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Everything posted by Maca

  1. Maca

    RIO and I2C

    As per Rolf's suggestion: http://zone.ni.com/d...a/tut/p/id/4799 and scroll down to "Digital Buses and Protocols" You could also try "fpga i2c" in the NI search, it returns tons of relevant results.
  2. Thanks Jcarmody, thats an awesome link. Suvin the connection string will be something like: Data Source=filename;Version=3; Where filename will be something like "\\server\share\directory\databasefile" or "x:\directory\databasefile" (assuming you have mapped \\server\share to X:) You just need to setup a share on the "server" that serves up c:\something\directory\databasefile (which will be the SQlite database file you are using). It can be done quite easily (especially in comparison to setting up MS SQLserver) but its just not the nicest way to do it.
  3. Have a read of the SQLite documentation: http://www.sqlite.org/docs.html SQLite is NOT by architecture a client/server style database, but this can be achieved by placing the database on a network share (I.e. SMB, but note the documentation specifically advises not to use NFS due to bugs in some NFS implementations) See: http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q5 You should consider using Postgres or Mysql (both open source) instead, as these are designed as client/server style databases. http://www.sqlite.org/whentouse.html See the section titled "Situations Where Another RDBMS May Work Better" http://www.postgresql.org/ http://www.mysql.com/
  4. Reported as spam.
  5. Personally I started every computer in my workshop and left all my lights and equipment on. I even went in to heavy lab and started at least 5kW of Hibay lighting and the hydraulic cooling pumps. QUOTE I hope the SCADA system shows an increase in power over this period, that will show em!! Dam hippies.
  6. I have started a thread on the dark side ( http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...thread.id=47531 ). I will update this thread when I get an answer.
  7. Have you had any luck yet Jeff, I am trying to do a very similar thing: Get an device reference for the digitizer card attached to a SCXI-1520.
  8. Iam for option D: "Buying a full blown server (with at least RAID 6 and tape backups) and installing Ubuntu Server Edition" Remember your business relies on this server and the data it holds, so don't skimp. You just need to ask your self, how much will it cost if your server goes tits up and you lose all your data? Failing option D, go option C. For a good list of SVN hosting providers see: http://www.svnhostingcomparison.com/ (remember to set "OSS only" to no)
  9. I have previously used Net-SNMP ( http://www.net-snmp.org/ ) with system exec calls.
  10. QUOTE (crelf @ Mar 13 2009, 04:20 AM) Don't you mean: Omniscient Yep in this case "ups", means sounding angry but not meaning it. QUOTE (crelf @ Mar 13 2009, 04:20 AM) I'm not sure how close Maca is with his boss Yep Ive got a good job, we are always mucking around and playing practical jokes on each other. But Mike isn't that keen on me polishing his bald spot with a dirty rag at smoko!! (who would of thought?)
  11. I have a question Crelf......... Do you actually do any "work" while at work? You always seem too come up with all sorts or weird (but always funny) stuff, where do you get it all from? I forward on most of your finds and my boss ups me because "I must just sit around surfing the net because of all the shit I forward on" Perhaps you are a lot smarter than me and don't forward your finds to your boss, one day I might learn, one day.
  12. Maca

