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viSci last won the day on January 2

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  1. Or this...
  2. A customer asked me to create a powerpoint explaining the advantages of LabVIEW. While putting together the practical rationales, just for grins I asked Chatgpt to create a presentation explaining the philosophy of LabVIEW in a Zen sort of way. Here is what it came up with. Zen_of_LabVIEW.pdf
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  3. The Gpower IOLink toolkit looks great but the cost is prohibitive. For $1000 I was inclined to give it a go but I would never saddle up to such a cost on a subscription basis and as you said they are also requiring a annual runtime license. What a disaster that would be for any of my customers when their critical systems stop working on Jan 1st. until they pony up their subscription fees. I think like you I will just dip my toes in the RESTful JSON waters and then see what it will take to generalize it.
  4. Now that we are NI/Emerson I would expect to see more connectivity in the automation sector. It seems that IOLink is a dominate communications standard that would be a good candidate for support in LabVIEW. IFM is one company that makes a ton of really cool sensors and networking hubs that are largely IOLink capable. It should be relatively straightforward to develop a restful IOLink interface using GET/POST with JSON formatted commands. I am planning on doing this and was wondering if anyone has gone down this path before. https://www.ifm.com/us/en/shared/technologies/io-link/select-products/product-configuration-pages/dataline-tee-cable-wiring
  5. What! Does lvserial acutally support regex termination strings? How is that accomplished? Is that capability built into an interrupt service routine or is it just simulated in a polling loop under the hood?
  6. This one slipped under the radar but I think is finally a viable starting point for an open source TestStand Lite that was imagined many years ago. https://github.com/Tom-Lu/TestLite
  7. viSci


    Anyone know what ever happened to the late great LuaVIEW framework. I used it many moons ago and have an application for a scripting language that interoperates well with LV.
  8. viSci


    Wondering if anyone has tried to use this LUA wrapper library. It looks very promising and would be a great open source scripting tool for the LV community. https://github.com/antonie-coetzee/GLue See attached pdf documentation MLua Help.pdf
  9. Later this afternoon I plan on remoting into the server. Could you suggest a specific MSC runtime to try?
  10. Greetings, a long running LV 2018/2020 app was recently migrated to run on windows server 2019 and am finding that I can no longer initialize the python script server. I have verified that my python 2.7.6 (32 bit) is installed correctly (BTW, it coexists with python 3.1 which needs to be on the machine for another non LV app). I have tried the usual things like running as admin, checking folder permissions, etc to no avail. Any ideas?
  11. Finally able to create a USB boot disk using a great program called Rufus and an iso image called Rescatux which like Hiren, is a pocketknife of tools and utilites to repair broken Linux and Windows installations. Thanks for all you help. I was able to reset the WES7 password. BTW - One thing that confounded me for awhile was that when the USB boots it presents as a blank desktop screen until a <CR> is entered on the keyboard at which point the USB drive becomes active again and finally starts running the iso software.
  12. Now that i am looking more closely at the NI LInux recovery boot, I can see that the status led is also flashing orange so I guess that is normal. Perhaps the Hiren boot with a windows 2000 image was booting but not able to display with its video driver.
  13. Tried your suggestion using Hiren Boot CD as well as several other similar boot loaders. The cDAQ restarts, is accessing the USB, then the status led blinks orange continuously indicating a boot error. Interestingly I tried using the NI Linux realtime recovery files I had on hand from another project and it actually booted to some sort of quasi linux command prompt. The NI recovery tool uses something called grub which I found is an open source linus boot loader.
  14. I have been given a cDAQ 9137 to reprogram and found that there is a forgotten windows password on this computer. I have tried getting to the bios (F10 or Del) but cannot even get that to work. Called NI but they were no help at all. Anybody have any advise other than reformatting and trying to reestablish the WES7 OS?
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