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    LabVIEW 2011
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  1. You'll want to read both channels in a single task and then split the data to your required VI's This is a good, simple example. http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/0C1ADEF06A54AB2D862575040066FD51 Here are some other good DAQ related tutorials! http://www.ni.com/white-paper/5370/en http://www.ni.com/white-paper/5468/en You may try looking at some design patterns. I would start by acquiring data in one loop while doing work with that data in a second loop. http://www.ni.com/white-paper/11805/en If you do some digging, you will find that many more Design Patterns on NI's website. If you this still doesn't answer your question, post some code! Good Luck!
  2. A digital Sourcing output will provide a voltage. ie logic level high A digital Sinking output will provide a path to ground when it is on. ie logic level low
  3. My colleague was able to compile the code. I'm going to have to reference my software versions with his. I'll report back here.
  4. Yup... I'm on board with you. I checked the security settings first, then I made the whole directory writable. I guess I was pretty unclear regarding that. Still having the same compile issue. I'm having a colleague get all the components on his machine and attempt to compile as well.
  5. I am an admin on the machine. Also, just for kicks, I made the whole c:\NIFPGA directory writable. (I doubted it would help but was trying to remove potential issues.) Regardless, that did not help or change anything. Also for ref I posted on the LabVIEW forums too: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/fpga-Compile-Generic-file-I-O-error/td-p/1769212
  6. I'm attempting to compile an FPGA project for an R series card to use in Veristand 2011. I used the FPGA creator wizard to get the basic template and modify my IO as directed. When I attempt to build the project, I get the following error. 'LabVIEW: Generic file I/O error.' ========================= NI-488: I/O operation aborted. Error 6 occurred at Write to Text File in niFpgaCompileWorker_SaveStatus.vi-> niFpgaCompileWorker_Status_Publish.vi-> niFpgaCompileWorker_GetStatus.vi->niFpgaCompile_Worker.vi:1 Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: Generic file I/O error. ========================= NI-488: I/O operation aborted. C:\NIFPGA\compilation\TheFPGA_FPGATarget_TheFPGA_0E9FD350\BuildResults.lvtxt My first thought was that the file size was too long. (I had the project buried in a deep heirarchy with a long job number in the name.) I reduced the size of the FPGA project, target, and folder name then moved the project to C:\ . The name shouldn't be an issue now. Any ideas? The error is so generic that it doesn't feel very helpful.
  7. I'm currently trying to do something similar. I am using LV2011 I am attempting to put the LV RT OS on a Virtual Machine through VMWare. I was able to burn the image to a USB thumb-drive but the VM couldn't see the thumb drive. I'm trying to get an ISO output of that utility and point the VM at the ISO for boot purposes. Thanks!
  8. Val Brown I'm really surprised that you were able to use the CIN in 2010. When I open it, I get a broken error with the reason that CIN is no longer valid. Saverio: I do not have the source. I suspected that I wasn't going to be able to get source from LSB. NI did end up responding. They do not have a transport utility or methodology. As of now, I have the problem resolved. I did end up getting ahold of the creator of the driver and he did supply me with updated VI's. Thank you!
  9. Thank you for the response. NI was unresponsive on their forum too. I found a work-around by using different files but never found a way to port over CIN.
  10. I have some old code that has CIN calls from LabVIEW 7.0. When I open the code, it throws errors because the old code uses CIN; which is not supported by LV 2010. Here is my problem, the CIN calls are from an old hardware driver that is unavailable. (The developer is not responding and doesn't have the software online) I have the .lsp files that were used to create the nodes but I have no way of knowing (that I know) which lsp is being used in which CIN node. ON top of this, I am not even sure that the Call Library Function node will work with compiled LSP files. Does NI maybe have a good utility for porting these over? Thank you! - Michael
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