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Posts posted by Benoit

  1. Be sure as well to never use hub. I have many issues with USB hub.

    If you want to get the list of USB device connected, you can use this VI. note that if your web cam do now have embedded serial number, the device path is reported according to the USB port connected. if you connect the same model of webcam at the same port, Windows will use the same friendly name.

    I use Spinnel USB cam 2M. they do have a embedded serial number programmed upon request... 50$ per unit. quite decent for this usb camera with a low distortion lenses.

    USB Scanner.vi

    • Like 1
  2. OK I just found a way...

    Using wild card "*vi name or library name*"

    Here is what I did:

    Since I have over 2000 VI on that project with over 60 different library

    Since many library has some VI that need to be accessible by VI-Server for external application

    I have created a sub library named: "Publish_VI.lvlib" in every library that need to publish one or more vi.

    In the list ov VI to publish by VI Server I have only one entry to put for any VI to be published: +*Publish_VI.lvlib*


    This way if I need to add any other VI, i just need to add it to the sub library of any object "Publish_VI.lvlib" and it is automatically available without any further configuration.

    Sometimes problem create opportunity to improve the overall system.

    vi list.png

  3. Hello all,

    Is there any of you ever be able to push more than 30 VI in the exported VI list of VI server?

    I think I found a bug that is there since at least LabVIEW 2011.

    WAIT... don't answer the easy one... "export all VI"... if you were about to answer that, that means you are not developing a safe application. :P

    Thanks for any help.



  4. hi everyone, know it's an old post, but I realy need to do that in order to save time to my team.

    here is what I want to do:

    at LabVIEW lunch, running a vi that will configure some VI property in the LabVIEW pallet tools.

    Per example changing text in a label using VI script.

    My VI is working, but I wan LabVIEW to run it automatically on a LabVIEW start.


  5. .xml test report Measurements.zip

    This XML test report library is available for you to modify at your will.

    It is based on the IPC-2547 standard so it is easier for any other application or database to parse.

    The html file report offered by LabVIEW was not sufficient for my need.

    So I created those. enjoy!!!


  6. 55 easily distinguishable color.vi

    This is the only way I found how to have a bunch of color that are unique and easily distinguishable. The maximum I saw in the web was about 26. This one offer 55 of them without gray tone. You can modify this VI to support gray tone as well and goes up to 60 colors.


    Please use the new version at: New version


    • Like 1
  7. I have a quite complex project that requires me to have multiple executable running.

    My problem is as follow:

    MAIN.exe need to load in a sub panel any of the OTHER.exe.

    All the exe has been compiled in LabVIEW. The MAIN.exe come from a different project than the OTHER.exe.

    In LabVIEW everything is working.

    I can access successfully the control and indicator value of the OTHER.exe trough vi server.

    Using the same VI reference, should work in the sub panel. But why it is not working?



  8. In my point of view, The fact that Ni sell a home version might help a little bit. But this version will bring a lot's of new questions. If Lavag.org can reach this market, We might have a lot more people visit this website. Personally, i love it and the answer given by people here is more relevant than what is found on NI.com. 3 hours of reasearch on Ni.com to find a simple answer is not a good solution for me. Here the question are quickly answered and no insult are sent to no one. Lavag.org is a family... if we found the family to small, we just need to reach a new market and do some advertisement for it.



  9. I'm happy that what we were able to find trough google, the link are not broken. :)

    Overal, I like it, but in some pages my eyes got lost. Not used to the interface yet.

    I'm not a big fan of the square stuff... the menu looks like Windows10.... I do not like this look. but it's only matter of taste.


  10. Think about using the sequence localy, but having a request to the server to validate if the local version is good. per example MD5 is a very good way to check if the local file is ok. The MD5 is saved on the server as well. By doing this, you reduce the data between the server and the client. It looks over kill, but it's a very efficient way to reduce the data that is sent to the server and then the server perform much faster. less data goes trough IT switch and the best advantage, in a case of lost link, you can decide to run with the local version. It's reduce the down time.



    • Like 2
  11. OK I found a super easy way... drop the VI in a text constant and magically the good VI name with the library included will appear. use this constant as VI name for the VI server. this can be done for the type specifier as well.

    Candidus, your example is good. it's represent exactly what I did.

    That solved my issue. :)

    Thanks everyones for your help.



  12. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=282

    Name: MPSSE.dll LABview driver

    Submitter: Benoit

    Submitted: 10 Feb 2016

    Category: *Uncertified*

    LabVIEW Version: 2011

    License Type: BSD (Most common)

    There it is... finaly... 

    Because the code given in the FTDI web page is not convenient, not working and haven't been developed by real LABview programmer, I decided to create a library for the I2C.


    a version for SPI will come soon.


    This library is free to use. If FTDI want's it in ther site, I do not allow you to publish it since you didn't help any of your customer with LABview.

    but of course feel free to publish this link. ;)

    Click here to download this file

  13. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=277

    Name: Calendar XControl

    Submitter: Benoit

    Submitted: 06 Jan 2016

    Category: *Uncertified*

    LabVIEW Version: 2011

    License Type: BSD (Most common)

    This XControl allow you to have a nice calendar as a control. Any selection of the date is highlighted in light blue. The supported language are English and French acessible trough the property.


    Ce XControl vous permet d'avoir un beau calendrier comme control. Toute sélection de date et mis en évidence par une couleur bleur clair. Ce XControl supporte le Français et l'anglais par l'intermédiaire des propriétés.

    Click here to download this file

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