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Jim Kring

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Posts posted by Jim Kring

  1. :arrow:

    I have stuck up with writing the files in the LabVIEW, i want to do the Fifo(First in First Out) while writing One continuos file to .lvm type, I cant do this with options of the LabVIEW, can anyone suggest me how can I do that? please give me the solution. :headbang:

    A file is a FIFO, if you read it from front to back and append data to the back. However, you should look at the Queue as a way of doing a FIFO. Why are you using a file as the FIFO? Are you sharing the data between two applications? You say that you can't do what you want with the options in LabVIEW; but which approaches have you tried? Show us some examples of your code, where you are getting stuck.

  2. I have a VI that I created in LV7.0 and it works great in 7.1 now I am trying to get it to work in 8.0 and I get a very weird thing going on in 8.0 that I cannot understand. If I run the vi as is it works great it finds all the vi's in memory as it should but when it is run from the tools menu. (I did this by saving it to the projects folder) it does not find all the vi's in memory. So i started doing some debugging and found the code was OK. Then I tried the example called memory monitor and when it is run standalone (ie double clicking on it in the example finder) everything runs great but when I save it to the project folder it does not show all the vi's in memory as it should. Does anyone have an explantion to this.

    Joe: In LabVIEW 8.0, items launched from the menu run in a different application instance. You will need to use one of the mechanisms described by Kennon Cotton in a previous discussion thread called "App.AllVIs and application instances".

  3. Here is an interesting post from info-labview:


    Any resemblance to reality or truth is a pure, true, innocent and unwanted


    All letters, bits, keyboard strikes, sentences, meaning and spaces included

    in this message are the property of ME! Anyone who tries to copy it should

    be aware that using CTRL+A followed by CTRL+C will go faster than selecting

    all the text and right-clicking and selecting copy! Consider yourselves



    International Measurement was a nice little company offering a very hard to

    beat product called FabMIEW. FabMIEW was loved and used by a large number of

    humans who liked to tackle the essence of a problem instead of tackling the

    tools to resolve it. There was a mutual respect between the creators of

    FabMIEW and the users.


    But then, just as Pluto, Saturn and Mars where aligned in the PROFITUS

    CAPITALUS state and driven by an unlimited financial growth model developed

    before electricity, International Measurement changed!!!


    It began to believe that in order to be more profitable, because profitable

    was not enough profit, it had to build a system to follow and restrict the

    users of FabMIEW using a secret activation procedure.


    The users of FabMIEW began to tackle the tool to resolve the problem instead

    of the problem itself and this was the beginning of the end!

    Dominic Lavoie

  4. Here is the response from NI Support

    Thank you for contacting National Instruments. The behavior in executables

    involving Listboxes has already been reported to R&D as a CAR (Creative

    Action Request), and we are currently working on fixing it in future

    versions of LabVIEW. Thank you for your attention to this issue.

    I will also look into the record regarding Multicolumn Listboxes and Tree

    Controls to make sure that we have covered all the issues that need to be

    fixed in future versions. If you have any further questions, or if you come

    across any additional information, please let us know so that we can

    continue to improve LabVIEW.

  5. On a side note how do you guys put in your pics. I'm a little new and still learning the site. I just used SnagIt, a program to capture screen shots and added the attachments but it's a little bulky.

    Dan: I also use SnagIt. It looks like you did have some trouble with the screenshots, because they didn't appear in your posting. Take a look at this posting called "How to Insert Images in your Posts, Making a good first impression." This will give step-by-step instructions with illustrations.

  6. David: you got wrapper VIs? Lucky! I worked on an Aerotech stage that came with a "LabVIEW Driver" which consisted of "naked" calls to DLLs strewn about the block diagram. To make matters worse there were many instances of the "home brew sequence structure" (For Loop + Case Structure = Sequence Structure). Sequence Structures are bad enough, but then you have to deal with a custom implementation :headbang:




  7. WARNING: This bug will crash LabVIEW

    See the attached document for images showing important steps.

    Download File:post-17-1133036002.doc

    1. Place a WF Graph onto the FP of a New VI

    2. Make the Cursor Legend Visible (right-click on the Graph and choose Visible Items>>Cursor Legend)

    3. Create a Cursor (right-click on the Cursor Legend and select Create Cursor>>Single Plot)

    4. Undo the Create Cursor (choose Edit>>Undo from the menu or press <control>+Z)

    >>> Notice that the Cursor is not visible in the Cursor Legend but it is still present in the Graph.

    5. Create another Cursor (right-click on the Cursor Legend and select Create Cursor>>Single Plot) 6. Click on the [-] Tree Node expander of the new Cursor.

    >>> Watch LabVIEW Crash

    CAR#: 3RRG36V2.

    Status: Fixed in 8.0.1

  8. Listbox drag & drop row reordering does not work in built executables.


    Run the attached example.

    Download File:post-17-1132853952.zip

    Notice that Listbox Test.vi works, but Listbox Test.exe does not. To prove that this is a problem with the Run-Time engine, change "Listbox Test.exe" to "Listbox Test.llb" and open "Listbox Test.llb\Listbox Test.vi" in the Development Environement -- the proplem goes away.

    CAR#: 3RK9A23A.

    Status: Fixed in 8.0.1

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