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Christian Butcher

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Christian Butcher last won the day on October 4 2019

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  1. KJK@GPower reports on the NI Forums (link unavailable without tech preview, but posting here because largely unrelated to tech preview and so perhaps not covered by non-disclosure?) that: "I know that the GCentral will be the place to go for finding reuse code what I'm not sure about is if there will be an active forum where [users] can get help and support from the G-Community." So perhaps: As a user of GCentral, I (might, if I were KJK@GPower, or the person they responded to) want to discuss using a package with the creator of that package (and/or other users) via a discussion page or forum system.
  2. Relating to this, as a developer who might use open source code, I would like to be able to avoid installing (potentially obscure) test frameworks and similar to test code that I for whatever reason (author, company, etc) implicitly trust. I suspect this has a lot more to do with the packaging chosen though, and may not be easily manipulated by GCentral...
  3. As a user with a CI-system based on building my packages, I want to be able to programmatically update the package version on GCentral (or notify of a new package, or however this might work). This might involve something like a POST request.
  4. As a developer working on multiple machines, I'd like to be able to save a (personal) configuration file of "IDE-improvement" style packages to install on every machine.
  5. Thanks for the quick response - sorry I didn't see this straight away. I've implemented something a little like your first suggestion: I now have DiskLoggerTestSuite -> LoggingSharedTestCase -> PathGenTestCase (this is another shared component used by the logging classes and then DiskLoggerTypeATestSuite -> DiskLoggerTestCase DiskLoggerTypeBTestSuite -> DiskLoggerTestCase with the case shared between multiple suites. I need to create a new suite for a new class to test, but the suite is fairly simple and so quick to create. At present, I have an ugly setUp for my DiskLoggerTestSuite (the shared code suite) since I'm writing a directory to private data of each TestCase, but adding in inheritance for these cases would solve that problem very easily (and I'll presumably do that next time I need to add something, or when I rework this project a bit more). I'm holding off only because of a blog post I read regarding malleable VIs in 2017 SP1 and the possibility of matching without inheritance (but I'll have to wait and see there). Thanks for your thoughts on this - I'll no doubt reference it again next time I stumble into this issue and hopefully can take your advice to heart a little more fully.
  6. Hi, I'm writing unit tests for some logging code (OK... so I suppose testing the actual logging class would be integration testing, but...) and have (at present) two disk logging classes and an in-memory test implementation. My test suite/case arrangement is currently a bit of a mess (understatement) and what I really want to do is run the same set of tests using each logging implementation. Obviously I don't want to code up the same tests repeatedly (and have to maintain a set of multiples). The solution as I understand it is to store a class object of the type to test in either the Suite or the Case (or both?) and then always read from private data when running a test. Writing the individual tests in this way is fine. My confusion lies in the best way to arrange the Suites and Cases to do this. In particular, if I have some DiskLoggerTestCase containing a collection of tests (for simplicity, all of my tests) and with the Logger object as private data of the Case, then I can create a Suite with code like below in New.vi (duplicatedCasePerSuite.png). Here, I build an array of each Logging object, then use a Write accessor and an autoindexing For loop to build the Suite. Problem: In the VI Tester UI, I see "DiskLoggerTestSuite:DiskLoggerTestCase, DiskLoggerTestSuite:DiskLoggerTestCase". There appears to be no way to distinguish or add names separately (if this is incorrect, I'd love to know how to change it). My second attempt (SuitePerImplementation.png) was to create a new Suite for the single TestCase, with each suite having a new name but the same TestCase (and using the write accessor, without a For loop). This works out, but means I now need to create a new suite for each additional implementation. It's not so terrible, but changes have to be reproduced in each suite if I want to modify something. Further, if I have more than one TestCase, it isn't possible to place them in a loop without reorganising them to inherit from a shared class providing the "Write Logging Object" VI as Dynamic Dispatch. Adding cases that don't use this require a new loop to discover their test methods. Duplicate code again rears its head. My next attempt will be to create one Suite of TestCases, in which the Suite has a Logging object, and it passes the object to the necessary cases, whilst allowing me to then create a set of owning Suites that each contain the first Suite. This is probably more or less the same as the second approach, but should at least compartmentalise some of the changes needed when adding Test Cases and separate adding Test Cases (change to the first Suite) from adding implementations (add a new Suite of the second type). Does anyone know the way this should really be done? I feel l'm missing a good solution and just creating difficult-to-maintain messes.
