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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Well, free open source software is the natural evolution of software development. Companies that recognize this will survive in the long-term. See this article: The care and feeding of FOSS Thanks to Jim Kring for pointing this article out to me.
  2. <p><strong>Over 145,000 deaths have been confirmed in 11 countries with Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand worst hit.</strong></p> <p>Indonesia says more than 94,000 died in the disaster. In Sri Lanka, 30,190 are confirmed killed. The number of people in India confirmed dead, or listed as missing presumed dead, has risen to 15,275. Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra says his country's death toll could rise to 6,000. Please donate what you can to help the charities assisting there. Some of the charities helping follow:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Red Cross</strong> <a href="http://www.redcross.org.uk/Campaign.asp?id=38543" target="_blank">UK</a></li> <li><strong>Australian</strong> <a href="http://www.redcross.org.au/ourservices_aroundtheworld_emergencyrelief_AsiaQuakeTsunamis.htm" target="_blank">Red Cross</a></li> <li><strong>Oxfam</strong> <a href="https://secure.ga3.org/02/asia_earthquake04">Asian Earthquake & Tsunami Fund</a></li> <li><strong>Oxfam</strong> <a href="http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_you_can_do/give_to_oxfam/donate/asiaquake1204.htm" target="_blank">Oxfam UK</a></li> <li><strong>Oxfam</strong> <a href="http://www.oxfamamerica.org/newsandpublications/press_releases/AsianFloods" target="_blank">Oxfam America</a></li> <li><strong>Oxfam</strong> <a href="http://www.oxfam.ca/news/AsianEarthQuake_Floods/Oxfamresponds.htm" target="_blank">Oxfam Canada</a></li> <li><strong>American Red Cross</strong> <a href="https://www.redcross.org/donate/donation-form.asp">International Response Fund</a></li> <li><strong>AmeriCares</strong> <a href="https://www.americaresfoundation.net/donate/default.aspx?id=South%20Asia%20Earthquake%20Relief%20Fund">South Asia Earthquake Relief Fund</a></li> <li><strong>CARE</strong> <a href="http://www.careinternational.org.uk/" target="_blank">International</a></li> <li><strong>CARE USA</strong> <a href="https://donate.care.org/05/20180000/?source=170570020000">Asia Quake Disaster</a></li> <li><strong>Direct Relief International</strong> <a href="https://www.directrelief.org/sections/support_us/d_donate_now.html">International Assistance Fund</a></li> <li><strong>Médecins Sans Frontières International</strong> <a href="http://www.msf.org/donations/index.cfm">Tsunami Emergency Appeal</a></li> <li><strong>Sarvodaya</strong> <a href="http://www.sarvodaya.org/">Relief Fund for Tsunami Tragedy</a></li> <li><strong>Save the Children</strong> <a href="http://savethechildren.org/radio_asia_earthquake.asp">Asia Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Fund</a></li> <li><strong>SEVA</strong> <a href="http://www.seva.org/ef.php">South Asia Emergency Fund</a></li> <li><strong>UNICEF</strong> <a href="http://www.unicefusa.org/tsunami">South Asia Tsunami Relief Efforts</a></li> <li><strong>World Food Programme</strong> <a href="http://www.wfp.org/">Tsunami Disaster Appeal</a></li> </ul>
  3. 1. Type "about:config" in the adress field. 2. Set the value of network.http.pipelining to "true". 3. Set the value of network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to "8". 4. Set the value of network.http.proxy.pipelining to "true" Found the above info while scouring the web... Suppose to make Firefox display pages faster :ninja: .
  4. Yes, you are correct. No need to pass it thru a shift register.
  5. Based on the website: http://www.advantech.com/support/detail_li...del_id=PCI-1730 It looks like it has LabVIEW drivers. What's the problem?
  6. Ok Jim. However, one thing I don't understand is that when I launch the new probe wizard, I can specify any directory and location to save a new probe (LV7.1). Well apparently, LV has an ini setting called: ProbeIniCache="path to probe" Everytime you create a custom probe that does not reside in the default location, LV adds one of these entries for every custom probe. Perhaps you can use this feature somehow.
  7. Hmm, I just did a test and it works without it. I can't recall the reason for doing that. It was copied from a very old early version of LV code. Also, I had less experience at the time. I just never went back to reflect on it. In any case you're right, [\r\n]+ works fine.
