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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Hi Steve, You have to make sure WHAT the variant is holding. You could just probe it and the probe would show what data it holds. To get a better feeling, convert the variant to a string if this string is 4 characters width you're having a handle, otherwise you'll have some data. You'll have to dig the ActiveX component to find out what is going on. Ton
  2. Hi Steve, I'm not fully positive it is possible, but there are two options: I've done something with Outlook, but you'll need some ActiveX component to get or edit the data. A have an ActiveX component edit the data, you'll have to convert the variant to the proper type. B Have an ActiveX componnet extract the data and hand it over to LabVIEW, edit the data and return it with ActiveX. To typecast the variant to the right reference you could try this (I haven't verified this but here it is: Good luck, Ton
  3. Well, NI has extended the USB driver to several extra languages including (out of memory): Dutch Chinese Polish and hopefully for rgouvasiur Portuguese [?] as well But you have to download the dll from the NI forums board! Ton
  4. Well, ActiveX is the way to go.... But it is a long and winding road, buying the toolkit is worth it's money. It give easy access to Excel and Word AND shows you how to do more interesting things.... Ton
  5. Well Didier, you can always return to those 'good ol' days'. Here in the Netherlands there is some company that almost every 2 years the domino world record attack. The down-side is you have too stay for weeks in small vacation homes with low wages, but than you get something... Domino Day Send them a mail if you're interested, it would be nice to see the LV-logo morph into the LAVA-logo Ton
  6. Hi All, As we all know we must document our code... For loops I normally use the Label option. But for larger loops with more code in them I thought of the description item (tip strip is not available) I prefer the description over the free labels because they only appear if you want.... or well that is what I expected. If you hover over the while loop it will show in the context help, and not my description but the help information about the loop..... Does anyone know how to alter this? Or should this be on the bug list?? Ton
  7. Well on this one I can be clear the System section is used for creating OS-native programs. Try this create a FP with ONLY system controls and the color of the system Dialog color. Now if you run this it looks like a dialog box. Change the OS settings, you're dialog box will follow these settings. (use it or not) THe user section is to create cohesion between you're VI's. The history settings is pure laziness so you can pick fast that super duper blue shaded green color.... Ton
  8. Well cocowk, very good question for a beginner. I'm not sure how much is the difference but if you dig into the NI Forums you will find major discussions on this issue. For a quick start you could measure it yourself. Write 10000 times to a local and 10000 times to a property node and measure the time in between. Ton
  9. I was last day with a NI tech-rep and he replied that this option is added for backwards compatibility. I think you'll have to replace the polymorphic VI's by the actual subVI's. One method i can think off is to make a source distribution where you have the option activated and then reconnect the typedef.... Which of the two is the best for you is up to you.. Ton
  10. Sorry Id2x, i've stumbled upon this earlier. You could select it with the FPGA-toolkit. Ton
  11. Well Carman what is the problem? What are you trying to do? That said: You don't need the sequence structure, the data-flow will force the VI's to execute from left to right. Secondly if you get unexpected results, connect the error out of the first VI (DIG-Line) to the seconed one (group config) Also read the error status from the VI in the while loop, invert this and OR it with the switch and connect that to the loop condition (the green arrow). Now the loop will end when the VI produces an error AND the switch is false (note that you've selected continue if true, this makes the loop run if the switch is true) Stop if true is better IMHO. In that case you can OR the error state and the switch Ton
  12. This is quite a year: NI 30 LV 20 Apple 30: Apple 30 Years This one tricked me... Ton
  13. Not fixed in 801
  14. Hello All, I'm trying to store some info in a control in a VI. But I don't want to risk the 'Reintialize values to default'. So i was digging the control methods to make the current value default. I can't find it, the only 'Make current values default' item is located in the VI-class were ALL controls are saved So is this possible? and which class should I use. Moreover, how te create a new control in LV8, in LV7 I used the get contorl [sIC] from type descriptor.. but this currently returns an array with the type descpriters in it...... :thumbdown: Ton Issue 1 solved: there is a PROPERTY Default Value....
  15. I've had no problem running you're example (8.0.1), the only thing you have to remind is that you can't initialize with 'no change' setting this kills you're loop BEFORE the first run. (error -820) Ton
  16. Well today I can add an attachements.... aaahhhh who needs proxies anyway?? Ton Download File:post-2399-1142321884.vi
  17. Tested it, (at work where i can't post) and forgot to take the VI home... But the good news is, it works. You can create a new project: Use the 'new' method of the application->project class With the new reference you can do a lot of things. Only I haven't tested the creation of a build, I think this takes a LOT of settings... Together with i2dx's tool it should be very interesting, if I remember it tomorrow afternoon I wil post the code tomorrow Ton
  18. I THINK you can do it from LabVIEW, I can't check it at home, but I recall that the new VI-Server has references (with methods and properties) for Project Items. I was thinking about this since it would equalize the project settings between the different LV-programmers at our site. You should be carefull with the XML files The .lvlib files (Also coded in XML) have some binary info with them as my co-worker found out... If I get it working (Scripting Projects) I will share (some of) my code! Ton
  19. The grey colour also appears in Get Image. Additioanally, setting the background colour of stacked charts isn't reliable. I can't make them all transparent, looks like a drawing problem. The part hidden by a pop-up window (tooolbox or so) while by transparent, but an update of the panel makes it grey again. Ton I'll hope to check this today with 8.0.1
  20. Hello Daniel, an abvious? one would be a template VI with the discription with the info you edited. This would implement that for each comment you need another subVI... Another thing could be a discription added to some data, so that if you hover the corresponding wire the info pops up. both solutions give the data in the instant help window. Ton
  21. What do you mean by a null-string? A zero length string? And what type of cluster do you have. Does it include a string (where length information is stored with the data) Success Ton
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