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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(Gary Rubin @ Aug 31 2007, 10:16 AM)

    Maybe that goes along with the dyslexia thing? I don't know enough about dyslexia or neurology to know if dyslexia and language are related...

    I know little more than what I have picked-up as a result of being dyslexic (Certified under the Americans with Disabilites Act "ADA").

    The word "dyslexia" roughly translates as "does not understand letters" so it has a lot to do with text based languages. I was told when diagnosed that dyslexics often go undiagnosed and develop other coping skills to compensate. It takes many forms. In my case, the order of and orientaion of letters are jumbled. Yes I am one of those people who does not easily recognize the difference between the words "dog" and "god". The letters "A" and "V" are also troublesome.

    This is one of the reasons I love LabVIEW. Letters are not required!

    Text based languages were often frustrating to me because I simply could not "see" the syntax errors.

    I have often thought that NI should market LV as the answer to dyslexics.


  2. QUOTE(David Boyd @ Aug 31 2007, 09:10 AM)

    I hadn't heard about the 'two versions' limitation for driver support - is this quoted anywhere? ...Dave

    It would take some time to chase down the link on the NI forums, but yes it is sadly true.

    The core LV version play well together. I thnks is was Urs or Albert that said they has LV 1-8 running on a Mac.

    I can speak from personal experience that when the new drivers are installed, it goes through "obsolete" versions and removes support.

    Tollkits are even worse!

    You can only istall for one version. If it alredy installed for an eralier version, you have to remove it before you can install it for the new. When you install it for the new, it does not add support for the old.

    There are ways to hack around that short-coming if you really want the toolkits installed for more than one version.


  3. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Aug 31 2007, 09:20 AM)

    Any basis to your theory based on the poll so far? Roughly 25% seems to be above average...

    I suspected lefties tended toward the technical side. The poll so far does not contradict that theory.

    The other theory was (but addressed by teh poll buy mentioned by others) that there is a higher proportion of engineers and scientists that are dyslexic than in the general population.


  4. QUOTE(Hacti @ Aug 31 2007, 06:35 AM)

    ... a shared variable programmatically ...we are trying to transfer from 7.1 to 8.2 as easily as posible, without having to rewrite our whole program.


    This does sound like a DSC app you are trying to upgrade.

    To quote from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom "Hold on lady, we goin for a ride."

    If so, "do not pass go, go directly to" datasockets. Only the most simple DSC constructs will mutate correctly. The URL's of the datasockets can be manipulated the way the old tag names could.

    And if you are using alarming features, you may have to resort to reading values more than once to get the actual value.

    If this is not a DSC app, disregard all of the above.


  5. QUOTE(Mindstormer @ Aug 31 2007, 07:58 AM)

    Ok, First I will explain what i want to achieve

    I have a Reentrant vi and I published it with the web publishing tool. Now different clients can connect to it. To make it simple: on the vi is only a simple button. Now I want to know what the status of the button of every connected user/ip/client is. This information should be available at the server.

    I added a reentrant vi with just one button.

    thank you

    I have not played with this recently...

    I believe reeentrant instance have unique references. If you track the references from each instance this may help you.

    Another approach is to use templates (VIT) were each instance gets a unique name when opened.

    Otherwise you will have to develop you VI's to "drop their own bread crumbs" so you can follow that path back home. :rolleyes:

    Is thise the type of info you are after?


  6. QUOTE(alfa @ Aug 30 2007, 04:22 AM)


    F. Capra wrote ... the Old Testament from the Bible what is like Spirituality for dummies, ...

    A quick read left me with that impression when I was young. After careful re-reading and analysis for the purposes of finding descrepencies (yes I was young and skeptical) I found that the subtle interdependancies and consistancy accross multiple authors blew me away.

    Prior to that I had read the Tolkien Trilogy about a dozen times in an attempt to figure out who had all of the rings now.

    What I found recorded in the OT made Tolkien look lame.

    Yes there are some very basic concepts expressed in the OT. But there are some very advanced as well.

    In fact it was this realization that allowed me to understand one of the proverbs that I remeber as " A wise man goes into his storehouse and brings forth treasures both old and new."


  7. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Aug 29 2007, 08:37 AM)

    Bizarre. Does that happen with all the new Instr property nodes you drop on the block diagram, too, or just that one (and maybe copies of it)?

    This is slightly OT but is seems related.

    I noticed durring some execution highlighting that a "To More Specific" node got highlighted with a border that gave me the impression the "To More..." was just a VI with a small icon.

    I am wondering if the "To More ..." (and many other operations) are really being implemented with X-nodes, a LV version of slight-of-hand.


  8. QUOTE(george seifert @ Aug 28 2007, 09:41 AM)

    I know how to home a front panel using property nodes, but I was wondering if there's a way to do it while editing the front panel. Some special key combination maybe?


