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Ashish Uttarwar

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    LabVIEW 2011
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  1. Hi, I am trying to establish a HTTP connection to a URL (eg: http://abcd:1010/my-web/clientConnection) in order to "write" an XML string and get a response back. I was able to perform "read" operation on the URL using "Datasocket Read" function. Now, I am struggling with "Datasocket Write" to send the XML String to the URL. I am getting Error 1179 after "DataSocket Write" function. Attached is the Error message and the block diagram screenshot that is causing error. I tried various "modes" available in "DataSocket Open" function. Am I missing something in terms of establishing connection to the URL? Should I use any other function (TCP/IP) instead? Any other suggestions are also welcome. Thank you. - Ashish
  2. QUOTE(dizzydean @ Jan 22 2008, 05:09 AM) LabVIEW is a great environment for everyone. People like us find it easy to learn and fast to implement. Welcome aboard! --- Ashish
  3. QUOTE(ASTDan @ Jan 22 2008, 01:48 PM) Also, through MAX, you need to synchronize the software/drivers between PC and cFP controller. Also, create a "startup" executable to make sure it runs on power up! -- Ashish
  4. QUOTE(dsch @ Jan 20 2008, 10:25 PM) If the project is just for fun and experimentation purposes, the simplest hardware solution I can think of is - separate 12 V power supply - NI USB DAQ device If it is a part of bigger system under development, - NI PCI DAQ device will be a better option I hope this helps. ALL THE BEST! - Ashish
  5. QUOTE(bono02 @ Jan 16 2008, 12:36 AM) bono02, I think jbelim did a right choice by choosing LabVIEW for this project. LabVIEW is more than just GUI and hardware interface. The NI Vision is full fledge vision analysis toolkit and easy to implement. I hope it makes sense and jbelim feels motivated :thumbup: -- Ashish
  6. QUOTE(venkatesh @ Dec 6 2007, 06:28 AM) If you are talking about "Remote PC Access", I prefer Real VNC software (you need it installed on both PC, Remote and Local). If you are talking about access of a Remote PC from LabVIEW on local PC, that is a different story. What do you want? --- Ashish
  7. QUOTE(John Dierks @ Nov 27 2007, 07:44 PM) Welcome to the LabVIEW world! I will suggest to look for right people to work with instead of "Job Openings". It sounds more philosophical but it will help in long run! There are good resources of "NI Alliance Members" available on NI website (I do not have the link). That is good place to start. ALL THE BEST! :thumbup: Regards, Ashish
  8. QUOTE(CraigGraham @ Nov 26 2007, 05:58 AM) I am using LabVIEW 8.2.1 for programming cFP and the only way to upgrade the VI on cFP is by building EXE and setting the EXE as "startup" before deploying. I am pretty sure that it should be possible on LV 7.1 too. Setting as "startup" and deploying will configure the cFP to run the EXE on power up. This way, you do not have to "Exit without closing RT Engine VIs". Also, cFP power reset will not matter. I am also looking around for programatically upgrading software of cFP, so that multiple cFPs can be upgraded from a PC on same network. --- Ashish
  9. QUOTE(CraigGraham @ Nov 26 2007, 05:58 AM) I am using LabVIEW 8.2.1 for programming cFP and the only way to upgrade the VI on cFP is by building EXE and setting the EXE as "startup" before deploying. I am pretty sure that it should be possible on LV 7.1 too. Setting as "startup" and deploying will configure the cFP to run the EXE on power up. This way, you do not have to "Exit without closing RT Engine VIs". Also, cFP power reset will not matter. I am also looking around for programatically upgrading software of cFP, so that multiple cFPs can be upgraded from a PC on same network. --- Ashish
  10. QUOTE(akala @ Nov 17 2007, 04:06 PM) The latest Device Drivers should be compatible with all the LabVIEW versions, unless specified in ReadMe file. I found that the driver installation allows you to install the drivers for more than one LabVIEW versions! Try running the Device Driver installation and you will know what I mean. --- Ashish
  11. QUOTE(sachsm @ Nov 5 2007, 12:57 PM) I experienced problem with Property Node on RT system. But, Local Variables worked for me! I wonder if you are running any kind of "Timed" loop. Did you try running the loop slower (~500 milli sec) interval? --- Ashish
  12. QUOTE(akjohn @ Nov 2 2007, 10:13 PM) I am using Compact Field Point cFP-2120 controller. I found that there is a file "ni-rt.txt" on the controller which contains the accurate name of the controller. So, I created a VI to parse this file and get the name. Since, you are also working on RT system, I believe the above mentioned trick will work for you too. I hope this helps. --- Ashish
  13. QUOTE(José Sousa @ Oct 30 2007, 08:00 AM) José Sousa, I am not sure but I will suggest to start your driver search from NI Drivers and Updates (http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/fn/p/lang/en). I hope that helps. Ashish
  14. QUOTE(MikaelH @ Oct 18 2007, 03:05 PM) I am pretty sure that you are aware of this. But still.... Regarding core assignment in LabVIEW, I know that in LabVIEW 8.5, the Timed Loop structures can be assigned to specific cores on the processors. --- Ashish
  15. QUOTE(menghuihantang @ Oct 4 2007, 01:31 PM) Welcome. Fortunately, you are a lot similar to "almost all" of us in this forum. Regards, Ashish
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