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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(crelf @ Oct 14 2007, 07:40 AM)

    My science undergrad was also a physic major.

    I was an Engineering Physics major but my main interest was in Physics.

    It was my advisor for my senior project that insisted I code it in LabVIEW rather than C.

    Boy was that crappy code! :oops:

    I used the max count icon connector because I did not know about bundling by name and later figured out that un-initialized shift registers can cause big problems when trying to restart an application. :headbang:


  2. Yair is




    As of this week the LabVIEW world has acquired a new Zealot!

    Yen has not only toped 1000 post here on LAVA but has also toped 5000 on the NI forums.

    This makes him the third active Zealot and only the forth person to reach the 1K mark on LAVA.

    Please join me (again ) in congraulating our newest Zealot.


    * Jim, He has his sights on me as well. :rolleyes:

  3. QUOTE(Tia @ Oct 12 2007, 12:04 PM)

    Hello everyone!

    I'm new here in the LAVA forums and want to introduce myself to you. I've been using LabVIEW for about five years now and used it in my company for measurement and database issues in the special machinery we produce for the automotive industries.

    I'm pretty impressed by the big activity in this forum and the expertise of the members. I hope I can help also sometimes with my knowledge.

    Best regards


    Welcome to LAVA Tia!

    So, what area of LV do you find most interesting?


  4. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Oct 9 2007, 08:21 AM)

    I'm no expert but as far as I know a VI with only primitives (like yours) can easily be set reentrant since there aren't subVIs that are loaded into memory.


    Rules of thumb can change with the passage of time.

    The "Old-Timer" in me says "Oh No!" since setting VI's that could use a lot of memory as re-entrant could result in big blocks of memory being allocated for those VI instances and becoming un-available for the rest of the application.

    But now that memory no longer requires crochet hooks to build, and since people are starting to expect fast results (how long do YOU wait before you hit ctrl-alt-del?) the re-entrancy setting can help.

    Just my thoughts...


  5. QUOTE(NormKirchner @ Oct 4 2007, 05:49 PM)


    I am always interested in what the new members find particularly interesting.

    I happen to be a User Interface Junkie. If you can't figure out how to use it by looking at the interface it's crap!

    Give me a well developed interface and it's like I'm on a nice warm sandy beach.

    </junkie rant>

    Count me in on that game :thumbup: but eventually you have to say testing is done and turn it over to the customer. :angry:


  6. QUOTE(yuxie @ Oct 3 2007, 05:34 PM)

    See the attached VI.

    When using the Get Control Value [Variant] methods or other similar methods, we have to assign the control name. Intuitively, the control name is identical to the label text. In version 8.5 it is. However, in LV 7.1, it is not always the same, even though 99% it is. This is not an obvious bug in LV 7.1. The problem is, if there is white space(s) at the beginning/end of the label text, we have to trim the white space(s). If you use "Set Control Value [Variant]" method you can see it returns the control name without white space if there is any. But the spaces within a label text are OK. For example, if the text label is " 12 3 ". The control name is going to be "12 3". This is an annoying bug since white space is very hard to identify especially when the background is transparent.

    Consequently, unlike the "label text" property node which could be an empty string, you have to have a nonempty label for the control you want to access. In addition, if you want to use "Get All Control Values" method, none of the controls can have empty label, otherwise LabVIEW will return an error.

    This issue is fixed in 8.5 (may be in 8.0, too. But I did not check). "Get All Control Values" method won't return an error even though a control has an empty label. However, such a correction causes a problem. You have to decide to or not to trim white spaces based on the version information.

    Good info thanks!

    The leading white space breaking a function is weird. :throwpc:


  7. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Oct 2 2007, 08:39 AM)

    Modeling Concurrency with Graphs: Petri Nets

    http://scienceblogs.com/goodmath/2007/10/modeling_concurrency_with_grap.php' target="_blank">From the article:

    Among many of the fascinating things that we computer scientists do with graphs is use them as a visual representation of computing devices. There are many subtle problems that can come up in all sorts of contexts where being able to see what's going on can make a huge difference. Graphs are, generally, the preferred metaphor for most computing tasks. For example, think of finite state machines, flowcharts, UML diagrams, etc.

    One of the most interesting cases of this for one of the biggest programming problems today is visual representations of concurrency. Concurrent program is incredibly hard, and making a concurrency regime correct is a serious challenge - communicating that regime and its properties to another developer is even harder.
    Biggest programming problem today is
    visual representation
    of concurrency? Hmmmm. Anyone have any ideas?

    Not being a computer scientist, I am not familiar with all of the high level terms.

    So in "Ben speak" I associate the term "concurrency" with the term"while" as in while this is happening this should happen.

    Its one of those key words I listen for (spoken or implied) when developing architectures for my applications.

    I use (Ben speak) interaction diagrams. These take many forms as I work through a design.

    First they are simply fuzzy ballons that have arrows indicating what personality iss associated with each baloon and the basic nature of their interactions.