    "ctrl-t" ?


  9. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Aug 24 2007, 05:17 PM)


    post# 38

    It does not open in LV 8.2.1 but it looks like the axis sub-VI are still intact.

    It'll take some work. The original code was just "sand-box" code.


    I found most of this missing VI's in

    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.2\vi.lib\picture\3D Picture ControlOld 3D Toolkit.llb

    If you get a basic axis working could you post back?


  10. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Aug 24 2007, 04:42 PM)

    I'm finally getting around to using the 3d Picture Control for something "serious," and I feel like I'm running up against a bit of a learning curve. There are two things I'd like to do, and I feel like they should be easy:

    (1) I would like to show a set of XYZ coordinate axes on my 3d Picture Control to show where {0,0,0} is, and which way the unit vectors point. Is there some way to do this easily, or do I have to build them out of 3d object primitives?

    (2) I'm confused by the ModelView Matrix and Projection Matrix properties. What I would like to do is reset the camera view to a certain position when the user clicks a "Reset Camera" button. It seems like one of these should work (and I'm familiar with orthogonal transformations, thank you very much ;) ), but I seem to be getting unexpected results.


    I don't know if this will help but...

    Back in the LV 3d thread I posted some code that was based on the public beta version of the 3-d picture.

    It included axis (that I created using a cone for the arrow and a long thin cylinder for the axis).

    If that code still opens in the new version ( don't know PC crashed lost the source) you maybe able to start with that.

    At least the official relseas version has help on the VI's the public beta had no help at all!


  11. QUOTE(PaulG. @ Aug 24 2007, 01:20 PM)

    See my blog entry from Feb 28 2006 here

    http://forums.lavag.org/blog/champions/index.php''>http://forums.lavag.org/blog/champions/index.php' target="_blank">http://forums.lavag.org/blog/champions/index.php?

    entitled "Ode to a State Diagram" :wub:

    Most of the developers I work with use the SDE even with its limitations.

    If it really does get droped by NI, I'm going to start begging for the source code of the SDE to be released as open, unsupported code. That thing is so close to the perfect tool for staying out of the dirty little details while still writing LV code.

    But I digress from the reason for this thread, sorry.


  12. This is a cross post from the NI forum found here.


    I hope someone on this forum can offer some ideas or advice.

    Before I spend to much time re-inventing the wheel, I would like to hear your thoughts on how to measure the jitter in various comm protocols. To start, I'll get a couple of high end PXI Chassis and code in RT. I'll also get the best timer boards avaiable for both chasis. What I want to be able to do is to characterize the determinism of various comm methods. Specificly, I want to measure the "jitter" for each comm method under a variety of loads. The high end comm schemes (Reflective memory, Fibre Channel ) should have jitter on the order of microseconds or possilble nanoseconds. Out of the box ethernet on a dedicated network may be on the order of seconds. So..... If you have any ideas solutions or "show-stoppers" you would like to share, please feel frre to reply. I thank you for reading this post! Ben

  13. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Aug 23 2007, 08:43 PM)


    How can I knock an idea like that after i wrote a similar VI.

    While mine alos does the cloning and adding a prefix it does not allow specifying an existing prefix. On the other hand, mine support morphing durring the cloning by which I mean it will replace all instances of one object (VI or ctl) while doing the morphing.

    The trick to cloning (manually or programatically) is saving "from the bottom up" and therein lies the challenge of writing a cloner. For this work I used the "callers" and "callees" properties and reshuffled the list as indicated.

    I will not post mine because it has a "face only a mother could love". :P

    Nice PJM!


  14. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ Aug 23 2007, 10:18 PM)

    They are both nice.

    What do I use?

    I have used and really like the the State Diagram Editor.

    Yes I have to clean-up the messy code it creates.

    Watching it in execution highlighting provides the functionality y'all have discussed plus it gives me the diagram so I can look back and forward.

    Unfortunately for me, all bugs for the SDE have gone un-fixed and the State Chart is due to be released.

    Since that spell the the death of the SDE, I have been madly reading about UML so I can use the new tool kit.

    BTW: The SDE lets me remind myself how my code was structured (for that app I develed 3 years ago) when the customer calls and asks about a detail.


  15. QUOTE(i2dx @ Aug 23 2007, 01:35 PM)

    I hope nobody will force me to use classes. Nobody forces a C Programmer to switch to C++! And IMHO it's a bad idea to force a programmer to use a specific feature. If that feature gives him an advantage (faster, better, cleaner code, etc ..) he will use it. That would be the only "force" I'd accept.



    I consider the first LVOOP features as a stepstone to a new programming language (maybe called G++ ?) which needs - accoording to the statement of Dr. T - at least 15 years for widespread addoption :)

    That may be just enough time for me to complete the paradym shift.


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