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Chris Davis

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Everything posted by Chris Davis

  1. Check out this thread as well as this one. Both provide other alternatives to sending email from LabView. Chris
  2. You'll have to have VIPM to get the OpenG File functions which holds the "File Exists_ogtk.vi". Specifically its in the oglib_file package. Using VIPM you can download the oglib_file package and it will work in LV 7.1.
  3. John, You may be out of luck, I don't believe 7.0 supported .NET. Those functions came along with 8.0. BTW, I play guitar, but I don't know if Jimi does... Still, a callback from .NET would be the easiest method, but as you have seen, not the only method of getting the job done. Chris
  4. What about this process: 1. Use ImageMagick to convert ICO file to temp BMP or JPG 2. Read using LV built in tools. Its a two step process, but it just might work. ImageMagick formats LV ImageMagick CR sample I don't know if the Code Repository will help any, but it might. If you come up with a working solution, share it with us. Maybe even make a Code Repository submission...
  5. Here's another shot in the dark, but while you are trying stuff... Try flattening the Program Files National Instruments, in otherwords, move everything in that directory structure to one level and place your exe there. Don't know if it will work, but it might be worth trying... Ahh for the days of LV 4! Executables with the runtime built into the exe...
  6. What about a function that feeds the power meter value to the C# DLL evertime it is read in LabVIEW? Then the C# DLL will have the value, as often as the LabVIEW code does. Then the C# DLL can log it when ever it needs too. As Omar mentioned, if your power meter is changing rapidly, this might be a problem. As Omar mentioned a TCP connection would work too, although I've never used that technique.
  7. Have you copied all the DLLs that the EXE looks for into the directory with the exe? Sorry I can't help you more, but like I said, I got the IT department to take care of my runtime problems for me. I don't have any blank machines to try your idea out with, the LV RTE is one of the first things I install. Good Luck, Chris
  8. ...every so often the C# should log the value of the laser power meter?" The problem I'm facing is the laser power reading is being acquired by the 'parent' LV program, inside a while loop, so it's continuously available, ... Why not have LV log the value for you? I can't help you with the C#, but I know that you can pass a value to a C DLL and do something with it. Of course you have to have access to the C code that made the DLL and make a new function. You'll have to have some way to determine logging frequency no matter what, once you determine its time to log the value, you would either call a function in the C# DLL or log the value with LV. Chris
  9. I understand the headache of the IT department deployment schedule. We ended up getting them involved by having them make the LV RTE installable via a script. Anyway, I think you'll have to include a little bit more stuff to get your application to run without installing the rte. You can find out what "stuff" in a couple ways. Run your program and everytime it asks for a DLL, find it on a machine with the RTE and copy it over to the machine without the RTE... OR, copy the contents of the Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabView Run Time\8.2 directory with your EXE and see if that works. That is esstially what Jack did with his 7.1 example. Its just that the RTE has gotten more complicated and bigger with the 8.x versions of LV. Let us know what you come up with here on LAVA in case others need this info in the future. Chris
  10. Here is an example I loaded in the Machine Vision forum. It does video playback, but you can get some ideas for audio playback. I've never used the audio playback portion of videocapx
  11. I understand the need, although WMP off-puts me! Anyway, it is worth checking out, especially if you have to record video on the computer.
  12. You might want to check out VideoCapX which is an ActiveX control to capture and playback video. I switched to it because you get better control over it than windows media player. Microsoft changes the ActiveX control interface for windows media player with every revision. For VB/VC++ users this is usually ok, because most of the changes are small. LabView takes a stricter approach to ActiveX controls, and can produce unwanted results when ActiveX controls change, even slightly. Anyway, VideoCapX is cheap ($79) for a single seat developer's liscense, and you can try it before you buy it. Just my 2 cents... BTW, its window size can be resized and scale the video to match the video window size.
  13. Blame it on the sequence structure! Are you connecting to this VI while it is executing on the RT system? If so, I'm not sure it would exit the LabView development environment... Besides, I'm not even sure what that function is supposed to do in an RT environment...
  14. Chris Davis


    BUSTED! Seriously though, glad to see more members of the VI Engineering team joining LAVA. :thumbup:
  15. Make mine a Heineken!
  16. You might want to look at the picture control or intensity graph to display your image, rather than an array display.
  17. Must have taken hours to translate that from Esperanto... You guys should probably stop asking about the automatic wiring, LabView just might start password protecting all the diagram's it generates.
  18. Jim, Thanks for saving it back to 6.1 for me. I tried it out, and it worked great. The code is easier to understand than mine. I don't know what I could contribute to the VI. It seems well documented and understandable, other than not having any VI documentation and no subversion rev information, it should fit right into the OpenG String library. I've just got to find a way to make my data files have the right # of quotes where they should. I could contribute some more test cases to help flesh out the VI, but I don't know the format of your automatic testing VIs. Perhaps I can post/email them to you? Thanks for the help.
  19. I agree!
  20. Jim, hate to ask, but could you upload your code in 7 or 7.1? I don't have 8.2 handy this weekend. Thanks
  21. Well I did get a chance to try the posted code, but it didn't work exactly as intended. Probably because I didn't give a good representation of the actual data file. Its more like what you see below: "Chris","Davis, Jr.","asdfpoiu2134098",12/01/2006,01:15:06 PM,12.00,13.00,24.00"asdfwer234098lkj","weoirtuwe234098",1,1,0,0,"This is a test""weoriu324098lj","This question has a, comma in it",1,1,0,0,"More text here""wqeroi2340981","This question has been cut off, with a "quoted piece of text",0,0,1,1,"in it""23498osfuoiwuer","This question has a "QUOTE", and a comma in it",0,0,1,1,"Kinda Rough" The solution I'm using right now is as follow... --Search for all double quotes, log thier locations --Look through double quote locations, checking each quote to see if it has a comma before or after it, if so keep it. --Set everything between known good quote locations to a space --Search for all commas, log thier locations --Split string (using OpenG string subset) into an array of strings This technique works on everything but the last line of my examples above. Right now I'm logging those types of lines and forcing the user to fix them manually. I was wondering if someone else had another idea. I've included some LV7 code that does the above mentioned steps. I'm using LV 8.2 for the final project, but I wanted to reach the widest possible audience with this example. I'm open to any ideas or suggestions. Thanks! Download File:post-2547-1165029240.vi
  22. I believe it was LV 7.0 but I can't find it anywhere in the upgrade notes That's why they made the change. Essentially, part of your code was hidden on a property page, and couldn't be seen by the casual / new user.
  23. Never hurts to agree with the boss! Don't worry, he's not my boss (although we share the same first name) and I still agree with most of what he says :laugh:
  24. I'm working on a new scripting example / tool to create a Functional Global with the user's choice of control. To create this subVI from scratch I have to create a case structure inside a single run while loop. No problems so far. I've even added the ability to pick a control from disk and add it to this new VI. The problem I'm having so far is creating a tunnel for my control from disk to pass its value thru. Any ideas on which methods will allow me to add a tunnel to a case structure? I'll be posting this example / tool to the CR when / if I get done with it. BTW, I'm trying to get all this in LV7.0 but I also have access to 7.1.1 if it has the solution. Thanks Chris EDIT: guess I should have looked a little harder, I found it. Simply use a "Connect Wire" method with the terminal of your choice and voila!
  25. Thanks, I'll have to take a look at those! :thumbup:
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