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Everything posted by crelf

  1. crelf


    Don't apologize - that's a cool story!
  2. Whilst not completely on topic, nor completely off topic, here's a link to Software Engineering Radio's episode on Scripting Languages. Althought the topics they cover are quite advanced, they are also general in nature and provide some great foundation knowledge of software engineering in a general sense (there's a good episode on error handling there too) - thanks to Jim Kring for suggesting se-radio to me a few motnhs ago...
  3. Sure looks familiar, doesn't it? The "Analyze" screen shot look very similar to the interface you use when defeining SignalExpress components.
  4. :beer: ---> :laugh:
  5. Now that is cool! :thumbup:
  6. Very droll Michael, verry droll :laugh:
  7. I've been able to muddle my way through the imperial system here in the US, but when colleagues start talking in multiple units then I throw my hands in the air and say "you work it out". I had one ask me to consider a physical phenomena in something like inches per pounds per degrees F - I've got no chance!
  8. Tell me about it! a confused Aussie in the USA...
  9. Dang! I knew someone would be able to find the stats - I'm kinda embarrassed that I didn't check Wikipedia first myself To cover my own arse I think I'll with peteski on this one an say that it's more popular on a capita basis...
  10. America isn't the only country that uses a "." as the decimal identifier I don't have any statistics, but I'd hazard a guess to say that "." is more popular that "," around the world...
  11. ...and maybe a wav file of your two E strings so we can help you tune your guitar?
  12. Yes - you're right, depending on your environment. I suppose what I was trying to get at was that it isn't very elegant to use a disk as a temporary storgae area when you could do it in memory. That said, it is certainly beneficial if your tests are long and there's a possiblility of loosing power or an error throwing out all of your interim data.
  13. You could save the data on the fly to temporary file, then once the test is finished create the data file with the header an then concatenate the temporary file tot he end. Not very elegant, but it'll get you up and runinng...
  14. Back when we used mice and keyboards - <sigh> that's when there was real feeling in programming...
  15. Sounds like a great OpenG project...
  16. Nice, very nice. :thumbup:
  17. I gotta tell you - the original series (when I was a wee pup) scared the crap outta me. Whenever you'd hear the whoom-whoom whoom-whoom of their scanning (KnightRider-style) eye... <shudder> ...and you're right - the new series is IMHO the best sci-fi series ever made. Yes, I know that's a big claim, but jpdrolet's right - it's serious, realistic and a great drama. In fact, we don't have cable in our apartment, and I actually get off my fat arse and go to the gym just to watch it Can't say much about number six though - I'm more of a (new) Starbuck fan myself... . ........................Number 6....................................Starbuck
  18. You're really going to have to upload either an example VI where you're having this problem or, at the very least, a screen shot of the block diagram code so we can help you further.
  19. That's a really good point! Here's an example (you don't even need a tip strip - the user can't enter illegal characters): Download File:post-181-1149021477.vi
  20. Sounds promising but is that a company push, or your opinion? I'd be careful advertising how NI needs to work on partnerships without qualifying where it's coming from... So do you want to have a page that links out to LAVA (that already exists here), or do you want to actually somehow incorporate LAVA content into your website dynamically? Are you really interested in doing the leg-work on finding out what people want, and then "give" it to LAVA without using it yourself? Or is it more like your last effort - you poll LAVA users to find out what they like and then use the results to improve your own forum? Honestly, I'm not trying to be cynical - I LabVIEW and am for pretty much anything that'll get it out there to the masses more dynamically, but I really don't follow where you're aiming at, and what you've written above hasn't made it any clearer to me.
  21. Maybe I've misunderstood you, but is this what you're trying to do?
  22. Here's a VI that does what I was tlaking about. That said, I don't think the tipstrip is what you're after, because you can't dynamically force it to pop up - the position and tracking of the mouse relative to the control does that for you... You might need to stick to a dialog box, or maybe create a dedicated VI that pops up next to your control (set its' window behaviour to "floating") - you can get the co-ordinates of the control as a property (just like the attached VI gets the text). Download File:post-181-1149006053.vi
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