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Jim Kring

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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. Mike, You would need a NOP inside of every possible contiguous group. This boils down to having every onther value being a NOP. And enum values must be unique, so you would have to give them different names. This is probably more work than it is worth. -Jim
  2. Mike, Are you sure that "mike", "elise", and "jennifer" is a contiguous group? What happens if you add "matthew" ?
  3. The search for meaning within the avatar will bring you to the realization that the meaning is within the avatar itself. It is amazing how one will go to an array of lengths to find sum divisive meaning. If it is not a play on words then what is the hidden code.
  4. Maybe it is because you can (roughly) find the letters of your name (JOE) in the image:
  5. Use the Scan From String function: Download File:post-17-1133283770.vi
  6. Dan: I also use SnagIt. It looks like you did have some trouble with the screenshots, because they didn't appear in your posting. Take a look at this posting called "How to Insert Images in your Posts, Making a good first impression." This will give step-by-step instructions with illustrations.
  7. Slashdot >> Windows Vista May Degrade OpenGL
  8. David: you got wrapper VIs? Lucky! I worked on an Aerotech stage that came with a "LabVIEW Driver" which consisted of "naked" calls to DLLs strewn about the block diagram. To make matters worse there were many instances of the "home brew sequence structure" (For Loop + Case Structure = Sequence Structure). Sequence Structures are bad enough, but then you have to deal with a custom implementation :headbang:
  9. Hmmm, what does your avatar mean? Does it mean an array of DBLs? :laugh:
  10. I've opened a support incident with NI. I'll post the CAR number any other useful info here, once it's available.
  11. AutoMeasure: I just tried a build an your XControl does not work in and EXE I have attached the EXE and lvproj with build spec's. Download File:post-17-1133039560.zip
  12. WARNING: This bug will crash LabVIEW See the attached document for images showing important steps. Download File:post-17-1133036002.doc 1. Place a WF Graph onto the FP of a New VI 2. Make the Cursor Legend Visible (right-click on the Graph and choose Visible Items>>Cursor Legend) 3. Create a Cursor (right-click on the Cursor Legend and select Create Cursor>>Single Plot) 4. Undo the Create Cursor (choose Edit>>Undo from the menu or press <control>+Z) >>> Notice that the Cursor is not visible in the Cursor Legend but it is still present in the Graph. 5. Create another Cursor (right-click on the Cursor Legend and select Create Cursor>>Single Plot) 6. Click on the [-] Tree Node expander of the new Cursor. >>> Watch LabVIEW Crash CAR#: 3RRG36V2. Status: Fixed in 8.0.1
  13. :headbang: Doh! It looks like the problem affects Multicolumn Listboxes and Tree Controls, too. The whole Drag and Drop, feature might be hosed in EXE's.
  14. Neville: Eventually we will figure out a way to integrate into the LabVIEW 8.0 palettes. Until then, you can find the OpenG library palette menus beneath the OpenG subpalette. See here for more info.
  15. Great idea! However, I just tried adding all of the settings in LabVIEW.ini to Listbox Test.ini and it did not help the problem.
  16. Listbox drag & drop row reordering does not work in built executables. Run the attached example. Download File:post-17-1132853952.zip Notice that Listbox Test.vi works, but Listbox Test.exe does not. To prove that this is a problem with the Run-Time engine, change "Listbox Test.exe" to "Listbox Test.llb" and open "Listbox Test.llb\Listbox Test.vi" in the Development Environement -- the proplem goes away. CAR#: 3RK9A23A. Status: Fixed in 8.0.1
  17. Norm: Long time no chat. Been working too hard ;-) I suppose that these keys have to do with the Simulation Toolkit features, which use a VI facade, similar to Express VIs (I think).
  18. The Multiple Document Interface (MDI) is not available in LabVIEW 8.0, but might still make it into a future release.
  19. Arlan: How about emptying the data from the cluster before getting the type descriptor. Here is a trick that you can use to get the default data of anything:
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