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Jim Kring

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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. Hi Martin, I'm not sure what the problem might be -- I'd guess that it has something to do with the network connection. If you want to download the latest packages, you can find most of theme here: Click on the "download" link and you will be able to choose which package you wish to download (you'll want the array package in the list).Cheers, -Jim PS - If you need support for VIPM, it's probably best to post to JKI software forums. We can look into your issue further if you can attach your latest error log file (located in "C:\Program Files\JKI\VI Package Manager\error\").
  2. QUOTE(JoeLabview @ Jul 29 2007, 07:08 AM) Hi Joe, I *might* have a couple extra copies on me, but no promises -- last year I carried a box of books around with me and my back has just finally recovered from the experience. That said, if you bring a copy of the book, I would be more than happy to sign it for you (for free, of course). JKI will be in booth 341 (in the back of the expo floor near the LabVIEW community area) and I'll be there a good fraction of the conference. Cheers, -Jim
  3. Hi David, I wanted to let you know that I ran into an issue trying to paste class members (paste one public method in place of another). This is the error message that I get: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6483 Thanks for the great tool :worship: -Jim
  4. QUOTE(DanyAllard @ Jul 27 2007, 08:34 AM) Dany, That's pretty cool! Thanks for the tip. :thumbup: -Jim
  5. Here's me. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6476
  6. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jul 26 2007, 11:03 PM) From looking at Mikael's code, it appears that LabVIEW writes the last project window bounds to LabVIEW's configuration file every time a project window is closed.
  7. Hi Mike, Thanks for the posting. That's a clever way to do it. (Note that your solution is not platform independent due to its reliance on LabVIEW.ini file which is a windows only construct. However, there are some VIs in vi.lib for platform independent access to LabVIEW's config settings.) Here's my solution, which only works on MS Windows (since it calls USER32.DLL). http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6472 http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6471 Cheers, -Jim
  8. I need to obtain the window size and coordinates of the project explorer window associated with a project reference. Has anyone done this or have any ideas how? I've looked at all the properties and methods of the project and I cannot find any clues as to how to do this. Thanks, -Jim Update: I've figured out how to achieve this using WinAPI calls to USER32.DLL's windowing functions, based on the expected name of the project explorer window (taking into consideration that the window title might have a trailing "*" if the project has unsaved changes). However, I'd still love to find a cross-platform solution.
  9. JKI would like to donate one VI Package Manager 1.1 Professional Edition license with one-year support and upgrades. I would like to personally donate one signed copy of LabVIEW for Everyone.
  10. Chris, If we want people to show meet at 5:45pm for a 6pm departure, it might be wise to change the event start time to 5:45pm. This is the time that will be sitting in peoples' heads as the time to show up. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6455 See y'all soon. -Jim
  11. I vouch for Justin, too -- he's a very nice and fun guy. And, he's a great LabVIEW developer, too
  12. JKI is very excited to announce the availability of VI Package Manager (VIPM) Professional Edition 1.1 Beta for public testing and feedback. This release follows a long period of extensive planning and development and results in, what we hope to be, a significant improvement to one of the best LabVIEW software applications that the world has ever seen. This new release adds to the existing capabilities of VIPM Community Edition by making significant performance improvements, several usability improvements, and better support for non-networked computers and those without LabVIEW installed. And, the new VIPM Professional Edition adds powerful package configuration and dependency management capabilities as well as multi-developer and multi-project support features. Read more...
  13. QUOTE(keiran @ Jul 19 2007, 04:27 AM) No, there aren't any tutorials. The closest thing would be to look at (1) the package spec file format (which is somewhat outdated) and (2) look at the existing *.ogpb (OpenG Package Builder) files used by any of the OpenG libraries. You obtain the OpenG library sources from SVN here: https://opengtoolkit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/opengtoolkit/trunk/ I suggest taking a look at the array library: https://opengtoolkit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/opengtoolkit/trunk/array/ Click <a href="tsvn:https://opengtoolkit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/opengtoolkit/trunk/array/">here</a> to checkout the array library with TortoiseSVN. You can find the *.ogpb file (package build spec) in the array project folder here: <array>/build rules/package.ogpb Note: In order to create the package you will need to build the library first. You can do this by running the build script, here (FYI: "<array>/build.vi" does a complete build+package, in a single pass.): <array>/build rules/package.ogpb Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions or issues. Thanks, -Jim
  14. QUOTE(keiran @ Jul 18 2007, 07:37 AM) Hi Keiran, You can use OpenG Package Builder to create OGP files that are installable using VI Package Manager. This is not extremely well documented and it is designed with OpenG developers in mind. Rest assured that we are working to make the package building process easier and more stream-lined for casual users. For starters, please download and install the ogrsc_package_builder package using VIPM and run it from the Tools>>OpenG Package Builder menu option in LabVIEW. You will find that this has a similar look and feel as the OpenG Builder UI. If you have any specific questions or issues, please post them and I or others will be happy to help answer them. Thanks, -Jim
  15. BTW, you can install the Snap Shots plugin for Firefox -- it works for any website.
  16. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Jul 6 2007, 11:32 AM) This issue also affects Occurrences (Wait on Occurrence).
  17. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Jul 6 2007, 07:16 AM) I believe that you can safely put Wait for Notification inside a subVI, only if it is reentrant. This way, each subVI is a unique instance. However, this might cause some issues with some of the new clone pooling features. Hmmm... more food for thought.
  18. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ Jul 2 2007, 06:34 PM) You forgot the last part ... The Manager walked in, observed the fire and water, and then walked quickly out of the room exclaiming, "I'm looking to staff a technical lead for a hot new project!"
  19. Chris, Thanks for organizing this year. Your efforts last year really made it an awesome event. I can only imaging how awesome it's going to be this year, now that you actually get to come. :worship: Cheers, -Jim
  20. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ Jun 28 2007, 06:25 PM) Nice, Mike. Now, wrap your head around this: Just as data flows though wires and nodes in LabVIEW, consider also that the wires and nodes flow around the data.
  21. And, here's a funny spoof... <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  22. QUOTE(Ben @ Jun 22 2007, 05:26 AM) Hmmm, my thoughts are that, as a LabVIEW project leader type (er... architect), you would be expected to understand how these technologies relate to software engineering (modularization, encapsulation, etc). But, they are complicated and relatively new technologies that are not widely used, so you probably would not be asked to demonstrate practical skills in these areas, any time soon (although you might get brownie points for using them). :2cents: -Jim
  23. QUOTE(John Rouse @ Jun 26 2007, 12:15 PM) Do not manually install the package files. Download them as OGP files (how did they get renamed as ZIP) and install them using VIPM, per http://wiki.openg.org/OpenG_Class_Templates_for_LabVIEW_Object-Oriented_Programming#Obtaining_and_Installing_Templates' target="_blank">the instructions. Thanks, -Jim
  24. Hello Everyone, There is a new version (2.8) of the OpenG "LabVIEW Data Tools" library (oglib_lvdata package) available. This library contains several routines manipulating LabVIEW data (variants and type descriptors). http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6223 This release... See here for more info.You can download+install this package using VI Package Manager. Just press the "Check the Network for Available Packages" button to refresh your package list. Thank you, -Jim Kring
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