  7. Thanks! As you said, the ban was short-lived and now I am being more careful.
  8. Thanks for this! Even though I was there, it's great to be able to catch some of the talks that were in parallel with others I attended. I wonder if you could tell us the conditions to use the server? My careless attitude managed to get my IP blocked this morning and so now I'm using my phone and being a little more cautious, but if you could tell us for example, "no more than N simultaneous downloads" then I can avoid being banned for abusive downloads again.
  9. Firstly, I'm reposting from the NI Forums here: Programatically reinsert an ActiveX Container TL;DR: My goal is to programmatically carry out whatever happens when I right click on an ActiveX container and choose the option 'Insert ActiveX Object...'. Ideally, I would like to avoid using VI Scripting to do this, but I haven't gotten anywhere so far and so really any solution will be a step forwards. My most recent attempt (I'm using NI's Actor Framework) has been to place the ActiveX container on an Actor Core panel, then use Pre-Launch Init to open a Static VI Reference, and resize the front panel, with the container set to scale with the front panel. This doesn't work, because the static reference doesn't refer to the same thing that the AF then opens using the Launch Actor VI, but ignoring that problem, it also doesn't help with resizing the container. Previously, I manually resized the container, but this I could only do after it was in existence, and so the object was already inserted. My current observation seems to be that after I choose the ActiveX object to insert, there is little/nothing I can do to change the size of the object (I can change the container, but this doesn't do anything to the object - probably the object isn't very friendly-ly coded, but I can't do anything about that...). Consequently, I come back to my goal, which is to call some Invoke Node or similar, to 'Insert ActiveX Object...'. Is there some way to do this? I don't intend to do it often, so long execution times, recompilation of VIs, shooting a cow over the moon are all fine if needed.
  10. Probably just one per graph, so one. Guess that's XControls out? I'm pretty sure I could make the things I want nicely inside a class, but don't know how I'd then run it. I saw in what I expected to be an unrelated thread here mention of transparent VIs, and looking at those makes me tentatively hopeful, but will take a bit more thinking to work out if that's what I want (especially given communication between the two VIs needed). A separate popup is I suppose possible, since then I can use the VI appearance or property nodes or whatever to have it appear (and a button to end the VI to make it disappear), and that would allow reading of the 'results', I guess. But I was hoping to use it as a 'legend' of sorts, pop it up when I wanted to check which colour line was which result, that kind of thing. If I use a modal popup, then my graph presumably won't update (?) and if I have the VI run asynchronously with call-and-collect, I'm probably adding a few different types of execution (Actor, reentrant subVI, maybe notifier/queue into async subVI, results from async subVI), which seems likely to cause problems (especially because I'm bound to mess it up the first N times).
  11. I'm writing some LabVIEW software to store and display data from a variety of data sources, mostly through an NI DAQ board. I'm displaying the data (stored in an SQLite database) on an XYGraph. I would like to have a toggle-able, probably semi-transparent box listing each of the plots on the graph, with the option to turn the plots on/off by clicking, along with some grouping of similar plots (all temperature measurements, or all measurements from experiment #5, etc). The Bloomy post at http://www.ni.com/newsletter/51918/en/ gives me semi-transparent panels pretty easily (in fact, this can conceivably be tri-state, since I have on, off and invisible :D) I've already programmed a simple multi-column listbox for something else in this project that switches symbols and handles double-click, mouse up/down, etc, so I could maybe use a modified version of that to hold my plots. I have never successfully used an XControl for anything, but when I come to problems involving collections of strange custom controls, I always think, is this what an XControl is for? So, do I need an XControl here? Or will I just be diving into another rabbit-hole leading to yet another unsuccessful XControl attempt? If so, what should I be using instead? In case it matters, the bulk of the project uses NI's Actor Framework to handle separate sections, and the graph is inside a subpanel, inside another subpanel. Some images of current pieces. The parent holds the scrollbar, and my current no-op (except show/hide on the little menu button bottom left) overlay (not at all transparent). The child holds the actual graph, and an ugly global variable mean (I needed it quickly for a colleague's use...). The child is embedded in a subpanel of the parent (above the scrollbar) and the parent is embedded in a subpanel of the MainUI's 'Actor Core.vi'.
