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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Sep 13 2007, 02:36 PM)

    Or you've started using string constants on the diagram for documentation.

    Just popped into my head....

    Durring the very first LabVIEW Coding Challenge (bit banging?) I beleive it was Jim that posted after we saw the general trend that the speed of the VI approximately follows the size on disk (smaller VI smaller run time) that a VI with no comments will run faster than a VI with comments. I did a quick check at that time and was suprised it was true! I wonder if that is still true...

    I guess I will just have to test it huh?


  2. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Sep 13 2007, 01:38 PM)

    Yes, it's saying "this section of the code needs coments and/or rewriting" :P


    I taught myself to code in C prior to taking a college course in same. :book:

    After submitting my first project and anxiously awaitng feedback I was disappointed that the only comments the T/A had about my code was;

    "Too many comments! It is hard to find the code." :headbang:

    I have yet to see "self-documenting code" that revealed the "big picture".


  3. QUOTE(crelf @ Sep 12 2007, 01:34 PM)

    Thanks for making this easy to find.

    My wife requested boxers with the "SuperSecret...." text. So the next time you have a batch made up...


  4. QUOTE(alfa @ Sep 11 2007, 06:35 AM)

    Somehow I get the feeling this is one of those meaningless riddles or an ethnic joke.

    But I'm game to play along.

    I will assume that fresh drinking water and exposure to the elements are a non-issue.

    If I asked the same question (who gets the food?) of the 11 people in the boat, how does each reply?


  5. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Sep 12 2007, 09:17 AM)


    Of course, it's obvious now that I've seen it. Am I the last person in the world to learn this? :lightbulb:


    I reacted the same way when I saw someone wire an enum to a format into string. I thought it was great but everyone else said "You didn't know that?"

    I think this is not our short-coming but rather due to the sparse upgrade notes. I religeously read every one of these cover to cover and still I miss stuff.

    WE really need EXHAUSTIVE upgrade notes!


  6. QUOTE(Aaron @ Sep 11 2007, 03:54 PM)


    Lets say I have a ring control in one vi and I want to change the text in that ring or enum control from another. When I use the set or get control method, I would only get or set the index as that control is a number. I would like to update the text it displays which is a property of the control. Another example is if I have a boolean control in one vi I can get and set its value from another but that will not trigger an event case. I would have to use the property value signal. I need to know if there is a want to set the properties of a control instead of setting its value from another vi.


    The ring is easy, just use the "Strings" property to write a new array of strings.

    The enum is another story. the strings associated with an enum are imbedded in the data type so they can not be changed at run time.

    I am recovering from my first reply?


  7. QUOTE(Aaron @ Sep 11 2007, 03:25 PM)

    Hello All,

    I am using LabView 8.2 and am using the method control val. get and set a lot. This works great for getting and setting values of controls and indicators in other vi's. I was wondering if anyone knew a similar way to get and set properties of a control or indicator. Specifically I am wanting to trigger and event case in another vi (value signaling) as well as setting the string values in a ring control.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Hi Aaron,

    Could you elaborate on what you have tried and exactly what you want. It just sounds like you have answered your own question.



    After reading raglefrocks follow-up posting, Ben slaps his frohead and utters "Doh".

  8. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Sep 11 2007, 03:23 PM)

    At the risk of exposing my proclivities for all to see....

    I found an easter egg on one of my Coyote Ugly receipts from NIWeek. As noted in the Image Description, I believe the missing word is drank (ref 1,


    crelf suggested, however, that it might be

    ught beer
    gracing outfit

    which made me think of


    so now I'm not so certain. What does the rest of LAVA think it could be?

    As an actual resident of South Park I have to suggest yet another possibility.

    Could she have confused you with someone else?


  9. QUOTE(TobyD @ Sep 10 2007, 11:35 AM)

    I went with RSS feeds a couple of weeks ago. I don't like Internet Explorer as an RSS reader so I have them streaming right into Outlook. It's great! Makes it much easier to keep up with the posts and if I need to see the actual thread there is a link that takes me right to it.

    I guess I'll try back tomorow.


  10. QUOTE(Gary Rubin @ Sep 10 2007, 07:44 AM)


    Thanks for the work on the site, as always.

    Here's one of the glitches: View New Posts just brings me to a search window.



    Same here.

    This is the only way that I know of finding out what has been posted to LAVA lately.


  11. QUOTE(NormKirchner @ Sep 7 2007, 05:46 PM)

    One thing to add on, is that if you only show a subset of a very large list sometimes you don't want to update the entire data set as you scroll.

    Here is an alternative option that I have seen in some software packages.

    Instead of updating the table as you scroll, have a hovering tip strip or something of the like, that is linked to a column and displays what would be the topmost item if you stopped scrolling at that point.

    Sometimes row number is enough, sometimes something else makes more sense.

    Now your talking!

    Lets see what I can figure out this week-end.


  12. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Sep 7 2007, 02:41 PM)

    YES IT IS,

    now I'm gonna tell you why.

    1. 8.5 is way much faster on XControls
    2. 8.5 is still XControl Bugfree (one month after release ;) )
    3. XControl will force you to think event driven
    4. I like them


    Damn it! Y'all are always giving me reasons to learn more. :book:

    Thank you!


  13. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Sep 7 2007, 01:24 PM)

    I was going to say the same thing. Use Array subset and only show a table on the screen as big as necessary.


    As far as the XControl; that might be a nice idea. I'm gonna play with an idea and see what I get...

    My customers' customers have auditors to keep happy.

    I have been putting off the Xcontrol learning curve until I needed it.

    It just may be time.


  14. I have run into this situation more than once and its time to gather up ideas! When attempting to transfer large data -set to a table, we are seeing delay times of from 3 to 6 seconds depending on what machine we run our benchmarks. The data set can be 250K lines and can be as large as 30Meg on disk! We have issolated the performance issue to ONLY the time required to update the table. Using the technique to defer FP updates, hide table, update table, show table, undefer updates has improved performance. So.... I am toying with writing my own Xcontrol but before I do, I'm looking for other ideas and suggestions. So what do YOU think? Ben Cross posted on NI at


  15. QUOTE(AnalogKid2DigitalMan @ Sep 6 2007, 01:16 PM)

    Which one?

    I have an evil avatar that Yen created for me on the NI forum.

    I use the non-evil verision here on LAVA.

    Looks like I should use the NI-avatar since it has a an evil eye. :rolleyes:

    It sounds like something my wife would love.


  16. QUOTE(alfa @ Sep 6 2007, 07:05 AM)

    The Romanian prostitutes hate President Bush.


    That's good news. :thumbup:


    You never did give us a good update on your experience during the "conference on differential geometry in Paris".

    could you please share what you learned?

    Thank you,


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