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Michael Aivaliotis

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Status Updates posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I just can't get this bloody song out of my head http://youtu.be/KQ6zr6kCPj8 Aaaahhhh!

    1. Daklu


      I promise that's one link I'm NOT going to check out. :)

    2. Daklu


      I promise that's one link I'm NOT going to check out. :)

  2. I just pre-ordered my iphone4 from the apple store app on my iPhone 3g.

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      Boot-strapping at its best.

  3. The Inception trailer was better than the actual movie. Loved the soundtrack though! - Disappointed.

    1. Daklu


      Thanks for the review. I had planned on going to see it but now I'll wait for it to hit Netflix.

  4. RT @jaydedman: Business idea: hotel that has a cat in each room. Basically cat prostitutes.

    1. Cat


      I'm not sure about this one... :-)

  5. Sorry, I'm an American Idol fan: Announcement Press Conference http://ustre.am/:F1x8

    1. dannyt


      No need to apologise, after all it is an illness, so we understand

    1. Mark Balla

      Mark Balla

      Ok I'm loving this app. Never have to fat finger a keyboard again.

  6. Both kids down with a cold... Will I escape? Stay tuned.

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      It is that dump your cookies and freeze for 24 hours then brace yourself, nobody escapes.

  7. Watching the events unfold in Egypt. Emotional and frightening. Women and children trapped in Tahrir Square.

  8. Robin Williams' French Siri Impression! http://t.co/Ml7O0UhC

    1. dannyt


      This is a good Siri comedy as well

  9. "You give'em cat food and they eat the whole cat"

  10. RT @vishots: VI Shots is relaunching! Signup to get notified: http://bit.ly/ddRkL3

  11. Am loving the new LAVA Site upgrade.

  12. Join me live tomorrow. Presenting on #LabVIEW code reuse: http://bit.ly/b9tyBD

  13. Steve Jobs as Darth Vadar, slices fingers with light saber to make iPhone work better - http://youtu.be/Tn-YesqzvNk

  14. Getting all my video gear ready for #NIWeek. Hmm, let's see, iPhone 4... check! Huh, I guess I'm done.

  15. Just because I carry a camera, doesn't mean I put everything on the web. Don't be afraid to talk to me... Please!

  16. RT @kirienne: And for today's laugh: http://www.rockyflatsgear.com/ - protect against airport x-rays. Tin foil helmet, anyone?

  17. Got home from #niweek to my new #iPhone bumper. It's much nicer than the photos.

  18. Can someone tell me what the hell *this* is? http://tweetphoto.com/37472263

  19. Watching live country music. Did I mention I hate country music? http://twitpic.com/2cmy36

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