  12. I also tried a radio control with the 'OK Button' placed for each item and customised but couldn't rotate the boolean text, and using a label was difficult(/impossible?) to keep in position. I considered custom graphics via gimp but my miserable gimp skills make this a very undesirable option and mean that changes require quite considerable extra time to implement. That being said, your image looks perfectly nice, and so maybe I should just use slightly larger buttons and multi-line boolean text as needed, and then I can use controls for the purposes they're intended rather than having a tab control with effectively no tab panel. Thanks for these links - I took a look at them and the example seems very much like what I imagined reading about the listbox->subpanel arrangement described. I've not used a listbox yet, but I assume it's fairly straightforward. I'll certainly read through the article more closely when I have LabVIEW in front of me (LV is only licensed for my institution's machines, not private use as far as I know) and consider this implementation for the settings 'tab' (which is unlikely to be a tab anymore, but rather a subpanel-embedded VI (I'd guess the 'Actor Core' for a 'Settings Manager' actor, or similar)).
  13. Ah, seems I failed to manage to get this site to post my reply again. I found that a tab control with minimal (5px) width (it's vertical) next to a decoration covered by a subplot allows me to use a nice looking tab control (your opinions may vary) for choices without having to actually use a tab control. Probably it's more expensive than a menu ring (no evidence but seems plausible to me) but I doubt it's hugely so and I quite like the interface. Meanwhile, I can take onboard suggestions about using subplots to improve scalability since I only have one 'panel' rather than an actual tab control
  14. I see the problem - for each control or indicator, I get a new terminal on my BD which I have to place somewhere, and wire appropriately, handling in a case and so on. By moving these into subVI's embedded (whilst needed) in subpanels, I delegate handling of the controls/indicators to the VIs that have some interest in the controls, rather than having a spaghetti mess looming in the future on my GUI's BD. I thought about using a subpanel for config based on something I read here written by Hoovaah (spelling? :s) about his method to register different modules' settings pages. So whilst the collection of settings a module needs probably won't change (much..., and at least not in general) the collection of modules/actors that are running might. By having a subpanel, I can use some sort of selection (I've previously implemented an array of buttons - it wasn't great but it worked. Some thought needed for a better idea here maybe) to choose which module's settings to edit. I think I should have this covered with the Actor Framework I'm using (based on the version that ships with LabVIEW, i.e. AQ's framework, I think). Still takes me some thought to work out who is responsible for sending messages where, but I'm catching on. Another week or so and I should have it down. (Previously I used QMH based on the Continuous Measurement and Logging example project)
  15. Perhaps my problem is that the solution I've envisaged is so unwise that more experienced developers like yourselves can't imagine what I meant (or maybe, can imagine but immediately discard the idea as stupid and assume I meant something else...) My starting idea was to contain as the bulk of my main FP a Tab Control, with around 5 tabs. The default tab might contain a graph, a second tab might contain a subpanel to a settings configuration VI (this would in my imaginary implementation send messages on value changes within it's own embedded front panel to the main VI/controller), a third tab might contain some series of indicators describing the system status, and so on. I chose a Tab Control on the basis that this was the control meant to handle a set of controls/indicators which were grouped, but where I didn't need simultaneous access/views of multiple groups. I suppose one possible variation might be to have a tab control (or custom control that looked like a tab control) and then just one subpanel drawn over the top of it, and switch the subpanel's contents based on the value of the tab control (/ series of buttons with some decorations making them look like tabs). I already have some VIs which implemented a subpanel with contents controlled by a menu ring, so it shouldn't be hard to apply the same idea to my UI (he said, having not tried it) Thanks for the tip. The cost you describe is basically what I imagined seemed reasonable, but I'm glad to have it confirmed (since I'm not certain I could easily test it conclusively) So true...
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