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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jul 17 2007, 01:50 PM)

    Perhaps we can still use subvi's but have a special viewing mode that - when switched on - you can zoom into the subvi diagram and see what's inside instead of opening it.

    Aristos mentioned that the VI hierearchy window needs updating; this would be an awsome feature! I just loaded Ubuntu and Beryl on my clunker PC last night, and though slow, it made me smile... I think there is alot that could be done to make the VI hierarchy more useful.

  2. QUOTE(sachsm @ Jul 13 2007, 04:36 PM)

    This is a great candidate for an XControl. Its a reusable graphical element and is data driven (via servo position data). Your CPU load may jump if you update the XControl terminal at too high a rate. You should sample the servo position no more than the view can perceive it (20-30 Hz).

    I've wrapped your example in an XControl. I checked your profile, and see that you use 7.1. You can download the demo version of 8.2 from NI.

    [Moderator Note]

    This post contained a broken link to an attachment. Best effort was made to find the attachment and fix the link. Unfortunately, the missing attachment could not be found. (ID 6363)

  3. I thought about this when I learned about Mechanical Turk some time ago. I looked at the types of HITs available today and saw mostly transcription of podcasts. There is this one guy $teve $tedman that has a blog called blogging for money. He has a collection of lame blogs that match popular Google keywords (dating, beer,hybrid car), includes lots of ads and then pays people a penny or two using mturk to leave a comment. He'll pay you a bit more if you write an article.


  4. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Jul 9 2007, 09:37 AM)

    Hm... you should probably file a bug report on this.

    The error occured on the file

    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.2\vi.lib\regexp\Match Regular Expression.xnode

    The error reported was:

    Error 8 occurred at Invoke Node in Palette Icon Extractor.vi

    Possible reason(s):

    LabVIEW: File permission error. You do not have the correct permissions for the file.


    NI-488: DMA hardware error detected.

    Method Name: Get VI:Icon

    Error 8 occurred at Invoke Node in Palette Icon Extractor.vi

    Possible reason(s):

    LabVIEW: File permission error. You do not have the correct permissions for the file.


    NI-488: DMA hardware error detected.

    I did poke around a bit and found this VI; Match Regular Expression_Image.vi. It creates an LV image of the function for use on the block diagram.

  5. I've been trying to accomplish a couple of things; create a wiki libary of block diagram components, learn a bit more about LabVIEW picture controls and spend some time looking at undocumented features.

    I think I'm starting to snag my shirt on these "Rusty Nails". I'm gonna experiment a bit more, but considering the fact that an NI guy like Darren (post above) took a different path tells me that there is a better way of doing this and that there isn't much chance of accomplishing anything useful.

    I did learn that you can't use Get VI.Icon on an XNode; the Get Palette Info cluster indicates that the Path Item Type is VI but the method doesn't work; the U8 array does contain the image though (with the same transperancy/color table issue I have with the other built-ins...)

  6. I've played a bit more, I've created a VI to parse out the EMF header and the BitBLT record types. An Image Data instance is created that can be added to a standard LV picture.

    See attached...

    I wrote the EMF files to disk as Darren's post suggested, and I could view them with M$ utils, but the background of the "built-in" functions doesn't seem to map. I've been playing with the EOF record from the EMF file and trying to apply that to the colors section of Image Data but no luck.


  7. I would also consider using a Notifier. A Notifier is a single element lossy queue. Wait on Notification has an option to "ignore previous (F)".

    If set to true, the Wait primitive will retrieve the current Notifier count on each invocation and then block until the notification count increases. If false, the Wait on Notifier primitive will use the counter from the previous invocation and block until the notification count increases.

    The important thing to remember is that the notifier is lossy. If you send notifications faster than you receive/handle them you may miss some data.


  8. QUOTE(Ben @ Jun 22 2007, 08:26 AM)

    I'm taking the Advanced I classes now (last day tomorrow) and the trainer (Nancy Hollenback of National Analytics) gave us an updated CLA outline dated April 2007 that is also on the NI website, here (PDF). On pages 7-8 it lists items including X-Controls. I don't know about the re-cert, but it would make sense that they include subjects/technologies that weren't present in the previous test...

    Unfortunately, I was a couple points shy of passing my first attempt at the CLD :( . I scored high on style and documentation, but I didn't have complete functionality. Four hours just isn't long enough to do a good job in my opinion; but others have managed to do it so I guess I'll just have to try harder. If it was too easy, everyone would be a CLD and it wouldn't be worth as much...

  9. I had a bit of free time today and started to look at and think about the Palette API and the Polish VIs.

    I then thought about my feable attempt to create a library of [wiki]Block Diagram Images[/wiki] and all the cut/paste/save & name and then TRIED to create a VI that would extract the images for a given palette using the LabVIEW name.

    It's simple to get the icon image for a VI, but the "built-in" functions expose their graphics as a 1D array of U8s. I'm not a bitmap/image type of guy, so here is what I've got so far.

    I used LabVIEW 8.2 and the SuperSecret?! ini setting to access the Palettes:Get Menu Information method.


  10. QUOTE(engineer123 @ Jun 20 2007, 08:43 AM)


    I have a problem in calculating the time difference between 2 events.

    Can any one see the attached VI because the difference is not correct.

    Thanks in advance.


    I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do.

    The VI you posted work "as it should" -of course- but maybe it doesn't run as you think it should.

    I think you should run it once in highlight mode to see what happens.

    My guess is that you want your VI to keep runing until you press button 1 and button 2 and to tell you how much time has elapsed between these 2 events, am I correct ?

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