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Everything posted by patleb

  1. I figured it out... used to programing in 2009 and it does not have this option.
  2. Not only has Christina's blog moved there are no results when I search for linked tunnels.
  3. While were on the linked input tunnel subject, Why is the linked input tunnel option for the tunnel I've created on the output side of a case structure greyed out?
  4. Over 31000 scientists and engineers are skeptical global warming: www.petitionproject.org
  5. I have a PXIe 8133 that tests about 88MBps for read and write speeds and a PXI 8106 that tests at about 33MBps
  6. Hey! The link above NI PXI racks have pretty crappy hard drives as standard I would benchmark it with these http://zone.ni.com/d...a/epd/p/id/5348 References code writen in LabVIEW 8.0. When I try this with LV 2012 it can't find the file I/O vi. Does this file I/O vi need to open the file in non-buffered mode? And if so what vi must be substituted? Thanks Also using a PXIe with windows 7, is the file i/o compatable.
  7. Thanks again, beginning to see more clearly.
  8. I followed the steps closely and went back and checked them again. I am having trouble on step 14 page 15. Also I do not see an Update.vi in the actor.lvclass which I believe is the parent method. Hey thanks for the help I noticed the inheritance comes down through the timed loop and the update,vi there was not saved as dynamic dispatch. It fixed it.
  9. Sorry aboutr that I sent the wrong link. Here is a link to the zip file. https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-23893 I am working on the exercise project in the zip file. https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-23893
  10. I have been working on a tutorial named Hands on actor framework where the project was created for you. There is a pdf file that walks you through creating functionality but there seems to be problems. I am trying to add control logic for the process and control values in the level controller .lvclass. https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-17193 in this project I don't see a parent update.vi for level controller.lvclass.
  11. New to Actor Framework I am trying to create an Update.vi for a lvclass but when I rt clk the lvclass select new> VI for Override... Update.vi Update.vi does not appear in the menu
  12. Finally got some time to work on this. As it turned out it was most effieient to use VISA to do the GPIB interface. The HP GPIB hardware is 488.2.
  13. I have a PXI controller and am trying to interface to an old HP computer which runs HP basic. I can write to a common printer but with both the HP computer and the PXI controller being the system controller I can see the HP GPIB address but cannot respond to it neither will the HP computer respond to the PXI controller. With the PXI controller not the system controller I do not see the GPIB address of the HP computer nor can the PXI controller receive commands. The goal is for the HP computer to be the system controller and have the PXI controller receive commands and respond with data when requested. I have used VISA and GPIB vis. In VISA I can at least write to the printer. Using GPIB commands I have not been able to receive anything from the HP computer nor can I write to the printer. I have another application where the PXI controller is the system controller on the GPIB bus and a different device responds to commands from the PXI using VISA. Anyone have any experience interfacing to old HP computers?
  14. I know I have done something similar to this using ni-fgen vi's. There is an example in the example finder called Fgen Arb Waeform Streaming.vi. This vi is made for use with a PXI 5421 but could be modified to be used with another device. If you notie after the initiate generation vi there is a while loop that keep tracks of the blocks written until the stop is executed. I beleive I have done something similar using a USB analog I/O device. Let me know if this helps. pat
  15. kinda late with this. I have been using the PXI backplane triggers for years, primarily the RTSI triggers. I have a 6652 timing generator which works great for sending triggers to an AWG and digitizer especially if you need periodic triggers. Very accurate and makes life better. There have been times when an accurate trigger is needed but only one time or just occasionally. In this case I have set up software triggers that send a trigger for example the 5412 AWG can send a trigger for the 5922 digitizer again using the RTSI backplane trigger. pat
  16. I use PXI 1045 all day much of the time. The 8106 controller only has one monitor output but I'm not whining. I'ts just not that difficult to remember where you differnet windows are. Sounds like some of you are really spoiled.
  17. good Todd pat
  18. I have a good DSP book, about a thousand pages and many of these ideas are not mentioned.
  19. I have used many FFT, convolution, crosscorrelation... vis and have produced excelent results. Mainly I use a PXI 1045 with PXI 5412 AWG, PXI 5922 Digitizer with other modules including timing module. Since I work with signals below 1MHZ this system has been great. However I have the feeling I am just scratching the surface using DSP tools in LabVIEW. There is much in the Time Frequency Analysis-Spectrogram-Feature Extraction-JTFA-Gabor transforms etc that I really have no experience with. I am looking for good information on using these tools. There are some helpful examples at the NI website and in LabVIEW but there is not enough informaton for me to get a grip on using these tools efficiently.
  20. I have been doing signal processing for over 4 years and finding it is quite powerfull. I am looking for resources for apply more advanced concepts. pat
  21. I have been using a Developers Suite for quite some time and have found some of the VI's in the signal processing tool kit very helpful. I am not involved in video processing at this point; lots of underwater acoustics. There are many VI's I have not used and there are limited examples in many cases. I have not found current resources that discuss DSP applications for most of the Vi's. What resorces are available? Thanks. pat
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