SciWare @ Apr 12 2007, 02:42 PM)

    I just used NI's upgrade advisor to check out the cost of upgrading my 8.2.0 to 8.2.1. I was a bit shocked that its going to cost me $1999 to get a bug fix. That's going to tear a big hole in this weeks beer budget.

    I thought the update was free... :blink: Is it not ?

    Man... does your :beer: budget really reaches $ 2k a week ?? I wonder how many pints of Guinness it represents :rolleyes:

  6. CITATION(rolfk @ Apr 12 2007, 10:50 AM)

    Haha! 256MB is enough for XP if you run nothing else on it!

    Running and SQL Server and LabVIEW is definitely stretching the limit to an almost inacceptable point. Tell the customer that 512 MB memory is really not a lot for Windows XP and SQL Server alone and that LabVIEW also needs a bit of memory to work. Saving on memory nowadays with the prices being so low for hardware is simply stupid (But you better don't say that verbatim to your customer).

    Rolf Kalbermatter

    Indeed Rolf ! I couldn't be more in agreement, one would have to be very tight @$ to purchase 10.000 $ control system (PC + sensors + cFP controller + cFP module) and try to save money on the RAM !

    I did point that fact to the customer, he answered that he was going to "think about adding 256Mb".

    Coming back to the proper issue, the solution given is previous posts (doing a single open when starting the soft and closing only when the soft is stoppped) is fine for me but I keep thinking that there is a memory leak somewhere because apparently when the connection to DB is closed, the memory won't be released before LabVIEW is shut down.

  7. QUOTE(lraynal @ Apr 10 2007, 03:08 PM)

    Dear LAVA masters,

    I need to capture the change of a value (let's say a cell in a table, but it could be a string as well...) during the change...

    I mean, I can't wait for the end of the change to get the "change event". When I change the value, I want to be able to see the modification and do some actions.

    I can get an event during the modification, with "key down" (or up), but then, the value is still the one at the start of the change, not the one actually displayed!


    If you look at this example, I'm changing the line 4. I'm getting correctly the event, but the value I get is still '0'... (not '99999')

    Is there a way to obtain the new value during the change?

    Note: I'm under LabVIEW 7.1.1

    Thank you all for taking care of young apprentice!!!


    If you use a string control, then you can detect changes while someone still enters the text...

    just activate the property for the string control "Wert beim schreiben einlesen" (German LabVIEW) but it's someting similar in other languages...

    (also works with a string array)

    • Like 1
  8. CITATION(Jim Kring @ Apr 6 2007, 07:06 PM)

    I agree. This is wonderful.

    Sure, it's a long list of bugs. Yes, it means that there are lot's of bugs in 8.2.0. But, it means that NI is dedicated to creating an environment (and relationship with its customers) that promotes high-quality software, rather than an environment that promotes brushing bugs under the rug. I commend NI for its commitment to improving LabVIEW.


    Indeed great to have a list of the bug fixes with CAR number !

    Thank NI !

  9. CITATION(Aristos Queue @ Apr 5 2007, 04:12 PM)

    8.2.1 is not yet generally available.

    Well, I can guess that from the fact that there is nothing about 8.2.1 on NI web site, but can you tell us if it will include bug fixes ?

    And maybe give a list :shifty:

  10. CITATION(crelf @ Apr 5 2007, 02:33 PM)

    I also strongly disagree with it TiT - it was said in jest as an April Fool's Day joke last year. :)

    I indeed saw the "april's fool" after posting my message... :rolleyes:

    But still... I mean what I said :


    In my opinion, pointing out LabVIEW's -- and more generally NI products' -- weakness hopping that NI is going to improve them
    is not
    the best way to do. I do think that NI needs to be challenged with new ideas. In such a competitive world, the best way to improve LabVIEW would be to have an open source G environement -- the equivalent of Linux for Windows -- that keeps challenging NI to improve LabVIEW.

    and I'd like to know if anybody disagrees and why ;)

  11. As far as I know LV 8.2.1 just bring Vista's support I heard once that it could also bring some bug correction but I didn't get this information from NI so...

    The only part on NI web site I found is not really related to 8.2.1, but more to Vista's support.


    Next "major" release should come by the end of the year, 8.5.

    Hope this helps

  12. CITATION(crelf @ Apr 1 2006, 11:58 PM)

    Remember: if you're not with us, you're against us...

    I strongly disagree with that statement... Well... In fact it depends on how you understand it... In a certain way I strongly agree !

    CITATION(PeterB @ Apr 2 2006, 9:32 AM)

    Additionally, if there was a viable 3rd party (or even open source) version of G, then NI would be bending over backwards to make sure LabVIEW was a competitive product in as many ways possible.

    In my opinion, pointing out LabVIEW's -- and more generally NI products' -- weakness hopping that NI is going to improve them is not the best way to do. I do think that NI needs to be challenged with new ideas. In such a competitive world, the best way to improve LabVIEW would be to have an open source G environement -- the equivalent of Linux for Windows -- that keeps challenging NI to improve LabVIEW.

    Chris, do you consider this as "being against" ? Think twice before you answer !

    If anyone does not agree with this, then please tell me why ?

  13. Hi,

    I don't need a LiveOS, just a small distro. From what I understand, LabVIEW will run on a LiveOS, if you give LabVIEW a ram disk to work with. For now, that is way beyond my Linux skills. It shouldn't be difficult for a Linux guru though.

    Main problem I had was that rpm's aren't supported by the majoraty of Linuxes. I found out that most distros have converters, but I'm not sure if this is the usual way of doing this. Also, I haven't used one with success.

    The link to the forum doesn't seem to work right now. I'll try again soon. I like to read about it before starting the exe.



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