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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I'm not sure of what the problem is. However, I upgraded many components on the site over the past few days. It's possible that one of the upgrades changed the behavior of this. Lets monitor this for a week or so to see how it really works.

    One thing I noticed is that if you set the menu at the bottom right to "today", and click "GO" it shows only todays posts. However it doesn't keep this after you close your browser and come back.

    Another thing I noticed is that as long as you are logged in (and keep yourself logged in), you will see the bahavior you describe. Then the only indication of new posts is the tiny orange squares. However if you log off (by clicking the log off button), you reset this and then you list will be empty when you log back in.

  2. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Mar 13 2008, 05:19 AM)

    Is there a way to make all the GUI galleries accessible from one place? Right now it looks like each one is just a personal gallery of the user who created it. That means, for instance, that Israel CarriĆ³n's gallery and Carlos Calderon's gallery are totally separate, and if you're looking at one of them there's no indication the other one even exists. (Case in point: those are the only two I know about. Are there others?)

    We could create a LabVIEW GUI category and them all placed there.

  3. If you currently do a search for the keyword "LabVIEW" on Google, you will notice that the LabVIEW Wiki is on the first page of the search results. It is on the bottom of the list, but it's there! This is very cool. This means that more eyes will be looking at the Wiki in the future which means it is more important than ever to make sure it has relevant and comprehensive content.

    In the past, I've tried to add some fun pages to the Wiki to try and get involvement. One area which I think we have vested interest in is the LabVIEW Ecosystem. The Forums page is empty, can someone fill this in? Also, I've always wanted to have a History of LabVIEW page. Any volunteers? There are many more pages that are missing like (as someone mentioned on Info-LV), list of LabVIEW Books etc.

    Let's make 2008 the year of the big push to get more content on the Wiki than ever before.

  4. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now while doing this draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it.

  5. QUOTE(Chris Davis @ Jan 27 2008, 06:34 PM)

    check out www.nxtprograms.com, its a great site that I found through Michael's blog (vishots.com) and I've been working the robots on the site with my 6 year old.


    I have to agree. This is the best (hands down) site out there for young kids. My son is 9 and he goes on there all by himself. After a few hours he emerges with "hey look at what I built!". The instructions are perfect and detailed. The code is right there so you just click on the link, it opens in NXT G and you just run it, done!

    PS. people actually read my blog? Thanks!

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