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Everything posted by crelf

  1. That said, I don't mind if it's used internally to a VI - I can see a use case for that. Maybe what we need here is an update to the OpenG function's context help to let people know about the limitations. PS: What happens when you cast data? Is the name of the data now the name of the toCast element, or does it make it through?
  2. Great advice from LAVA members on getting started with OO in #labview: http://t.co/irSc6kcb

  3. My thoughts exactly.
  4. Well, wire's don't have "names" per se, but they do have labels... Anyway, LabVIEW is a dataflow language, I think what you're after is the name of the raferenced data up the chain, which you should pass some other way.
  5. I don't think it's a misnomer - something before it was called changed the name of the data, then when it's called it returns the name correctly, so I think it's working as expected.
  6. Yeah, the actor framework is great, and certainly has it's place, but I wouldn't start with it. Start with the Factory Pattern: watch this and then this from vishots.com. Once you get comfortable with the factory pattern, I suggest you move on to the command pattern next. Once you get both of those square in your head, the sky's the limit.
  7. To divert a little here: are you sure you need to do this? In my experience, when calling DLLs that have a BufferData input array and a sizeofBufferData input numeric, all you need to do is put your byte array into BufferData, and put the number of elements of BufferData into sizeofBufferData (note: your BufferData array in the cluster is an array of I32 - my guess is that they're bytes so they should be U8).
  8. Neat #labview goodness: writing back to the command line from your built #labview executable - download & discuss: http://t.co/9J9zztxH

  9. Attending the 2012 Certified LabVIEW Architects Summit? Please include the #CLASummit hashtag in your tweets!

  10. Follow summit topics live here! Attendees: please include the #CLASummit in your tweets!
  11. How to programmatically reserve a #labview VI for execution: http://t.co/BoVlCdEc

  12. Rather than a MUX, I'd suggest you take a look at a switch matrix - if you're doing 2-point measurements (ie: only using the +ve and -ve probes of your DMM) then you need a 2xN matrix, where N is the number of test points. Then, depending on what your development environment is (LabVIEW vs TestStand), you can set up switch routes in Swtich Executive and switch as needed. PS: you mentioned non-NI cards: while I try to use NI cards where I can, if there's something outside of their range that I need to do, I choose a card that is IVI-Switch compatible, so I can still use NI Switch Executive. eg: Pickering.
  13. Me too But seriously - congratulations, and welcome to the club!
  14. Help a @lavag Premium Member out: code issues with a CLD prep: http://t.co/7YhdebxS

  15. 10.64MJ!
  16. You heard it from @lavag first! #LabVIEW 2011 SP1 Released: http://t.co/Zbc9xDP5

  17. LabVIEW 2011 SP1 Released.
  18. Capturing Scroll Wheel Events in #labview - not as easy as it sounds: http://t.co/wcPU0X37

  19. I'm pretty happy with some of the new features that are currently in the LabVEW 2012b - if you're not a member of the beta, go register now and check it out!
  20. Programmatically accessing the NI-DAQmx.ini file from #labview: http://t.co/kFeprJxk

  21. A member needs your help! SPI Stream #labview API on the NI USB 8451 - http://t.co/BTedQzOv

  22. Close, but it was actually right here: ...which says:
  23. Congratulations ohiofudu - great job!
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