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Chris Davis

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Everything posted by Chris Davis

  1. I think you are wrong here. I too thought that the buttons used in OpenG Commander and OpenG Builder would be useful in other places. So I opened the source code and copied them out to be used in other places. In reality they are just system buttons with graphics, and the graphics do not cause a blind spot on the button for clicking. You might want to check out this blog post? for even more information.
  2. I use the hotcopy technique to make a copy of the repository, scheduled with the windows scheduler I end up dumping it to a network drive which is mirrored every day to an external USB drive. As a side note, has anyone done a repository restore from a hotcopy?
  3. Perhaps you could post some example code to let us see what you are doing? You problem description is not very descriptive (no pun intended).
  4. My group currently has 4 SSP subscriptions, and we all recieved ours about 2 weeks ago. As a plus this quarters subscription comes with a nice litle CD carrying case with NI's logo on it.
  5. Let me be the first to state that posting your question in multiple forums, not related to your particular subject is bad form. You should probably start by learning LabView, before you try to solve your particular problem. Take a look at this online course for help.
  6. I agree that loading the whole file would probably work in this case. But if you want to use a database on a local machine with you could try something like SQLite or Firebird or one of many other embedded databases.
  7. Here is the snapshot I was talking about. But yen is correct, you won't be able to get this as text unless you do the string formatting yourself.
  8. But there is an easier way, and I'm sorry I didn't even think about it before. I just used it today. If you put a double numeric indicator on the front panel, right click on it and bring up "Format and Precision", select relative time in the list on the left, then select HH:MM or HH:MM:SS with digits of precision avaliable. I've shut down my LV machine, but I'll post a code snapshot tonight so you can see it. I think this feature is built into LV7 and higher. I used it in LV8.0.1 today.
  9. You are probably better off writing straight to disk (appending to file) at that sample rate. You will also have the data on disk, in case of a power outage or operator error which might cause your program to crash. If you write at 1 sample / second your computer should be able to keep up, unless you are writing a lot of data or have a slow computer.
  10. You are correct, I tried reinstalling DAQmx 8.3 and it only lists support for LV 7.1 and higher.
  11. I'll admit it, I'm a fan of LV7. I still use this LV version for one of my key projects. Don't get me wrong, I do have plans to migrate, probably to 8.2, but in the mean time... How do I get DAQmx 8.3 (which was installed when I installed LabView 8.2) to show up in LV 7?
  12. Bug found in LV8.0.1 and 8.2. See post here.
  13. This bug has been confirmed by NI. CAR: 417BKAGI. Note, this bug exists in LV 8 and 8.2. I'm going to cross post to the 8.2 bug list for completeness.
  14. Well, I was wrong about the error being produced with files >2gb, its actually wrong when files are greater than 4gb. I've included screen shots of this error in LV8.0.1 and LV8.2. I've also submitted this to NI and will post a CAR when I get one. Whats weird is that LV8.2 and LV8.0.1 produce different results with the same large (14gb) file. Chris
  15. The following VI will create a grayscale pallete that can be fed into the color terminal in the flatten pixmap.vi. Enjoy. :thumbup:
  16. Do you mean "How do I take a CMOS sensor and connect it to some camera link chips so I can create a camera"? If so, you are in the wrong forum, probably need to start by going to talk to some electrical engineers...
  17. If you are keen on Windows System calls you should be able to get the info you are looking for with this call. I tried to make an example for you, but I'm no to familiar with that call and was only able to make LV crash. Perhaps someone else could give you an example...
  18. I've used the File Dialog Express VI, and prefer it in its icon only form. As I do with most express VI's that I use, if I plan on using them in a real project. I also use the DAQ Assistant more than any other Express VIs, and I'm also disappointed that the File Dialog primitive has gone away... I'm not totally against Express VIs, after all my favorite version of LV is still 7.0 (aka 7 Express) but I try not to use them in "production code" unless there is a real good reason to do so.
  19. The attached VI attempts to get the size of a file using two methods. The first is the File / Directory info primitive, the second is the Get File Size primitive. Both should return the same number. When attempting to use this method on files bigger than 2 Gb the File / Directory primitive will not work because it returns an I32 for size. I haven't filed this with NI yet, so no CAR has been created, I wanted to list it here first to let someone else confirm my bug finding. BTW, you must supply your own 2Gb + file... Download File:post-2547-1156870998.vi
  20. My group has been using LabView and Subversion (1.3.1) for about 6-8 months now with no problems.
  21. I only have 7.0 with me right now, but why wouldn't this code work. It produces number of seconds since a time of day. Then you could format it to be displayed however you may want.
  22. You mentioned RT / FPGA targets. Does LVOOP extend to those targets as well, without modifications?
  23. ...Midgets? Yes, Midgets!... :thumbdown:
  24. I was monitoring the NI web site when LV 8.20 hit the streets during NIWeek, and when the news was announced, I immediately checked the upgrade page. I noticed a link for the "official" inclusion of the OpenGL 3D picture control that has been around since LV 7.1. The day of the announcement this text was a link, now it isn't. Anyone know why? I also heard that there was a NIWeek presentation focused on this upgrade, anyone attend that? LabView upgrade page I'd like to read the "white paper", if only to see if there were any improvements that I'd like to know about!
  25. Although the owner of sysinternals, claims in his blog that they will always be freely downloadable, it doesn't hurt to have a copy somewhere on disk, just in case...
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