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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I'm using my own installer builder for my LabVIEW app. I now want to include some NI drivers. What is the best approach? I don't want to use the NI installer builder.

    I've seen this here, but not sure if the output of this can be called from my 3rd party installer builder. What have others done?


  2. On 2/15/2022 at 12:48 PM, Gribo said:

    Anecdotal evidence, I know, but here  (Toronto, Canada) The number of open LabVIEW developer positions is practically 0.

    I worked in Toronto for many years in the past and can tell you that this is nothing new. The "market" for LabVIEW in that area is not very strong. I don't know why, but it's always been like that. There are definitely LabVIEW "Hubs", where there are more opportunities. It also highly depends on if there is a concentration of companies that use LabVIEW in one area. For example, the SF Bay Area where I am now has many job opportunities. LabVIEW users\developers knowledgeable with the language jump from company to company spreading the word. What makes LabVIEW grow is the same as it was from inception. Someone falls in love with the language and becomes an evangelist that then carries the torch and spreads the word. NIWeek was definitely the "church", where we brought others to hear the "good word". Whether we like it or not, my friends, this is a religion...

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  3. I would use a PXI chassis with an NI embedded controller. However, you need to decide if you get a Linux controller to run LabVIEW Real-Time or Windows. It depends on what you want to do. It sounds like you have some power in the decision-making, so I would look at what the final outcome should be and work your way back from that. If existing components can be used, fine, but don't be married to them. Sometimes creating the glue that sticks old stuff together is a headache. Question what the issues are with the current system and see how things can be improved or automated to save time and operator errors. At the end of the day, if you are responsible for the outcome then you want to put your best foot forward. Let someone else higher up slash your budget if they have to but do a proper design. If everything works, nobody will question your decision, but if it fails, then you will have to justify why you cut corners and didn't go for the better solution.

    As far as licensing, get what is most cost-effective for your team, assuming more than one person will be developing with LabVIEW. You don't need a full LabVIEW license if you are running an executable or doing Real-Time. But of course you probably know that already.

    I've worked in Aerospace, Semiconductor and a multitude of other industries about the same amount of time as you.

  4. Yes, empty string is invalid JSON, but so could be malformed text, which is more serious than an empty string which could imply reading a non-existent JSON item.

    How should I handle reading JSON files where data elements are missing? I like having the default data input so if an item is missing, it returns the default, of course. But now I have to write special code for every node. What is the best practice when using this toolkit for this use-case?

    I guess I could create custom wrappers. But I wanted to avoid the extra work for something that's common.

    Am I using it wrong?

  5. I use a third-party MSI builder and not the built-in NI installer builder. I want to include the latest MSI LabVIEW runtime installer. I looked through: C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\MDF\ProductCache but couldn't definitely determine the correct files to use. I used the NI installer builder as a guide to determine the dependancies.


    I know the LabVIEW runtime is also available as an nipkg file. is that the better way to go? If someone can suggest any other solution that would help, I appreciate it.

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