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Everything posted by crelf

  1. You disgust me. See, now, I like that!
  2. Spoken like a true programmer!
  3. btw: love it!
  4. Agreed. Not agreed - it's certainly very weak, but that doesn't mean that it isn't useful as a really gross check. The data that I'm sending/receiving has type checks on either side, so coupled with that, this CRC method is okay as a gross indicator step of a multi-step check. I certainly wouldn't suggest it for important or deterministic streams, especially if it's the only check used. Anyway, if I'd designed the system I wouldn't have chosen it, but I'm not going to call up the hardware vendor and tell them I refuse to use their hardware just because their CRC isn't up to snuff.
  5. Yeah, I think keeping the terms the same as the previous example works. Also, I added "()" for clarity.
  6. PS: wikipedia page updated to include TestStand.
  7. I've seen LabVIEW mature as a programming language greatly over the years, and one thing that is incredibly satisfying to me is the growth of design patterns applied in LabVIEW - especially the surge over the last couple of years. To that end, I was wondering if anyone would like to take a stab at expanding the LabVIEWwiki.org design pattern category? Some of the existing sections could do with a clean up, and there's a bunch of patterns that are missing (especially OO patterns). I know that ni.com has several really good pages on these patterns, but I'd like to see a place for them that's community driven and community editable <- these mean that the patterns can grow beyond just the ideas of NI. For those who don't know (don't make me come to your house and slap you - no one wants that), LabVIEWwiki.org is, as it's url suggests, a wiki of LabVIEW goodness, and is maintained by the same good folks that bring you lavag.org. It has some awesome backdoor sections like my favorite: LabVIEW configuration file - go on, dig in there and waste a few hours of your life
  8. There are?!?
  9. Damn right. I choose to stop reading your post at this point.
  10. Well then you're a stupid poo bum doodie head. Lots of things - like custom classes of tags that cen be read by scripting nodes (eg: run a report that scans free text labels that are a particular color or start with a particular tag to show all those "fixme" notes). It wasn't as much chosen for OpenG, it's an already accepted standard in multiple programming languages - to make it something else is unintuative.
  11. Are you a #FIRST mentor? Link up with other lava members! http://t.co/0XdfMBAP

  12. Old skool!
  13. Absolutely! Another reason I like to use the OpenG comment, rather than other arbitrary free text labels.
  14. More trivia: ...and is the same format for a Boolean selection in TestStand expressions.
  15. Nice work todd - that's exactly what I needed! Nothin' like LAVA to feel humbled It lets you grab FP nodes too, but with some property exceptions.
  16. Looking for a challenge? Help this lavag member convert a QMH+LV2 Globals #labview application to the Actor Framework: http://t.co/lf0l2myr

  17. So I need to suffix a string with a CRC, and the manual that I'm working with is very sparse on details: Yep, that's really about all I know So, for the following ASCII string example: PLPARM0001:05:0004=00000032 the manual tells me that the 2s complement is 0x2E. So I know how to do a 2s complement of numbers, and I can think of several ways to do it to a string (or, at least, representations of that string), but does anyone out there know the "right" way to do this before I try to brute force it?
  18. I agree, but PS: make sure you turn it to false after it's done (yes, I know that sounds obvious, but I was fault finding an app recently, and found that node was wired with an error cluster that had an erro upstream, so it didn't execute - very frustrating, yet highly hillarious )
  19. Hot Topic: Are *you* misusing the Not A Refnum function and putting your #labview app at risk? http://t.co/jgedCaoA

  20. Story of my life. One must consider just how important those villagers are/were. PS: That's Franken-steen! Sir, you date yourself! I had to look that one up (I was intially thinking of Whose (sic) Line is it Anyway?)
  21. I grew up in a country untouched by modern dentistry PS: Read Molvania: A Land Untouched By Modern Dentistry - it's hillarious!
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