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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Jun 19 2007, 09:32 AM)

    The placement of the control and indicator don't follow the left-right top-bottom conventions of the LabVIEW Development Guidelines. The race condition would be more obvious if the conventions were followed.

    I had to do a double-take because the indicator was above the control and wired from the right. These sorts of problems can be found with the VI Analyzer Toolkit. I've been using this more and more and like it (although its a bit anal sometimes) I need to make my own configuration at some point.

  2. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Jun 4 2007, 06:59 PM)

    I just finished taking my test this morning, and I agree about the time.

    I felt the same, 4 hours is quite short but I think it's a good way to separate good from best.

    I only have about 2 years experience in developping "real life project" with LabVIEW so before taking the exam my feeling is that I should not try to implement everything because I'm not good/fast enough (yet ;)).

    Before sitting for an exam one should pre-estimate his own skills and define a reasonnable target.

    People with great experience can afford targeting 40, and I'm sure they can do it in less - a bit- than 4 hours.

    After reading the subject, I decided to focus on implementing ~90% of the specifications, and to do it the best I could. So my target mark is 36, and if I am close to this I'd concider I did very well.

    This is common sense

  3. Testing the auto-expander...


    WTF? IANAL but I'll take a SWAG. IMHO NI ("NI") should not be expanded. Imagine if every post containing ASCII, OOP, CAPTCHA, HTML or TCP/IP were auto-expanded. OMG I might not recognize my own writing. The thought of this leaves me ROFL.


    :P Just wanted to see how much it expanded; play time over...

    BTW and FTR, I'm not excited about autoexpanding.

    LV_Punk FKA pbrooks 100 and AKA Phil Brooks (CLAD and testing for CLD on Monday).

    OK. Stop it. I will. Really. TCIGTM (the coffee is good this morning).

    P.S. Placing quotes overrides the autoexpansion. It only expands NI as a single free standing instance of the "word". I was also able to enter Alt-255 in front of and behind the "word" to fool the expander... Strange. When I come back to the post later, the ALT-255 doesn't seem to "stick". If I edit and view the post it's OK for a while... :wacko:

    P.P.S. acronyms might not be such a bad idea, if they could function like the ones that I added to this post via "insert special item" "Insert: Acronym". Someone not familiar with CLAD could over over the word and see it's definition... Oops, remembered this post...

  4. QUOTE(jpdrolet @ May 30 2007, 04:32 PM)

    I still want a LabVIEW interface for this!!!!

    One more useless technical breakthrough !

    This reminds me of a 200 years old poem from Jean de La Fontaine in which he was criticising people who were showing off loud with useless thing to hide the fact they couldn't do basic things.

    So is doing microsoft ! :P

  5. I'm not quite fan of soft that "pretend to know better than me what I mean" I always turn off "automatic tool selection", I also turn off automatic correction in MS Word...

    I was surprised to see that if I write "ask NI people" and post, my post was be changed to be "ask National Instruments people".. :o

    the work around is to "quick edit" and "complete" without changing anything in the text.

    I don't really mind because it doesn't not change the meaning, and it makes things clear for people who would not be used to that acronym.

    But still... If a new LAVA guideline asks me to write "National Instruments" instead of "NI" I would do, but I don't really like my posts to be modified without my knowledge :nono: .

  6. Like Eugen, I would ask for roadmaps in order to have more long term visibility, to know more about forth-coming products (both hard and soft).

    I asked a couple of times to a couple of NI people I know when LV, DAQmx, IMAQ, etc would be not 64bit compatible (which they already are) but 64bit "natural". From the answers I received (or did not receive shall I say) I deduced that they will make the effort when the think the market is big enough.

    Unfortunately for those who need it now they are big enough to take time to do it (a bit like Microsoft).

    This is what I personnaly assume, I may be totally wrong.

  7. Hi all,

    I'd like to record a RS 232 signal to disk so as to be able to regenerate it (to simulate a device), the RS 232 speed is 57600 Baud.

    I read that I should over-sample at least 16x if I go for a Analog Input board because RS needs steep rising edges.

    Has anybody ever done something similar ? Does it work ?

    I have never used HS DIO (655x or 656x series), maybe this would be more appropriated to record and regenerate an RS 232 signal ?

    Any comment, ideas, though or orientation will be very appriciated, thanks in advance.

  8. QUOTE(pallen @ May 29 2007, 10:23 AM)

    I do have long hair, but I'm afraid I would make a very ugly woman.

    My hair is too out of control to let it grow long, tried a LONG time ago, but it just wasn't right. It does work out for some guys though... kiss.gif

    Congrats on your 100th, I'm slowly picking away at the next level...

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