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Dirk J.

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Everything posted by Dirk J.

  1. Thanx Tomi, and I thought the 'buy new hardware' road wouldn't get me there :-) What do you mean by 4 par. loops, splitting the task (in the example case) up in 4 loops running 150 FFT's each, in one VI? Laptop is not strictly nessecary, but since we would like to take our system into the clinic, it should be as compact as possible. wow. that approaches screen refresh rates.
  2. I need really fast Fourier transforms (*). Simple 'millisecond timer value' benchmarking shows an approximate calculation time of 200 us (microsecond) for an 2048 double array on my system, which I would like to be about 10x faster. Has anyone here experience with using external libraries in Labview, such as FFTW or Intel Math Kernel / Intel Performance Libraries? How do they compare to LV's FFT routines? The benchmarking was done on a 1.7 GHz Pentium M, 1GB Dell Inspiron 510m laptop; LV8.2, winXPsp2. (*) For those of you interested in the application: its Optical Coherence Tomography, an optical medical imaging technique analogous to ultrasound, you know, with the babies. But we image smaller structures, typically . My raw image data is typically an 2D array (2048 x 600) in which I need to take the 600 FFTs of the columns to get my final image; 2048 being the # of pixels of a line scan camera. The hardware is capable of doing ~20 images/second; the software isn't.
  3. works fine on my lv8.2...
  4. - no longer relevant -
  5. Go to the Example Finder. Select the 'Browse' tab, and make sure that 'Browse according to task' is checked. In the folder view in the middle, expand 'Printing and publishing data'; then expand 'Printing VIs'; then open PrintControlExample.vi. In step 4 (below), you can see how to accomplish what you want. Description: This VI demonstrates the use of the Report Generation VIs to print controls from the front panel. The VI uses the Append Control Image to Report VI to do this. It gives the option of printing either to an HTML file or to a printer. The VI generates data and plots it to a waveform graph and also sets the value on a single-point meter. You can print either of these controls. To Use VI: 1. Press the Acquire button. This will generate data to be plotted onto the graph and set on the meter. 2. Select where to send the report. 3. Select which control to print (Data in Report). 4. Press the Print Data button. This will print your control. 5. Press Stop to quit the program.
  6. oh bruce, i am slow today.... and this... :beer:
  7. ok, ok.... (it's not a bear, but still...)
  8. .... is good for you it's an image I stole from the Guinness website a few years ago. i don't think it's on there anymore.
  9. see! never give up on a thread!
  10. Hmmm, it may well be a preview of what to expect from Windows Vista....
  11. In the same directory, there's also a template to build your own pages (i guess), called pageTemplate.vit with an unlocked diagram. it's window title is "Use VI Window Title as Category Name" you'll probably be able to figure out how the dialog works from that. it has this comment in the "PanelClose?" event case: "This is useful during development, so you can run your page VI without the dialog framework. When running in the frame VI's subpanel, you should never get a panel close event."
  12. nah, only 83% of the posts are off-topic. some discussions lead to bears sooner than others.
  13. :beer:
  14. have you read the and searched through the examples? in particular look at the "printing and publishing data" section in the example finder.
  15. Oh, darn. I was hoping to get some real work done, but it will be way too much fun to combine this with my Flickr RSS feed....
  16. I think the problem is that you keep initializing/freeing the references. I've attached a slightly modified version of your VI. The references are being created and freed outside the loop. The callback functions are registered only once (when they are needed for the first time). When running, it simply shows or hide the tray icon. Download File:post-3523-1163592222.vi
  17. this VI calls the SystemParametersInfo function from user32.dll. Download File:post-3523-1163065125.vi
  18. here's the software solution. be carefull testing it, because it, well... logs off.Download File:post-3523-1162988686.vi
  19. Hey Roy, This works for me, good luck Download File:post-3523-1162935095.vi
  20. You can save the image from within you graphics program to a file format that supports transparancy (I usually save as *.png). Then, from the control editor (or you front panel), choose Edit > Import picture to clipboard. For controls, open the control, switch to customize mode, right click on the control, select the picture item you want to change and choose 'import picture from clipboard'
  21. More from the same sketch: "Oh, oh, I'm sorry, but this is abuse! "
  22. Ah, yes, I remember this one.
  23. They made a major improvement to their UI last week IMO, you should at least check it out again! (of course, I stil prefer my own solution )
  24. Since this topic somewhat turned into "how do you read lava".... Using Labview! The attached VI grabs the LAVA RSS feed and displays a HTML representation. This is a stripped down version of an RSS viewer I use from my "Tools" menu. I have applications on the computers in our lab writing event logs in RSS format, so I can easily aggregate events from behind my desk while drinking coffee. Download File:post-3523-1159536397.vi
  25. I'm using the Sage feed reader in Firefox. (All the time)
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