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Everything posted by crelf

  1. crelf

    Friday in Austin?

    A lot of ppl hang around until Friday morning, so Thursday night won't be wasted. The evening festivies are usually pretty tied up the rest of the week (Sun=Gingerman,Mon=AllianceParty/6th Street,Tue=LAVA/OpenG BBQ,Wed=Conference Party), so Thursday is more freeform. I suggest you follow @lavag (if you're in to that sort of thing) as a bunch of us tweet to that account about things going on outside the conference.
  2. I'm certianly not a lingustic expert either, and when I know I can't speak with authority, I refer to someone who can, hence my dictionary quote for the definition of "sentence". Unless we limit the debate to the learned's definitions as opposed to our own limited understanding of what we think it might be (or, more possibly, what we would like it to be), I think it's futile. Ahhh Victor, thanks for the afternoon laugh!
  3. Yes, but only during runtime RunState.Caller.RunState.SequenceFile.Path
  4. That's like saying that a spoken conversation doesn't have any words or sentances either - just sounds. Except that both parties understand the communication because they have a common frame of reference of, um, a structured lanuguage of words in sentences. Anyway, as we're debating definitions, we should have references (emphasis added). From http://dictionary.re...browse/sentence : Even if you argue that punctuation doesn't change a sentence (which it does), your example changed the predicate, which is half of the makeup of the sentence in question.
  5. Symbio GOOP beta version available: http://t.co/W5isUTeg

  6. All you needed to do was ask, but next time you need something moderated, try contacting the mods directly rather than alluding to something in a thread - we don't read them all.
  7. Ok, that sounds super wierd. Can you strip down the code and upload a chunk that demonstrates the issue? ie: an example with read/write methods that access your data.
  8. Punctuation is part of the sentance, therefore your assertion is incorrect. More importantly: what was your side of the wager? ie: what did you promise to do/not do should you be unable to prove?
  9. I'm so sorry #labview - please give me another chance http://t.co/tY6xrAa3 @labview @NI @NIWeek

  10. This is a good read: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/6316/en, then maybe read this: http://lavag.org/topic/14548-class-mutation-history
  11. whoa Whoa WHOA! That's crazy talk right there!
  12. More #labview babies in their "Hello World!" #labview outfits! :) Congrats jgcode! http://t.co/mpwaaIuh http://t.co/imatMj9I

  13. RT @eyesonvis: Bought my ticket for the LAVA BBQ at NIWeek 2012! Can't wait to see everyone there! http://t.co/qnnpv9Hv

  14. Shameless plug: Image Acquisition and Processing with LabVIEW.
  15. Today's challenging question: "A query on queues: how to retrieve the number of remaining refnums?" http://t.co/Dm1Mb87Y

  16. Awesome download in the LAVA Code Repository: "Array Function XNodes" - download & discuss: http://t.co/qWaq4bm5

  17. When you buy a license from NI, they'll give you a key.
  18. Customizing Your Applications' Taskbar Functionality: http://t.co/VQXL3VMz

  19. I agree - even if you can't partition them that well, just start removing functionality until it levels out - a laborious task, I know, but without being able to see the code, it could be anything and everything.
  20. Challenging question of the day: Pre-build updating time constant doesn't get to packed library: http://t.co/C8fXic7k

  21. Get your LAVA T-Shirt from the LAVAStore: http://t.co/7slA2WTD New products now available!

  22. Dearest LabVIEW, Sometimes there are simply no words that can adequately express the depth of a person's feelings that are plagued by regret, guilt and sadness for a wrong done. I know it can't undo what has been done and it won't ease the pain in your heart. Instead, let me write this to let you know that I regretted my actions, and cheating on you is certainly an unforgivable mistake. I totally deserve any the anger and resentment from you for what I have put you through. I was tempted by text-based programming, and I was weak. Not because the love between us was weak, but because I was coerced by another - let's just call her "the customer". I knew at the time that it was wrong, but she was so purseuasive. She bought me gifts, she told me I was handsome, she laughed at my lame software engineering puns, she made me feel special. I know now that these were all underhanded tricks so that she could have her way with me. She didn't care about me, ahd only cared about herself, and how I could help her. It pains me to see you suffering as a result of my misbehavior. Guilt burns in my heart thinking of all the hurt that you must have felt because of my recklessness. Each time that I think of you, I get angry with myself, my blindness and foolishness, and my indiscretion. I know there is still a strong love for you glowing in my heart. I truly want us to be happy again with me still being a part of your life. I know I don't have the right to ask anything from you when I have foolishly betrayed your trust in me, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another opportunity to prove to you how much I love you. Give me another chance and I have faith that, one day, we will look back at this and laugh, albeit uncomfortably. Loving you always, crelf
  23. Cool new download in the LAVA Code Repository: #labview Bitmap Manipulation Library. Download & Discuss: http://t.co/wqgG1MBu

  24. Quick clarification: in LabVIEW, the term "polymorphic" isn't dynamic, and doesn't really apply here. "Dynamic dispatch" is more appropriate - polymorphism in LabVIEW is something different.
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