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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE(B Chavez @ Aug 20 2007, 09:31 PM) You can open most of the point-by-point VIs. [out of my memory mode] If I recall correctly the Mean pbp.vi uses two methods, one for a fixed number of points and one for infinity. The fixed number of points uses an array that is shifted. Their is some input checking for NaN, +infinity and -infinity. Also remember that the running average is different than the arithmic mean! WikiPedia links: average Moving average [/out of my memory mode] Ton
  2. QUOTE(bbean @ Aug 20 2007, 11:22 PM) Have you checked the redraw event? Ton
  3. QUOTE(MikaelH @ Aug 21 2007, 05:16 AM) Maybe from another App.instance? Ton
  4. QUOTE(i2dx @ Aug 19 2007, 08:46 PM) Well to support by my Bavarian (which is a http://www.bavaria.nl' target="_blank">beer brand in the Netherlands) friend in the Utrecht Central station (the biggest of the Netherlands) there are at least 3 stores that sell Döner Kebab, Turkish pizza and Shoarma/Shawarma and just 1 that sells traditional fast food. And about localization when do you American step into the 21st century? Placing the month before the day of the month (when was 07/02/2002) in July or in February? Every logical thinking Human being would say February, but infortunately the software industry thinks otherwise for some reason. And please forget the AM/PM notation just use 24H! (admin are you reading? ). I don't know when we learnd to count to 24 but it was a good day! Ton
  5. QUOTE(yen @ Aug 18 2007, 09:13 PM) Yen tst, you would need a new shirt every 5/6 months! Yes, I could wear it backwards! Oh and with my Openg.org avator, I could wear it inside out. And maybe your signature of Info-labview on the shoulder part! Ton
  6. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Aug 18 2007, 05:33 AM) You could try to contact Dennis Knutson about this post. The things I've seen about VEE (which is limited) is that it's like a graphical language with too much text.... Try to get an advanced VEE programmer and do a contest (be ready to loose if the VEE user is very advanced) On the NI forums their are a lot of discussions One of the statements is that VEE-use is quite coupled to Agilent hardware One thing to notice such a comparison can only be rightly done based on a specific application. So you can search the specific items for an application (like hardware control, user interface, distributability). One thing we built with LabVIEW is a train security system on a CRIO system. After three demos (one on XP embedded, two on LabVIEW RT) we are now porting to an embedded controller by a C-programmer but if we had to do it again I would have looked at LabVIEW embedded. Ton
  7. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Aug 17 2007, 10:29 PM) One thing to notice, use different names for the source and the delivered libraries! Consider a library as a full blown product, just like an executable or dll. QUOTE My personal goal is that all VIs should be owned by either an XControl library or an LVClass library. Be aware that some parts (properties/methods/Data ability) of an XControl should be public or your code will not run. QUOTE Plain libraries should only own other libraries for packaging and distribution purposes. Be aware that trapping a library in another library will change it's name, so dynamic loading will needs to be reviewed AQ your comments are just on the spot. I have to convince a coworker to use OpenG builder to distribute our user.lib VI as libraries and have them on spot ready after an upgrade. Ton
  8. Your approach seems good, just remember you have 3 different 'events' Initialize Load From file User edit You could use one 'user event' to handle all these events, or a subvi which takes in the 'new' value and the controls name, does a check on it based on ..... (fill in your method) and outputs a valid value. Ton
  9. QUOTE(george seifert @ Aug 15 2007, 09:35 PM) We're transferring our whole measurement system into data storage with TDMS, and reporting using DIADem. I've written some VIs to tag each channel inside a TDMS with a GUID, and the GUID of it's parent. The idea is to copy this GUID if we apply any data analyses so we can trace data back. The DIADem data-mining we can easily find the measurement were the DATA originally belongs to. What do you mean by tons? If it is really a serious amount I'd look into the server edition, so you only have the data-mining database in just one place. For us DIADem has been a steep learning curve and I hope that NI will generate a toolkit to control the DIADem report functionality (analysis would seem a little but double), like the MS Office Report generating toolkit. Ton
