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  1. Just checking in on the topic looming in the back of my mind every time NI Week occurs (although it is delayed this year). When will LabVIEW NXG have feature parity to LabVIEW 20xx? When will we be forced to move to NXG for new features? As can be seen from the LabVIEW NXG Roadmap, it appears it is at least 3 releases away. http://www.ni.com/pdf/products/us/labview-roadmap.pdf Assuming an annual release cadence, that would mean 2023. Is there any roadmap for the last release of LabVIEW classic (aka 20xx)?
  2. Wow, quite a bit of activity on this “release”. Glad some others were able to notify about issues. I also got word from NI that this release shouldn’t be used as it was accidentally published to the official downloads page.
  3. Back to the future, the release date says 11/14/18 http://www.ni.com/download/labview-development-system-2018-sp1/7843/en/
  4. The direct link to the "Software Platform Bundle" is available at: http://www.ni.com/download/web-based-installer-software-platform-bundle-spring-2018/7498/en/ This installer has the option to "download" or "install" that hooovahh mentioned. As far as what is included in this bundle, I don't see a document yet for 2018 Spring, but here is the 2017 Fall: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/54231/en/
  5. With all of the changes from Windows XP to Windows 7 and furthermore Windows 10 we now have legit user profile folders along with public folders. I haven't had this conversation in a while so I was wondering how the community currently approaches this decision. How do you organize your code on disk? Please respond along with any folder structure and reasoning. My old method: C:\dev\Project Name Archive Code Documentation Support LabVIEW Project 1 Name.lvproj Thoughts on a new method: The root of the "C" drive is no longer accessible on some PCs (due to security requirements). Some PCs (not all) are equipped with another partition (D:\) for data. And it seems that all PCs have a Public folder. I have experienced some linking issues with placing the code on another partition (i.e. D:\) It seems the Public folder is the best location since it can be easily shared by multiple users. Any thoughts? Where do you store your code?
  6. I would assume this is due to the NI Week change from August to May. But that is just an assumption...
  7. Thanks to all who organized, it was nice to meet a few new people this year.
  8. Just picked up my ticket, looking forward to it!
  9. hooovahh, Thanks for the info, I have also used TDK-Lambda in the past, they seem like to gold standard. Any suggestions on something a little less expensive that works well with LabVIEW? For instance, the BK Precision 9201 is about 1/3 of the price of a TDK supply: http://www.bkprecision.com/products/power-supplies/9201-200w-multi-range-60v-10a-dc-power-supply.html
  10. So after a long hiatus, I am back to the LAVA forums. I am looking for some DC power supply recommendations from the community: something that works well with LabVIEW, along with the ability to acquire at a minimum voltage and current at a 20th century rate (i.e >10 Hz). I have worked with a lot of different vendors in the past, but nothing really stands out. In addition to this, there has been so many mergers and acquisitions. Looking to the community for some advice on what you like, along with some unique features from power supply technology. Thanks, Brian
  11. LabVIEW 2015 SP1 is now available. Here is a link to the nifty new web based downloader/installer: Note: You can download the software with the above tool and install at a later time. Unfortunately I was not able to make it to the CLA summit this year so hopefully some of you can fill in on any new features!
  12. I am working with a multi-pane user interface and splitter bars. One of the pain points is the creation of controls and indicators from the block diagram. My primary pane has a single indicator that is sized to fill the entire pane. I have a lower "toolbar" of buttons on the 2nd pane. Whenever I create a control or indicator from the block diagram, I always have to go searching for where it was created on the front panel. It usually ends up at some random point in space but on the 1st pane. This process created a few questions that I was curious of: 1. What determines the position a front panel control/indicator is placed when it is created from the block diagram? 2. Is there an easy way to configure which pane these will appear on before creation? 3. Is there an easy way to change the pane a control or indicator is placed on rather than dragging and dropping? Looking forward to your responses!
  13. Bug fixes are not yet available, but that link should eventually start working.
  14. LabVIEW 2014 SP1 is now available: http://www.ni.com/labview/release-details/ Looks like this release includes the "Profile Buffer Allocations" tool It appears that bug fixes are not yet availablehttp://digital.ni.com/express.nsf/bycode/LV2014SP1B Please post your comments and experience!
  15. I recently implemented a Protobuf encoder in LabVIEW. Using the KISS method, I used clusters to represent "messages" and used the cluster index along with the item name for the ID. This used the OpenG variant data tools to dynamically parse the contents of the cluster. The rest of the encoding is done with a VarInt encoding and flatten to string. Depending on your .proto structure and requirements (if it is acceptable to send optional items), this may or may not be a simple solution. Proto Message <> LabVIEW Cluster The implementations from Google involve auto-code generation of a class and then reading/writing the class data. For a "complete" tool that allowed optional items, this is a lot more work than simply using clusters. If you are looking for a starting point, the encoding is pretty well documented at the following link: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
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