    DAQ sub-system passes data to display baloon and logging baloon.

    This will tell me I have three components that will be interacting.

    AS the design proceeds and while detailing the nature of the interactions, I may go to (Ben speak) hand-shaking diagrams that have one componenet on the left side of the page and the other on the right. Time is rendered from top to bottom with arrows indicating what signals are asserted when etc.

    I am currently studying UML in the hopes that I can get a handle on the proper terms for all of the stuff I do (and understand the new State Chart tool).

    I would love to hear more about how others are documenting these systems as well!


  8. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Oct 1 2007, 11:31 AM)

    In order to resolve the original posters problem (and to be 100% sure), you would have to open every single tree of every project your company produced in their lifetime. Not very practical.

    It seems like there should be a way to get notified, and the ClearCase triggers seem to be it, however is sounds complicated and requires a lot of setup.

    Yep! :headbang:

    So if you have many projects and you want to share amoung all of them while keeping them running....

    Then a "Quick Check" VI can be developed an used to open (via VI server) a list of Tree.VI's and check if they are broken.

    An over-night batch job can run a report of VI's that broke the previous day.

    Or even better, include a "tester" VI (a VI that runs sub-VI's and compares results to known good. Returns a single boolean T if OK) for each set of VI's. This will not only tell you if the VI's broke but would also tell you if the functionality changed.

    Combine that with SCC and you should have most of your bases covered. ;)


  9. QUOTE(linnx @ Sep 28 2007, 05:05 PM)

    Yep got it, thanks.....was a little confusion.

    ...and for future reference...

    You have to identify which instance you are after.

    If you are debugging the templates caller you can ctrl-double click to bring up the diagram, similarly with single stepping into.

    Templates should show up in hierarchy (ctrl-a show all) were the ctrl-double click also should work.


  10. QUOTE(Gabi1 @ Sep 28 2007, 08:26 AM)

    Hi Wang. i love it!

    Well if you really love it then you should concider getting a Premium membership. ;)

    And quoting one of YEN's alter-egos



  11. QUOTE(NormKirchner @ Sep 28 2007, 12:14 PM)

    I have tried to use this many times as a mechanisim to take a template/baseline program (I'll explain in a bit) and copy it to a new location as to create something new from the baseline.

    Unfortunately, the exclusion of VI's within the project does not exclude their paths from being included within the preserved hierarchy. In other words, if you want to exclude some VIs at c:\foo\*.vi and the real files you want to distribute are at c:\foobar\neewom\*.vi and below directories, it will not preserve on the hierarchy from foobar and below, it will include 'c' as part of the presereved hierarchy as the least common directory and make it very difficult to move the files around.

    So you end up making a hierarchy w/ many empty directories especially if the directory that you want to preserve is many layers down from the least common directory.

    Hi Norm!

    I'd love to help but I would have to follow you to do that. Could you slow down to 1/4 speed and try that again?



  12. QUOTE(rolfk @ Sep 28 2007, 02:16 AM)

    ...Unfortunately LabVIEW 8.0/8.2 lost that capability and I didn't get around to try 8.5 yet for any real project.

    Rolf Kalbermatter


    What had previously been available under save with options (for pre LV 8.0) was moved to the project.

    Under Build you have and option to creae a Source Distribution.

    The configuration screen of the Source Distribution let you configure the dist. similar to what was availabe in pre LV 8.0.


  13. QUOTE(Gabi1 @ Sep 27 2007, 02:46 PM)

    well, when i need to distribute, i generally do so within a llb (custom ->llb). otherwise i keep the project as is. is there any advantage to distribute while preserving hierarchy? why not just give the full project?

    Hi Gabi1,

    I use the

    Source Distribution >>> Single Prompt >>> Preserve Hierarchy

    As a quick and easy method to collect all of the VI's associated with an application and move them to a new location. This functions as an easy way to get rid of all of the temporary VI's that are not being used by the application but are present in the folders mixed in with all of the active files. When the surce is built, LV takes care of saving all of the VI's such that they can find all of their sub-VI and prevents cross-linking issues.

    One the Source Dstribution is built to the new location, the old folder can be deleted and replaced with the results of the Source distribution.

    So it an easy way to clean up the folders while preventing cross-linking.


  14. QUOTE(aart-jan @ Sep 27 2007, 07:43 AM)

    I have built and run several websites including forms running on the internet toolkit G web server. Unfortunately this is a real antiquated http server with some major limitations and bugs. :headbang: Still, I know of a couple of projects I would really like to outfit with a web interface. I would love to run labview VI, dll or exe files in CGI of another web server (such as Apache or even IIS).

    Does anyone know of any Perl script or something to make other web servers talk to Labview CGI code?

    Or maybe someone has an awsome alternative?


    I am facing another Web-based app as well. I was concidering using LV as the back end and use standard stuff to handle the web-access. But Since I am weak in the web-support area, I would alos like to hear what poeple have to say to help aart-jan.


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