  8. Yes, that's what he means... See here: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/2d...dElemFormat=gif Here is the complete article: Event Structure Design Patterns
  9. I honestly have never used the Grid feature... . It's one of those things I always turn off. It's easier to align things relative to other controls rather than the grid. The grid is never in the right place that I want it to be. Most of the time, what looks natural to the eye does not conform to the grid. I realize this was a "most requested feature" from NI customers... I think I requested it as well . But in practice, no good.
  10. I'm not sure how useful it would be to have a list of wire references with probes to them. I mean, probes are really useful in context. I have to "see" where it's probing. Just a list of them might not be useful. What I would really like (and NI will not have in 8.0) is to have a list of ALL opened references. Control, file, vi, visa etc. references. This way I can see if I'm missing closing any of them. Of course, by the time this tool is developed, NI will probably add a feature that makes reference closing irrelevant. Perhaps they will auto close everything for you. Any ideas?
  11. I'm not sure how you are opening a reference to the sub-vi. Just opening a reference to a VI should not open the front panel. Are you continuously opening the front panel with a property node? If so then why are you doing it in a loop? Just open the reference once and then via some logic decide if you are opening the front panel or not. I'm not sure what the loop is for. Please explain.
  12. The reason you haven't read a single comment on what a piece of crap LabView is, is because this topic is about a patent infringment lawsuit. It says so right in the topic title. If you want to start a flame war then start your own topic instead of going off-topic. . Deterministic realtime control? Are you running the real-time version of LabVIEW on a real-time controller? Interesting article. It just re-affirms my opinion that the next replacement language to ladder logic is LabVIEW. I recently did a LabVIEW program that had to interface to a PLC "controller". I had the PLC programmer right next to me and we were programming in parallel various tasks. After viewing the speed at which I was able to program certain tasks, he asked me to take over the programming of most of the code in LabVIEW. For example, one task that would have taken him an hour to write in ladder logic only took me 5mins. Also, the lack of extensibility and compatibility with new technologies will spell the demise of PLC's.
  13. Of course let's not for get our own homegrown Star Wars kid from Quebec. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/starwarskidv.html
  14. http://uploads.ungrounded.net/206000/206373_numanuma.swf (Let it load, hit the yellow 'Play' button, and click 'Play Without Subtitles') You should resize the screen smaller to see it better... It's one of those songs that stick in your head...
  15. Hmm, I don't think NI has to do anything. I see no reason why you think that you have the right to any free publicity from NI. I think they have the right to refuse the publication of any product that they feel might impact their own homegrown products. As far as I can tell from your website, you are not an Alliance member company so i can't see any leverage you may have in that regard. Actually, as an Alliance member myself, I would be very upset to find out that you have received special treatment. So, in my opinion, (unless they have attacked you legally) NI has done nothing wrong here. You have many venues in which to promote your products and I noticed you have posted announcements both here in the LAVA forums, on the NI Discussion Forums and many other newsgroups and sites. Also, there is a 4-line announcement of your tool on the NI Devzone frontpage.
  16. Jim, excellent link. I've added it to the bottom of my Guide (which I also recommend everyone to read). I want to emphasize one point that the Personal Message (PM) system on the LAVA Forums should not be abused. Please don't PM people on these forums for LabVIEW assistance. Especially after you've already posted your question on the Forums. It is a personal choice for someone to respond to a question on the Forums. A PM is Personal (hence the name). Would you go around town knocking on the doors of people you don't know asking for LV help? No, so why would you do the same on the internet? Most of the time, a PM triggers an email notification to the recipient which can be even more annoying. Please think twice before sending a PM. If the person has not responded to your question on the Forums then what makes you think they will respond in person? I think your chances of getting a response from thousands of readers is better than just a response from one.... 'nuf said.
  17. That's great! Do you think you or someone else can enhance this to include nested (hierarchy) menus? This would make it complete... hint! Take a look at OpenGoop...
