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Anders Björk

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Everything posted by Anders Björk

  1. QUOTE(ronanmcc @ Aug 26 2007, 06:08 PM) Do the introduction to labview outlined in the labview manuals. Fot the motor part, use a Digital Out and possibly need a relay to route the voltage to the motor. Checkout the example VIs for DO for the HYtek module. A while loop and sequence and wait, you are there... Next check the examples for Analog In for the flow and pH-meter, check the electrical out on these sensor to check if you can connect them directly to your Hytek module.
  2. QUOTE(pjsaczek @ Aug 23 2007, 04:30 PM) Has the unit already a serial interface? Otherwise you need some hardware for acquireing and sending signals to the unit. The printer your talking about is it a plotter or is it a printer writing numbers? If it is the later you might been able to catch the control codes and the information, but you will need some extra electronics for that. Then after capturing the information from a serial port you could use string function screen out your numbers.
  3. What I have read from the promomotion material for LabVIEW 8.5 the support for own-functions are now built into the mathscript node. So getting 8.5 might solve your problem. I guess a lot other things has improved in the mathscript node as well.
  4. One experiance I got when working with a customer was that mixing usb-mouse and usb-keyboard on the same internal "hubb" as the usb to serial adapter didnt work, or actual worked very sluggish. Moving the serial-usb to another internal hubb made it more stabile.
  5. Application builder was revamped from LV 8.0. You need to make a project first then do a build. Check NI site for more imformation. Is that what you asked?
  6. QUOTE(orko @ Jun 25 2007, 08:11 PM) It is working fine, tomorrow I will try to implement that in an application. I will take note of your suggestion when wiring it up tomorrow.
  7. Thanks very much for your help! I used the same properties before it didn't work, I was quite puzzled why :/
  8. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Jun 25 2007, 05:07 PM) Yes thats what I meant. I had a simple while loop with two array controls, two property nodes, a time delay and stop button. For testing, tested several properties by read and write.
  9. I have been trying some hour to to syncronize the index of two array controls by use of the property nodes, is it possible to get that working?
  10. QUOTE(MartinP @ Jun 20 2007, 02:21 PM) Is the peaks in your VI-representative for your massspectra? What type of Mass is it? I would try build a moving maximum estimator, to find some approximate peak-positions. I did a work with other co-authors on MALDI-TOF spectra, we fitted two gaussians to each peak and gained information thereby. M Kempka, J Sjödahl, A Björk and J Roeraade, 'Improved Method for Peak Picking in MALDI-TOF/MS', Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 18 (2004), 1208–1212 Otherwise using wavelets to denoise would be wise, my opion is that it would more suitable than SG. Another option is to find the peaks in wavecoefficents and then back transform.
  11. QUOTE(AndersBjork @ May 20 2007, 03:16 PM) Adding a comment on your evaluation, I would use principal component analysis or partial least squares to analyse the spectra or selected regions around the peaks. I have done similar thing since 1997. You should get a better estimate of the "condition" if you use a "weighted" average.
  12. QUOTE(zeldAIS @ May 20 2007, 12:47 AM) Well put a Express for Spectral measurements in parallell with the tone-measurements or edit the tone measurement vi... I guess the first alternative is most easy. That extra computing will probally not be a problem in your case.
  13. First of all remove the Fourier transform vi there is no need for that. The tone measurement express vi make the complete work for you. You only need to wire input data (wavfile data/AI) and specify a approximate frequency for the peak your looking for (possibly specifiy some other parameters). To read a wave file you find them in the palette Programming\Graphics and Sound\Sound. Rather than attaching VI paste a screenshot of your diagram, you will get a better respones, fast for us to see your problem.
  14. QUOTE(Herbert @ May 10 2007, 08:12 PM) Thanks! It work when I tried again.
  15. I have a COM object that is suppose to give a reference to another object but it gives a variant and here comes the problem. I dont have a clue if it solvable or not. I have tried from variant with a an constant to the subobject as type but that didnt work. According to the object documentation the second object is only reachable throught the first. All ideas are appreciated. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5805
  16. I have contacted NI about this.
  17. Yet again have I got a carton box probally delivered by airplane from Hungary containing a folder "Global Services and Support", a paper saying my SSP is renewed and a copy of the invoice. The box weighs about ten-twenty times than papers.. How is NI think? This a waste of resouces, an regular envolope or even better a email would be a better solution.
  18. I had a similar problem when working on a customers software.. I found no other solution then to uppdate the event name twice..checking the counter in the while loop..
  19. It seems like all major programming languages decline.... So it is not Labview specific...
  20. QUOTE(Jeff Plotzke @ Feb 26 2007, 11:44 PM) Maybe this all to late but, but if a remeber correctly one way to implement this isto use the control error from the controller for the large valve as the variable to control in the controller for the small valve. That is practially your own manual approach with to controller in automatic control.
  21. Thanks for the llb Don! A half year ago I made PCA on histograms of black and white images in order to analyse different process conditions (using matlab). It was quite efficent for the purpose. BR Anders
  22. Don Would it be possible for you to share the VI that is performing the actually PCA? BR Anders
  23. On sysinternals page there is a filter for disabling caps-lock. There were some pointers to information.. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysintern...s/Ctrl2Cap.mspx
  24. Thank you very much! It will help me alot! Should have checked the help better
  25. I mean do not compile VI into a binary but you would like to open LabVIEW and get it automatically to run a VI with some command line args.
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