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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Another mind breaker. NI has allowed drag and drop of filenames on path controls from external applications. This does not work if the path is in a XControl. Does anyone know how to achieve this in G. Ton
  2. OK, found, if the linkage is not OK the Xnode will not drop. Ton PS Michael could you move this to the Rusty Nails Xnode forum?
  3. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Jul 19 2007, 12:39 PM) I was using the Xnodes from the CR That might be the source of the error. Ton
  4. Drag and drop of an Xnode from the project or a file browser into the BD of a VI doesn't work. It is unsupported but should work. Ton
  5. The keyboard is your friend! Normally I just hit the first letter of the control I want to check! Works most of the time. Ton
  6. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Jul 18 2007, 12:55 PM) Thanks, the Builds VI calls this VI: \resource\Framework\Providers\API\mxLvGenerateGuid.vi which I suspect to be available on other platforms as well. Ton
  7. Does anyone have a GUID creator in LabVIEW? I know this is a bit lazy, but hey? Ton
  8. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Jul 17 2007, 08:43 PM) There's quite a discussion with an interisting link why to kill the legacy serial IO Ton
  9. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Jul 17 2007, 04:25 PM) Hi Eugen, I am currently working on an XControl for the CR covering this, only have to finish.... If your interested you can beta-test. Ton
  10. Well what happens is expected. You should start reading after Save has been hit. Ton
  11. QUOTE(Pandiarajan @ Jul 17 2007, 06:08 AM) That's quite easy (and new to me as well), but (at least in 8.2) there's a filter event "Edit Cell?" and a normal event "Edit Cell". These are triggered as soon as the user hit's enter to finish the edit. Ton
  12. I usually have a cluster inside the state that consits of a string and a Variant. When a method is fired it places a string-command in the string part. The [wiki]XControl#Display_State_Change[/wiki] checks for those commands. It is a known issue with LV 8.0 and 8.2 that XControls can miss calls. Theres not really a good way to time that. What is the time you have to use to get it properly working? Ton
  13. QUOTE(anor @ Jul 16 2007, 02:05 PM) I think it is time to show the code you use, or better unwrap your express VI into a normal one and study it. Also study [wiki]Data Flow[/wiki]. Ton
  14. I'm sorry to disappoint you but you don't edit the tag, just the first string of the table. Add an indicator to the active tag output of the event node Ton
  15. QUOTE(superslug @ Jul 16 2007, 05:20 AM) On Windows the only available volume is 'Windows Volume' Ton
  16. Hi I don't think it it neccesary to use the DAQmx property node I've never used it. I suppose your calculation takes longer than 1/4 of a second that's why you get the error. Normally I just read all the samples (-1). It is very unlikely to get an error that way. What else is in your while loop? Ton
  17. QUOTE(ptit bras @ Jul 10 2007, 03:30 PM) set it to false, and the outside world will not know about any change in the XControl Data-value, and the next run will have the old value. Ton
  18. QUOTE(ptit bras @ Jul 10 2007, 02:59 PM) uhm, could you show? Ton
  19. QUOTE(jaegen @ Jul 9 2007, 09:02 PM) I don't think that's a bug, I think it is by design. You are sure that the 'Data Change' is only fired if: Different data is written A value signalling is generated Notify that condition 1 is also applied if a value property or local variable is used. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jul 10 2007, 11:21 AM) I think this is a bug. I tried to simplify the example and I removed the drag enter events on the DD_Main.vi. It still locked up. Also, I tried to simplify even more... I removed drag enter event from the Facade and I only used Drag Drop. I could now see the data name (without lockup) but when I probe the get drag drop data function error out, I see error: I would report this to NI for sure. I think this has to do with the different application instances the 'drag' and 'drop' work in and I doubt that it can work anyway. Ton
  20. QUOTE(jccorreu @ Jul 9 2007, 05:29 PM) That's a VI property: See under VI properties (ctrl-I), execution->Enable Automatic Error Handling QUOTE(jccorreu @ Jul 9 2007, 05:29 PM) The error was 1055 invaild reference. So I created a looop to take out all the not-a-refnum-constants from my arrays. Now it works just fine. So then will someone explain the not-a-refnum-constant a little more in depth for me? I thought it could be used as a place hold that would be ingored. At first I thought that it wouldn't even be put into the arrays as I was building them. That would be the most effiecient way of doing what I was trying originally, is to simply put nothing into the array where I am putting not-a-refnum-constant. Maybe you should have used a control reference constant instead of 'Not-a-refnum' Ton
  21. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Jul 9 2007, 04:01 PM) Well I saw an error from the 'Register for events' so I don't think that's the problem. I haven't studied it so I don't know an answer. Ton
  22. It sounds like you record one point in every cycle for every direction? If that's true use the Point-by-Point VIs and esp. Mean ptbp use for every direction another VI (not in a for loop!) Another pointer: Lose the .csv file, and get some real action: TDMS is your friend! Use a time channel to log the moment of the measurement, and for every direction a measurement + average channel. Ton
  23. One thing to add, make sure the '(Un) flatten to/from string' functions are in the same LabVIEW version. Variants have been known to change from version to version, most of the time a compatibility mode is available (see in 8.x the 'Unflatten from string' right click) Ton
  24. Hi Pandiarajan, I didn't know you could edit 'tags' of a tree. So I need to see the code give a meaningfull answer. Could you post some? Ton
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