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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Listen carefully as the sound of the motorbike gets closer then... <embed style="width: 400px; height: 326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-7437979581910751050&hl=en"> Also look at how quick the guy gets up to start swearing at the driver. Apparently she drove through a red light...
  2. Yes, I HATE those ads! I love this one:<br> <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk15iIkKofc"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk15iIkKofc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> <br>I also like the Linux sidekick guy. Well done.
  3. Pretty cool!!
  4. So I guess the answer is 100% Yes, but that's not my fault. It's a limitation in the polling system.
  5. Here is a revised poll to reflect the recent release of LV8.20
  6. Dude! the Autotool is my favorite LabVIEW enhancement. I always lock it on. Can't live without it. Now with the Aristos tip, it's even better!
  7. Where have you been?http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=modu...=si&img=813
  8. Yes, and isn't it interesting to see (in the X-Files) how much the US looks like British Columbia? The series was was filmed primarily in Vancouver and the surrounding areas.
  9. The CIA perhaps as an intelligence organization, but the FBI (as a US federal body) does not have jurisdiction in other countries. In other words, it would be like a New York cop flying to Berne and arresting a robber.Having lived on both sides of the border, i can tell you there are lot's of reasons that the FBI would love to be able to walk on over to Canada and perform arrests (lax Canadian marijuanna laws for example), but just can't. I've seen other movies where this has happened. It seems that whenever american law enforcement want to fight crime in Canada, the borders magically dissapear. In Die Hard: With a Vengeance the bad guys are chased by the US police over the border and the chase continues into Canada without skipping a beat. :laugh:
  10. Just finished watching the movie flightplan. Yes, believe it or not... I have a life. What struck me as odd, was to see the FBI in Canada! I'm sure it would seem just as odd for an american to see the RCMP on US soil. After the movie, I did a search to confirm what I already knew was true: To quote moviemistakes.com: I know it's "just a movie" but errors this blatant look so bad on the filmakers, and gives false information to an unsuspecting viewer.
  11. Booth Babes
  12. Todd, Have you seen this thread? http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?showtopic=2165 I'm not sure if it covers your problem but there is a lot of info in there.
  13. Here is a link to a document describing the decisions made in the current implementation of OOP released in LabVIEW version 8.20. LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming: The Decisions Behind the Design I've also attached a PDF version. Download File:post-2-1155627547.pdf
  14. Here's a video showing the Tribot in action. Download File:post-2-1155538350.avi
  15. Well, Thanks all for the support and the love...
  16. http://lavag.org/niweekcam/
  17. Not so much a mistake. The Beta 8.20 has closed and it will be shipping soon. They are using it here at NIWeek already.
  18. Well, I picked up my mindstorms and it's here with me at NIWeek.
  19. Here's an interesting article on the marketing side of programmable construction toys (mindstorms). http://www.techuser.net/lego2.html
  20. Crelf is in charge of that area and he's already been made aware of the submission. He won't be at niweek so he will get it approved.
  21. Damn, I wish I had know earlier so I could get it and bring one to NIWeek. Oh well, it will have to wait until I return. I wonder if they'll be selling them at the show.
  22. From my experience in developing projects, being gone for 5 days doesn't really make a difference in the long term success of a project. My guess is you're not just 5 days behind schedule. It actually might help to take a break, step back and evaluate the situation. Taking off for 5 days however might leave the client wondering if your company is taking the project seriously. It's more of a public relations issue than actually getting work done. I've been at an employer where all personal improvement activities such as conferences and seminars where cut-off because projects were behind schedule. In retrospect it turned out that all projects were always behind schedule. No matter how much you push, projects get done when they get done, no sooner.
  23. This could be a little tricky because the enum control doesn't have an equivalent selector object. It only has an increment decrement. The selector equivalent is the entire text field. Pasting a down arrow there will replace the text field and is messy. I would suggest, instead to decouple the GUI requirements from the diagram data requirements as indicated in the image. This way you can use whatever you like as a control and still get the benefits of enum datatypes on the diagram.
  24. I actually like flat buttons that raise when you hover over them. Only available in LV8 though.
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