  10. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Aug 15 2007, 02:56 AM) Another way to determine which array element was changed is XOR the old and new value! Their should be just one value true, I'm not totally sure about an array of clusters since I've never done it but it should work. Ton
  11. Here are two VIs to load a picture (icon?) into an image dat, Nice feature is that the icon of the VI represents the Image data (not very intelligent so I would advice to keep it under 32x32 pixels. One master VI and one template that is neccesary. Ton
  12. I can feel the pain of Yen his NI week costed probably the same as Wiebe's (>3000 us$)and seeing that figures I am sure I will never convince anyone (including me) to go to NI week. Having a similar (LabVIEW focused?) 3 day seminar in europe would certainly be interesting. I can see that NI week is very interesting for a Hardware/Software combo I can imagine a trip 3000 US$ for 10 interesting sessions is quite expensive. Ton
  13. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Aug 10 2007, 11:58 PM) Is it only VISA resources or also Daqmx resources? They appear to be the same to me, and I don't want to be bitten by it. Ton
  14. Here's some example code: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6603 But it's not quite optimal. Be aware that you have a serious load of data: 5 kHz*3600*9*8=1.3 GB, this will most likely not be allowed by your memory since LabVIEW needs the array in one continous block of data. So I'd try create list of pointers with the byte position of every second, this will creat an array of 8*3600=28.8 kB Ton PS update your profile it shows you use 8.2.1, but you stated 8.0.1 earlier
  15. QUOTE(Christina Rogers @ Aug 10 2007, 02:29 PM) Christine, this sounds freaky, there's a whole department for our education? Isn't LAVA enough? Ton
  16. QUOTE(Kevin P @ Aug 10 2007, 07:17 PM) use %^T (at least in 8.2), I'm not sure about 8.0 but in 8.2 this forces to use UTC time and won't be influenced by local settings QUOTE Finally, I'm mostly but not 100% entirely sure that these 1 hour discrepancies didn't show up during development, when I created and read the TDMS files on the same PC. I am quite certain that the Event times agreed with the PC clock though. As far as I'm aware there's no difference between developement and deployment, but you might want to check the app's ini file QUOTE Timestamp <--> String & Daylight Savings Questions: 1. Exactly when and how does Daylight Savings influence the timestamp? How can I store and recover this time info in a consistent way so that the times don't have these 1-hour discrepancies? Thus far, all the data in question has been both written and read during EDT. But in general, I need to handle writing in both EST and EDT and then reading on a different PC in both EST and EDT. I'd prefer a solution that can accomodate the way the data is currently written so I can avoid rolling a rev of the code. (The internal verification procedures for a code rev are far from trivial.) EDT? :question: QUOTE 2. Specifically, let's first consider converting timestamp --> string. I wire a timestamp datatype into "Format to String" using a '%T' type specifier. Let's consider the time portion of the resulting string. Will it depend on what today's date is (whether eligible for DST)? Will it depend on what date is represented by the timestamp? Or will it only depend whether one is during DST and the other isn't? For all questions, will it further matter whether Windows is set to auto-adjust for DST? (Sorry, can't test. I'm administratively locked out of changing date/time settings on my PC). Will it matter whether I'm running XP Home or XP Pro? Study the formatting codes of the timestamp! You can get every representation! I believe LabVIEW only refreshes the time data on startup. QUOTE 3. Now let's consider converting string --> timestamp. I wire the string result from the operation above into "Scan from String" using a '%T' type specifier. What things will affect the raw bits stored in the timestamp datatype? PC date within DST? Time string date within DST. Differing DST status for PC and time string date? Windows DST auto-adjust setting? Be aware you are always influenced by the representation (probes/controls whatever). Normally they will interpret the time in the local timezone with the local rules for DST QUOTE Timestamp <--> TDMS & Daylight Savings questions: Same kinds of questions as