    TEDS and vTEDS

    What are your experiences with TEDS and vTEDS? Mine so far haven't been so great, in fact lately Ive been having nightmares about it. All the problems I seem to be having relate to vTEDS specifically NI's TEDS library and how it talks to DAQmx. There seems to be very little "real" documentation on the subject, lots of marketing pages and a couple of really simple examples but other than that not a thing. My work around has been; instead of using the TEDS DAQmx Create Virtual Channel, I have been reading the properties out of the vTEDS files and using the standard DAQmx Create Virtual Channel. This approach while clunky seems to solve most of my problems BUT not all of them, especially when the NI TEDS library is incomplete and has some major bugs. Some examples are as follows: I am seriously regretting giving in to the marketing hype and adopting TEDS over our old in house calibration standard, but unfortunitaly have gotten far enough into the project that I really don't to turn back now. What are your thoughts and experiences?
  13. One possible way it could be done is to work with the array the graph is displaying. Take a subset of the original array and displaying this subset in a second graph. By changing the subset offset and length you can "pan" along the original array and "zoom" in.
  14. ICP sell a lot of main boards that will do what you want (they still even sell ones with ISA buses on them). http://www.icp-australia.com.au/ They are marketed as industrial main boards but are generally nothing more than cheap consumer grade gear with a CF card slot on the board. But they are relativity cheap as well They also sell other "weird" form factors as well I.e. Passive backplane and ETX. Have fun Note: I have no affiliation with ICP at all
  15. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Jan 31 2009, 07:18 AM) That's a bit of a stretch, LabVIEW controls the collimators. http://sine.ni.com/cs/app/doc/p/id/cs-10795 I would be sure it is used for other things aswell but "runs" probably not quite. I would of tried to reply on slashdot but the responses I would of got are: "Imagine a cluster of those" "In Russia LabVIEW programs you" "yes but will it run LabVIEW" etc..
  16. So what you want to do is as follows: Use LabVIEW to acquire and save some data. Use MATLAB to analyise the data. Is this correct? The problem you are having then is getting the data from LabVIEW to MATLAB? First up: A *.m file is a MATLAB script file, while they can contain data as well, they typically are not used for storing large data sets. And in regards to getting the data into MATLAB: If your LabVIEW code saves the data to an ASCII "spreadsheet" file MATLAB can directly import it (using a wizard). You could also programing fill an array from the spreadsheet file if you so wished, but its been way to long since Ive used MATLAB and while I have done it before for the life of me I can't remember how to do it.
  17. QUOTE (crelf @ Jan 31 2009, 02:43 AM) You had me a bit worried for a sec, was "the cask is an Aussie invention" just another of my made up statistics? Luckily for me after a sec or two on Google I found the following: QUOTE The wine cask was invented by Tom Angove of Angove's, a winemaker from Renmark, South Australia, and patented by the company on , . Shamelessly stolen from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_wine But the bloke was from South Australia so he is not a real Aussie, he is in the same category as kiwis, tassies and mexicans.
  18. If you are really keen you should be able to get that info off the SMBus (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Management_Bus). I think it is also accessible through a win API (see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394493.aspx). A quick Google search also revealed the following link: http://temperature.myweb.hinet.net/index_en.htm , but I havent tested or even looked at the source code, so I have no idea if it works or not.
  19. My invasion day celebrations consisted of a barbie, a couple of games of cricket (I only spectated due to the next activity) and SHIT loads of beer with some cask wine thrown in for good measure, and because the cask is an Aussie invention. And I didn't even have a hangover the next morning..............because the hangover couldn't wait, by 10 that night I already had a shocking head ache.
  20. Mate, you really need to decide what exactly the program needs to do, Then write a proper spec. You will need to decide exactly needs to be controlled, how to control it, what hardware you are going to use for the controller and the basic control algorithm/flow. Until you document these things you will have a bit of drama finding people to help you.
  21. Both are pretty straight forward: plot the time difference between the zero crossing or zero slope points and you should have a pretty graph of the modulation (with a DC offset).
  22. But that's not fair! How will I be able to spam people then?
  23. QUOTE (jojo_lapin @ Jan 29 2009, 07:59 AM) Maybe you should restate your question, as its a bit hard to understand. What exactly are you trying to do? I assume this topic has something to do with your last topic: http://forums.lavag.org/Convertion-between...7231#entry57231
  24. What sort of LabVIEW file? If your talking about a VI then its as normandinf says. If your talking about measurement files such as TDM/TDMS see: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/5957 and http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/0EE...62572E30037C3A2 Where as CSV and other ASCII file imports are directly handled by Matlab.
  25. You haven't attached the data sheets or connection schematics of the encoder. What is a "signal conditioning platform"? What code do you currently have written? If none what architecture do you plan to use? What do you want our help with? (be specific) And lastly turn the font size down!
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