  18. Here are two examples I scoured from the internet... Download File:post-2-1103178246.vi Download File:post-2-1103178263.vi
  19. I'll start this off with a classic: THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS (Rick Moranis / Dave Thomas) Bob & Doug McKenzie (B: Bob D: Doug C: Chorus) B: OK, good day. This is our Christmas part of the album. You can play this at your Christmas parties, or to yourself on Christmas Eve, if there's nothin' else to do. D: Good day, eh? In case you thought, like, I wasn't on this part. B: Oh, I guarantee ya you'd be on. OK, so good day. This is the Christmas part, and we're gonna tell ya what to get..um...your true love forChristmas. D: Look out the window! B: Where? (chuckle) What are ya doin'?!? D: Snow, hosehead! B: Well, oh, it's the Great White North, and it's snowing 'cause it's Christmastime. Hey, hoser! D: What? B: Here's a quiz. (chuckle) Quiz for Doug... D: OK, I have my "thinking took" on. B: Yeah, right. What are the "Twelve Days of Christmas"? 'Cause, figure it out, right? Christmas is when? D: Um, the twenty-fifth... B: Right. And, what's the twenty-fourth...Christmas Eve, right? So.. D: That's two B: That's two. And, then what's after that? (pause) Boxing Day D: Wrestling Day B: Wrestl..get out! D: Boxing Day, yeah, yeah. B: That's three. Then, what's after that? Nothin'! D: New Year's! B: Four and what's... D: New Year's Eve? B: That's five. Where do ya get twelve? D: Uh, there's two Saturdays and Sundays in there; that's four. So, that's nine. And three other days which, I believe, are the "mystery" days. (Music starts) B: OK, this our Christmas song, just in case you don't know what to get someone for Christmas. D: There's lots of ideas in here, so listen and don't get stuck! (organ starts) By the way, that's ME on the organ. B: Oh, geez. D: You start... B: OK... On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, A beer. D: On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Two turtle-necks B: And a beer. On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Three French toast D: Two turtle-necks B: And a beer. D: There should be more there, eh? B: Where? Oh, go! D: Fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Four pounds of back-bacon B: Three French toast D: Two turtle-necks B: And a beer. D: ...in a tree. See, you need more. B: Oh..fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Five golden tooks, D: Four pound of back-bacon B: Three French toast D: Two turtle necks B: And a beer...where? D: (with Bob) In a tree. B: OK, on the sixth...oo, go! D: ..Christmas, my true love gave to me, C: Six... D: Six packs of two-four B & C: Five golden tooks C: Four... D: Four pounds of back-bacon C: Three... B: Three French toast C: Two... D: Two turtle-necks C: And a beeeeeeeeer... B: And a beer (with Doug) in a tree. OK. On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Seven pack of smokes, C: Nice gift! D: Nice gift. Oh...six packs of two-four B & C: Five golden tooks. C: Four... D: Four pounds of back-bacon C: Three... B: Three French toast C: Two... D: Two turtle-necks C: And a beeeeeeeeer... B: And a beer (with Doug) in a tree. Keep forgetting. D: Whew! This should just be the "Two Days of Christmas"; it's too hard for us! Go, hoser. B & D: On the eighth day of Christmas, may true love gave to me, D: Eight comic books (Chorus repeats right behind them, though one behind) B & D: Seven packs of smokes Six pack of two-four B: Five... C: (catches up) Five golden tooks Four pounds of back-bacon Three French toast Two turtle-necks ALL: And a beer... B & D: On my tree. B: Yeah, that beer is empty. OK, day, um... C: TWELVE! B: Twelve! D: Good day, and welcome to day twelve.. (Chorus starts up and Bob and Doug join in) ALL: Five golden tooks Four pounds of back-bacon, Three French toast Two turtle-necks And a beer in a treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! D: Where'd you learn to do that? B: Um, albums. D: So, like, that's our song. Merry Christmas... B: Merry Christmas! D: And good day! B: Good day! Ha-happy New Year, too. D: Shhh! B: OK, you know what you left out? D: What? B: Donuts! D: Oh, no! B: I told you to get donuts. Either on the ninth day, or the tenth day or the eleventh day, but I want donuts! D: OK, the song's over! Merry Christmas, everybody! B: ...or, on the twelfth day, you could've got me a DOZEN donuts... D: So,..go out to the stores and get some presents! B: You could've gone down, to, like, the good donut shops where you buy a dozen, you get another one free, and then it'd be thirteen for the "Thirteen Days of Christmas"! D: Next Christmas, you can get me a chain-saw! B: Take off! (As music fades:) D: Boy, that song was a beauty. It...it moved me. B: Yeah, I think it ranks up there with "Stairway to Heaven". D: What?
  20. Go into the VI Properties>Window appearence>Customize>(disable: allow run-time shortcut menus)
  21. I'm using 5.06. I don't remember how to do it in v2.26. I know you can do it though. From the website it looks like your version is not supported anymore.
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