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  1. Hi. I have 1 temperature sensor (DS18B20) connected to USB - serial COM5. DS9097E is correctly detected by Maxim's software. I modified the config file as follows: [1-Wire] PortType=DS9097E PortType possible values=DS9097E, DS1410E, DS9097U or DS9480, DS9490R or DS9490B PortNumber=5 EnhancedOptions=Not use EnhancedOptions possible values=Not use, SESSION_INFINITE, SESSION_RSRC_RELEASE, SESSION_NO_FORCE_REG_SPD I changed the all the nodes to winapi call mode and the error was gone. Now I have another problem: the "find devices" does not find anything and I have this strange error: Where can I look and what should I look for? Also, I can't seem to find a VI for temperature reading. Is it because there none or because I didn't look carefully enough? PS - Another detail: With program "digitemp.exe" (can find it in https://usbtemp.com/) everything works correctly, so I am sure there is no problem with hardware.
  2. Hello Benoit. I get error 1507 when running the demo. What could be wrong with DLL's? (I am using the lvlib from a project)
  3. Not arguing, just learning (always learning). Excellent implementation, btw!
  4. Exactly, but I find it difficult to 'split' the figure into rectangles. What I thought of is to split it into triangles, of which one vertex is the center of mass of the figure itself. (good old romans already did that!)
  5. Accurate: not a problem. It depends on how many (x,y) points i have, so I can control that beforehand. Floodfill: I am not working with images/pixels. (x,y) are actual floating point values in a measurement space. This is green theorem (which in turn is a particular case of Kelvin-Stokes) but I can't seem to find anything in LV help.
  6. Hi there. I need to compute the area within a closed shape (on XY plane) defined by an array of XY points (XY graph). Can't find anything for labview related to this. (not using Vision, of course) "splitting" the curve in two halves, integrating both along the diving (straight ) line and subtracting the resulting areas does not always yield a correct result because the shape may not always perfectly regular (check picture). Any suggestions?
  7. Thanks, I had seen that too. Not that it is technically difficult, it's just quite long...
  8. As many may know, Q-DAS has established a de-facto standard for statistical quality control data exchange (files .dfq, .dfx., .dfd) Is there, somewhere, a vi to write data to file in this fomat? Cheers
  9. Hello all. I need to deploy an application that uses an USB DAQ device. The customers are not NI/LabView savvy, so NIDAQmx installation must be pre-defined and "silent", i.e., requiring no user interaction at all (I have already created a specfile for that). Now the questions: 1)when creating the application installer in the project, how do I specify to install NIDAQmx with a specfile and other options? 2)can NIDAQmx be installed by a computer user without admin previleges(I am deploying version 8.9.5) ? Thanks. G.
  10. As ShaunR pointed out, 20000 points are too much to display - simply there are no monitors with that many pixels. Furthermore, the human eye will see as continuous anything refreshed faster than 16 Hz, so it's pointless to update the display at any faster rate than that - it's simply a waste of time and valuable computer resources. Except for very display sensitive applications (multi-media, simulation and very few others) simply just use the most practical method to display for your case (refs, sub-panels, queues, globals, functional globals, etc., it depends on what you're doing and how), decimate data AND updated displays only every 60 msec - 50 if you really cannot settle for less - but even 100 msec should be enough.
  11. How else can a chunk of data be "tied" to a piece of hardware? In that data there must be "something" specific of that hardware, that does not change with platform, with OS and cannot be easily tweaked by a smart user... Of course they will not tell!... although secrecy is the worst method for security. Sooner or later (usually sooner) that information leaks out and for all those relying on it it's "duck open season".
  12. Not quite what I'm looking for. The idea is to turn common USB flash drives into security dongles. I've seen some discussions and some code samples around. I just haven't yet had the time to look into it. And someone else is already doing it: http://www.alkonost.com/antiduplicate/ G.
  13. Super!!! Thanks. If you happen to dig it up again, pls drop a line! Thanks again. G.
  14. Not fool-proof is exactly the problem. However the API is quite interesting. Any chance you have a pre-2009 version lying around? (8.x would be nice!0 Tha is also prone to change. I need to get the HW serial number from the chip. I have seen posts about it and some talk about example code, that's why I thought someone in the LV sphere could have already done it. G.
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