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Everything posted by akamu

  1. Calling them "ordered pairs" probably works well...
  2. FWIW, this is how your font test.vi front panel appears on my machine:
  3. I really like, and recommend, the free program JkDefrag: JkDefrag
  4. Not much new content (except perhaps the user comments beneath), but Wired made a post on this yesterday as well: http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/11/employees-sue-o.html
  5. ...for those interested in additional insight into Heinlein's thought process, the often overlooked (and often dismissed!) "Grumbles from the Grave" makes for somewhat interesting reading: http://www.amazon.com/Grumbles-Grave-Rober...n/dp/1569562512 QUOTE(Albert Geven @ Dec 25 2007, 03:57 PM)
  6. Molly Shannon does the voice acting for Patience the Vampire in "The Amazing Screw-On Head"
  7. Check out the LabVIEW FAQ -- and more specifically: http://forums.lavausergroup.org/index.php?showtopic=302
  8. ...just tried it on the client I'm on --- and it certainly does! :thumbup: Using version 1.0 on a high bandwidth connection to start with. p.s. What an elegant configuration setup that is...
  9. Received this a short time ago. Passing on for those following the licensing thread... :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sent by: Shannon.Rariden@ni.com Date: 12/29/2004 04:09 PM Subject: Required Patch for National Instruments Software Licensed through NI Volume License Manager Dear NI VLM Administrator, We want to inform you about a required patch that National Instruments recently made available for all NI Volume License Manager (NI VLM) users running LabWindows/CVI 7.1, DIAdem 9.1, TestStand 3.1, or TestStand 3.1 deployments. You and/or your users can download this patch from: KnowledgeBase 3FSB1T6E: Application Software Programs Licensed Through NI VLM Stop Running When Disconnected From the Server for More Than 12 Minutes http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch...5E?OpenDocument What Is Affected: Any computer running LabWindows/CVI 7.1, and/or DIAdem 9.1, and/or TestStand 3.1, including deployed systems, which checks out licenses over the network via the NI Volume License Manager is affected. What Happens: If the network goes down for more than 12 consecutive minutes, any active instance of LabWindows/CVI, DIAdem, or TestStand, including deployed TestStand systems, will immediately stop running and shut down. Note: This is especially important for deployed TestStand systems that get their license from NI VLM over a network. Necessary Actions: To correct the behavior, you must install the patch on all computers administered by NI VLM, running LabWindows/CVI 7.1, DIAdem 9.1, or NI TestStand 3.1. You can do this in several different ways:
  10. When I recieved our LabVIEW SSP update, it included a letter apologizing for the delay. The letter reads, in part - "[...] In an effort to deliver LabVIEW 7.1 as part of your subscription, an error occurred in the shipping process. This problem may have caused a delay in receiving your upgrade, which you will find enclosed in this package. Please accept our apologies for any inconvience this may have caused. In order to reveive your new software as soon as possible, please follow the steps below. If you did receive your LabVIEW 7.1 SSP update, please destroy the registration card and software because the serial number is no longer valid. Note that you do not need to uninstall the software, simply keep the serial number included in this package for your records. If you did not receive the LabVIEW 7.1 SSP update, please accept our apology for the delay. Your package is included with this letter. If you receive another LabVIEW 7.1 shipment (in addition to this package) erroneously, please destroy the registration card and software as the serial number is no longer valid. [...]" Regards, akamu
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