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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Of course... If Mark, Michael, Philippe, Ashish, Jim and Norm are there, you have to be there too...
  2. There's not much I can do for you in regard to this. It's too bad you didn't leave better documentation. Hmm, this is new information, your original post didn't indicate that, in fact it sounded like it was all you. If you are not a programmer and cannot decifer the GWBASIC code then there lies the proble. Perhaps others can help, unfortunatly this is above and beyond where I draw the line on my help. If you are in the northern California area, you can contact my employer: http://jameskring.com and we can arrange an on-site visit. Again, new information not given before. If you can't communicate to the test set using Procomm then of course, LabVIEW will not either. I guess you better roll-up your sleeves, you gotta lot of work to do. I have no clue, without seeing your setup what might be the problem. It also sounds like there is little to no documentation. Again, I'm sorry I can't be more help but there are 4000 other registered board members that may have some idea.
  3. http://www.measurementcomputing.com/mstudio.html
  4. Grab handle and hotspot is missing on resizable panels.
  5. Would this inlining tool be run before you execute the VI, or is this something you would run before building an executable?The problem with creating an inlining tool is that the result would not be reversable unless you could use a rollback mechanism of some sort. So it would probably only be used for a final executable build where you wouldn't care about reversing this action.
  6. This was written about 2 years ago in the context of LV7 so it is not wrong. Also, more people than NI wants to admit are still using LV7 so this is still a very usefull article. It would be great if you could write an addendum describing your experiences with this new feature addition in LV8 and I will include it in the original article.
  7. You cannot change the control with scripting of an executing VI. Scripting only operates on idle VI's (not running or reserved for running). There are many other ways to do this without using scripting. I'm moving this post to the UI forum.
  8. Ok, so I'm not so hip. Can someone tell me what jpdrolet's avatar is suppose to be?
  9. This seems like a pretty straight forward project. The fact that you are the original designer should make things a lot easier. I could probably solve this problem for you and write all the software and design\build your hardware interfaces, but I assume you want to do all that yourself right? If that's the case then I would suggest you do some Googling around. There are some ethernet and usb "interfaces on a chip" that you could probably purchase that would do the trick. If you want to make it easier you could probably use a USB to serial dongle. As far as the LabVIEW, try opening up your examples. There are several serial examples that could get you started. I would suggest you try to communicate with your exisitng hardware through the rs232 first and make sure that works before you upgrade to USB or ethernet. So... please try a few things out and if you get stuck come on over and we'll try and help you out.
  10. TERRY?!! Ti kanies megale? How are you? Long time no hear. Are you gonna be at NIWeek this year?
  11. If you place a 1msec wait function inside the loop, does this change the frequency? Does it go faster or slower?
  12. What would be the benefit? Why not just buy a card or some other PC hardware that talks 1553? What are you trying to do with this device? Test it?
  13. I'm sure we will see a spike during NIWeek, when we all start googling it to find where to get it around Austin.
  14. Well, ya. You don't want to create fields. You want to create records (rows instead of columns). You probably only need 4 fields. Primary Key (autoincrement), Testrecord key (Tbldata entry key), Timestamp (if available) and datapoint value.
  15. What does NI tech. support have to say about it?
  16. What are you trying to time? If you need more precision down to <1ms, you need to switch to a real-time target. I'm not sure I understand the reason.
  17. So I was curious to see what the top search term was and so I tried to compare terms. So far and can't seem to find a term that beats "sex". I guess you just can't beat sex.
  18. I'm not sure you're using PK in the right context. PK stands for Primary Key. I don't see how you can have data in there.
  19. No oppologies required really. Everyone can feel however they want. They can also post to whatever website they want. I think this point is obvious but I'm just stating it so people don't feel they owe me something. I do what I do because I love doing it. Members come and go, even though lately when members join, they tend to stay. That's a good sign I guess. You, as members should do what YOU do for whatever reason makes you feel good inside.Peace!
  20. WMassey, just needed to relink a hundred VI's and I did a LAVA search and found this thread. Good work to all! This is what LAVA is all about :thumbup:
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