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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Remove VI - Unloads the VI in the subpanel control. If no references to the VI remain, LabVIEW removes the VI from memory. If references to the VI remain and the VI stays in memory, this method does not change the state of the VI. Thanks Jim for pointing that out. There were other things going on in my project that was causing the VI to abort so It wasn't the remove panel method. That's what happens when you're debugging at 3am. :cry:
  2. Ya but if the subpanel is closed already, it generates an error. I guess i should turn off that pesky internal autoerror dialog...
  3. Someone from NI sent me this: This could be the answer since I DO have German environment settings enabled on my computer. However, I was definitly in English mode when this happened. Maybe LV picked the wrong setting on startup?
  4. When using subpaneled VI's the need always arises to send a message to it telling the subpaneled VI to stop execution. This apparently is not required when you run the "remove VI" method. Labview automaticaly aborts execution of the subpaneled vi. This might be a problem if you wan the subpaneled vi to exit gracefully. I guess you could send a message via a queue mechanism but if you run the "remove VI" method after that, there is no way to know for sure if the subpaneld Vi has finished execution. Any suggestions to perform synchronization? It would be nice to have the "remove VI" method contain a switch that you could set to have it "wait until vi completes".
  5. I'm in a situation where I want to probe a subpaneled VI while it's running. While the subpaneled VI is idle, I probe it and run the calling VI. I get the message: Error 1144 occurred at Invoke Node in ...Possible reason(s):LabVIEW: Cannot insert VI in a subpanel control because VI is already open. Doh! Oh well. I then decide to probe the diagram after the Vi has been subpaneled. This seems to work provided you have acces to the diagram. You can do this if you have the vi on the diagram of another VI and then ctrl+dbl-click the icon. This takes you to the diagram. Does anyone know of a better way to initiate a probing session on a subpaneled VI?
  6. I constantly have the need to see if my loop is running. I end up having to stop the vi and wire a small connection from the loop iteration terminal to the wall of the for or while loop. I can then probe the wire to see the iteration counts. It would be nice to have this built-in. All I would have to do is right-click on the node and select probe.
  7. That's interesting, it's not in my full version... Anyone else to confirm this? Since we're on the topic of hiding controls. I think I found a related bug that will cause other problems. You can create a strict-type control, save it, and then place it on the diagram. Now if you goto the diagram you can right-click on the strict-type control and select>advanced>hide control. You will see that the control cannot be hidden, it is still there but you cannot select it or right-click on it either. The image is there only...
  8. I think NI anticipated that subpanels should not be hidden from a right-click option because it is NOT there. They can be hidden via a property node though. I wonder if this is intentional... It wouldn't be too hard to build a utility that would reveal all hidden subpanels if they exist. It would be nice to have a utility that would list all the hidden objects and then you could selectivly perform actions on them. Once an object has been selected from a list, you could run a subvi in your utility to reveal it (or do other stuff on it). Here's some code to display a visible subpanel.
  9. I guess a nice feature to have would be a "show hidden objects" switch available from the menu. Then the objects would appear in a different color to indicate that they are actually hidden (greyed out?).
  10. Well, I got it working. Apparently NI changed the default action for the options input on the "open VI reference" function. Previously you could leave the Options input unwired and LV would instantiate a VI from a template if the template was NOT already In memory. If it was in memory then it would just open a reference to the actual template. In LV7 you have to specify the options bit set in one mode or another. Otherwise it will error out if you try to open a reference to a template vi and it is always in memory. You have to specify: 0x02 | Open templates for editing. Another little thing to watch for when migrating to LV7. :wink:
  11. Strange, I exited LV and then restarted. The undo shortcut works fine now... Strange.
  12. Hey, I'm not sure if it's my setup or something but the shortcut keys ctrl+z (undo) have been swapped with ctrl+Y (VI revision history)... Oh Boy...
  13. Just want to let everyone know of a change in the way template VI's are instantiated. I got this error when I ran code that used to work fine in LV61: Error 1127 occurred at Open VI Reference in Launch View Data Screen.viPossible reason(s):LabVIEW: Cannot instantiate template VI because it is already in memory. In LV61 there was no error and instead of instantating the new vi from the template it would just call the template VI and run it. This is not an issue in a built application but is tedious during development since you cannot test with the actual template in your hierarchy. Yet another minor change to live with I guess.
  14. When you have the automatic tool selection enabled and a VI is running, how can you quickly see the diagram of a sub-vi? Pressing ctrl ket switches to break-point placement.
  15. Does anyone know of a way to do a "find wire" command by right-clicking on a custom LabVIEW 7 probe? Apparently you can only do this for the old style probes.
  16. Does anyone have some suggestions for how one would go about measuring the thickness of Ice? This would be ice that is covering a hard surface and it would be several inches thick. Accuracy down to a mm is required?
  17. LV7 introduces dynamic events. I have experimented in certain applications with the use of dynamic events to replace or compliment queues. Has anyone else done the same? Specificaly, I would prefer to use dynamic events in the same or similar fashion as queues. I would like to get a dynamic event refnum by name if possible. I would also like to use them outside of the event structure construct. I'm presently trying to see how dynamic events fit-in if at all to the present architecture of large application development. Any help or suggestions from personal experimentations is appreaciated.
  18. LabVIEW 7 was released today. Many of the new features were requested user items. Has NI got it right? Are these the features you had requested as advanced developers? The wish lists for the last 2 NIWEEK shows have been attached. We will compile a new list to submit to this years NIweek 2003. I would like you to review the previous lists and submit any suggestions to this thread. This way we can avoid duplication. The previous wish lists were a collection of enhancements recommended by the Northern California LAVA group. This time, it would be great to update this list and remove the items already included in LV7. It would also be good to have all 3 LAVA groups collaborate on this new document. Please review the lists and submit any comments you have here. Download File:post-14-1073112163.zip
  19. You can use a local as indicated by the other poster, or you can use a constant on the diagram. Michael
  20. We are looking into doing Live webcasting of our LAVA meetings in the three locations presently active, California and Ontario. Is there interest in this? This would require a high speed connection and possible some other hardware requirements. This would allow people to "virtualy" attend from far way. There would also be the possibility of chat during the meeting. Would you be interested in this? Michael Aivaliotis
  21. Interesting, what media types are supported? I tried running mp3 files and it worked great, does it support anything else? Michael Aivaliotis
  22. Well, I found a VI that will allow you to do DDE communications between LV and msaccess. This VI will run a macro in Access. I've attached it. I also have a VI attached that does the same but using ActiveX. I wasn't able to test this vi successfully on my own computer since my version of Access is corrupt for reasons I won't get into... Good Luck, Let me know if this works. Michael Aivaliotis. Download File:post-10-1073100098.zip
  23. Well, its seems that a native treeview control may be in the works for a future version of LV as was hinted on info-labview. If you can't wait that long then you will notice that a modified multicolumn listbox exists in LV that will give some similer functionality. Below is an excerpt from some posts on info-labview on how this control works and how to get it: Enjoy Michael Aivaliotis
  24. Jeff, I asked around and I got the following response: For each data member, you will need a unique URL. There is not a way to bundle them into one URL. Randy Hoskin Applications Engineer National Instruments Sorry, Michael Aivaliotis
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