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  1. Anyone interested in a basic API to chatGPT? I created one a while ago, and thought it may be useful for others
  2. According to my tests on AF this behavior is normal. AF is just not the fastest messaging framework that can be implemented in LabVIEW. It has two components that make is relatively slow: Uses priority queues. It makes sending atomic messages(messages with little or no data content) about 2 times slower. More on this: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-24589 Uses dynamic dispatch. Once per message a dynamic dispatch VI is called. It has an overhead and it makes atomic messaging 3 - 8 times slower. Read more on this: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-13709#comment-31559 Please don't take my numbers seriously as accurate measurements, but approximately these are what I measured at least on my PC. If you read all the links you will understand the reason for AF being slow. I think you can get some speed by leaving out priority queues and use normal queues, but I see no immediate solution for the dynamic dispatch problem. I have a similar system in work, and what I do is to use as much data in a packet as my GUI's refresh rate requires (so for a 1kHz signal to achieve 25 fps you can send arrays of 40 data points). I see that you use this trick for the Controller, but use it for the Hardware actor also.This way the user still experiences "real-time" behavior, but you spared with messages. Hope it helps a bit. [this reply was first posted on AF forums, as I didn't notice the discussion already started here]
  3. Hi, Just a simple suggestion: Try G# Framework. It gives you tools that help your life in object oriented programming, and also lets you create data-based or reference-based classes. It is a well thought out toolkit already offering what you need. You may just try it out. Personally I have used it's reference based classes and worked always well. Install it, create a reference based class(G#Template), create some property access VIs, try the different templates for creating methods... and dive into the VIs. You will see and understand how it works. (It uses DVRs to create reference based classes.)
  4. Thanks for the videos, it was very fast:)
  5. Hi all! I found an error, that the "Get Data Name from TD__ogtk.vi" doesn't handle the FXP numeric data type. It is because the "Type Descriptor Enumeration__ogtk.ctl" Typedef doesn't have it listed. It would be the "0x5F" value. Please have a look atit, it causes serions problems, when I try to run the "Write INI Cluster__ogtk.vi"
  6. Nice to hear that you like the GOOP video.

    If you like to test our latest GDS beta version for LV2009 you can read about it here:



  7. Hi Mikael!

    Your GOOP videos are very useful! Thank You!

    Béla, Komoróczy

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