above, but in the context of wiring a timestamp datatype as an element of "channel" data into TDMS Write, and how those timestamp bits get interpreted on subsequent TDMS Reads, possibly on a different PC, possibly in a different timezone, possibly on a date whose DST status is different than the DST status of the timestamp itself or the PC that wrote it to the TDMS file. Finally, if I do have to rev code, my main idea for workaround is to treat the event timestamps like I treat the temperature timestamps. I'll create a separate TDMS channel named "event_timestamp" as part of the "Event" group, and store the times as raw timestamp datatypes. All the other event cluster elements will convert back and forth to a 1D string array named "event_info". Anyone have any better suggestions for storing a moderately complex cluster as a TDMS channel? -Kevin P. I'm not sure but I believe the DIADem timestamp is just 64 bit and not 128 bit. The best way to store and restore a LabVIEW 128 bit timestamp is using two I64, one for the second and one for the partial second. There's quite a lengthy discussion on the NI forums. Discussing invalid timestamps and the differences between LabVIEW versions. Ton EDIT: Just saw you use 7.1 this version has some DST issues (see the NI discussion)
  17. Three options: edit the VI to check the number of bytes ready at the serial port (that's a VISA property) End the read on the termination charachter Lower your number of bytes to read I'd go for option 1: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6592 Ton
  18. Have you checked the LabVIEW code from germany? Or is it hidden. BTW I think they should get you in contact with Germany, my experience is that Germans are quite good in English. One thing to suspect is termination of the strings. Does your sniffer show the termination characters? Ton
  19. Bluetin your solution relies on the fact that your computer time settings don't change. Yen's as well but are a little bit more error proof. Ton
  20. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Aug 9 2007, 07:56 PM) Good walkthrough, and it solved my issue. But the first thing I did after starting my LabVIEW was going into options and changing into icons view. In that view you can't explore the categories you've hidden... So I couldn't do anything. I think the 'visible' categories should be accessible from the options page as well QUOTE(Ben @ Aug 9 2007, 08:05 PM) You said one of your PC's is OK. My home laptop with an install over the beta didn't have an issue (I think in beta all categories were visible) And at work I had a clean install and missing categories. QUOTE(i2dx @ Aug 9 2007, 09:05 PM) @NI: PLEASE! only change the palette layout, IF THERE IS A REALLY GOOD REASON. If you look over my shoulder, when I am programming, you might get the impression there is a knitting machine working. However, if you would ask me, how my palettes do look like, I had to admit, that I don't know. But deep inside my weird brain there is a pointer to the location of each item I need, which is directly linked to a mouse gesture Therefore a new palette layout knocks out my programmig automatisms and I feel like a race car driver, forced to use a pedal-car The new layout of 8.5 is quite good and intuitive. But I'd wish I could skip the 'programming' categorie and just start there in 'Icon' view. Good point I now know a way to remove the Express VIs from my palette :thumbup: :thumbup: :beer: Ton
  21. One of my 2 LV 8.5 setups only showed Express, addons, user palettes... Deleting of the LabVIEW.ini didin't solve anything. Had to add them to visible categories. Ton
  22. QUOTE(karthik @ Aug 8 2007, 07:21 AM) This is: A) a cross post it is considered good manner to inform people of cross-posting B) Posted in the Hardware forum while it is a software question I don't have a good answer but I think VIEngineering of Crelf might have some good ideas they have some toolkits for KLOC Ton
  23. A few questions: Is the device properly installed? We had once that only could output and not input if not installed Have you tried MAX? You can configure easily the settings Some USB RS232 devices have issues supplying power to RS232 devices Ton
  24. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Aug 7 2007, 10:45 PM) What's the Copyright on the LAVA logo? :beer: Ton
  25. I have discovered another way to detect an initial drop of an XControl, the previous version will be So a flagging mechanism is not really necessary. [wiki]XControl:Abilities:Init_Ability_VI#Init_VI_tricks[/wiki] Ton
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