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Everything posted by SayMaster

  1. okay, small finding: if my Data is 40 bytes the card can handle up to 200Mhz in repeat mode if my data is 16 bytes it can repeat mit 100Mhz.. still missing an information about this behavior...
  2. Hi Guys, I am trying to get a PXI 6562 up and running. I want to save a pre-generated pattern to the card and just repeat it continuously. Everything seems fine till I go over a clock rate of 25Mhz, then I get an error 0xBFFA4C3 which tells me that the card cant keep up with this sample rate. Is there a tweak I can reach up to 100Mhz? Is there any description about this behavior? At least I cant find anything 😕 thanks in advance! br
  3. thanks guys! that's what I feared 😕 I also found the .net solution but I am afraid to use it. The whole program is pretty old and I just did some performance tweaks for the update process (there are 1200+ elements in the tree and I changed the update process to only update visible elements) probably wont touch this for the next years gave you a kudo for that! thanks!
  4. Hi there, I want to build a touch friendly UI with LV2023 Fuse Design System. Is there a way to make a tree element touch friendly? especially enlarge the "+"/"-" for Expand/Contract elements? Thanks in advance
  5. Hi there, I am wondering if there is a way to "follow" Wires/References through a project? In the last months I got a few requests to kinda refactor old code, for that I would like to get a list of all VIs which are connected on a specific wire. For example to get all commands which are sent to a device. Bonus: this function can handle following the same reference even if the reference is shared over the whole project via locals... thanks in advance
  6. Thanks for the feedback! We received a .eds file for our CANOpen communication these days. I also saw that the CANOpen driver NI provides should be able to go with these... so if our customer decides to go for it I will go for the PCI-8531 solution.
  7. Hi, thanks for your answer! Okay, I am not completely sure how this should work? Are there Labview libarys which handle this CANOpen comm layers? Or do I just have to create my correct XNET db with the messages I expect to receive and send and thats it? sry if thats a stupid question, I have worked with XNET before (as a simple user, I did not dig deep into it) but CANOpen is new to me. I have found the CANOpen NI-Package, but this one says it supports only C-Series and the special PXI/PCI modules.
  8. Hi Guys, searching for a solution to communicate with some external CANOpen devices. what I found so far: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P6yhSAC&l=de-AT So, the old USB-8473 could work with CANOpen. Is there a way to get it running with newer Hardware? If not I think I have to go with the PCI-8531... and work with a PCIe to PCI -Adapter... As we are on a windows computer, the PXI/FPGA edition wont fit...
  9. Works great my .bat will start Teststand with my own .tenv with a defined workspace under which the whole source is stored, so I dont have to chnage anything else. only had to check the "subdir" for "current workspace directory". I am happy with this solutions, seems clean and straight forward
  10. Thanks for your respond. That's kinda similar to my idea right now. What bothered me was that search directories are hardcoded paths... so if I start the .tsw file it would not find the sequences, if one developer would work in C:/git/projectname and the other would use another path... I just found out that there is a SearchDir called "Current Workspace Dir" but the default setting is that it wont search sub directories. But I think by changing this setting and starting Teststand with a .tenv for each of my project could resolve all of my "problems" I have right now Have to test it in the next days
  11. Hi Guys, I am searching for "best practice" for setting up my whole environment. We use git to store our source and by now I distribute my source (LabVIEW/Matlab/Teststand) via Feeds to my Teststations. Is there a "clean" way to handly the environment settings, like Adapter, search paths and logfile paths? I know about the environment file, but every developer have its own folder structure like I store my project under C:/git/projectname... and a college for example C:/projects/git/projectname What I do right now for the Teststations itself: i have all my settings/inis and so on in my feed --> this works as planned But how can I handle my developing machines without !manually! add search directories to my git checkouts? I was hoping a working space would handle at least directories, but it doesnt... Some ideas, am I missing something? thanks in advance
  12. Hey guys... I have played around with package manager/builder in the last few days... it seems that this thing is not completely easy going as I thought it was - or I am just too stupid to use... so what I want: I have a network drive with folders where I store NI Installers/feeds/pools and other .nipkgs/feeds I want to create "station specific" feeds out of these packages. Easiest way I found out to create such a feed was to do it via command line? I did something like: nipkg feed-create C:\temp\TestStation P:\driverX nipkg feed-create --append C:\temp\TestStation P:\driverY What I did not find is a possibility to like concatenate different Package-Feed-Files. For example the NI drivers and so on always have a Feed file in there installers, wouldn't it be nice to just select these files instead of all the .nipkgs in the pool folder? Would make the new Package-feed-file much more readable if the would only contain references to other feed files, at least in my head... thanks in advance €: had another idea: I could create an installer which installs Package Manager with a few tweaks by just adding the network package feed files to the recognized feed paths? Or does someone else have some good idea to setup production stations with defined runtimes/test setups AND also developing stations with defined versions?
  13. @Admin: I just recognized I am in the wrong section, is it possible to move my post? @Rolf Kalbermatter: maybe you have an idea for me, I struggle with an idea: I want to build 2 Repositories: Rep1: Config Files Version 1.0.3 VIs Version 1.0.6 Rep2: Config File Version 1.0.1 VIs Version 1.0.10 But somehow I am too stupid find the right Version Tab to do this... I the repository Tab there is only "Latest Build" as a selection... feels a little strange?
  14. Hey thanks for your answers! Just found out about the Post-Install Script calls This will work fine for me. Its the first time working with package builder and I missed the possibility for scripts in my first look. --> this will do the job by the way I kinda like this thing (package builder).
  15. Hi Guys, is there a (clean) way to install Matlab with NI Package Manager? I need some mat-Scripts (local .m-Files) for my software and make sure the right version is installed. (as we use package manger, and I am not that familiar with it, it would be nice to have one software package rather than someone have to install the software one by another) The scripts are called in the software and needed to be changed by some other developers, without entering LabVIEW 😕 br Michael
  16. Hello fellow LabVIEWers, I am trying to get a self developed PXI chassis up and running - with some problems. As this is this my first time developing a chassis, some general questions about 3rd party chassis: If I want to get a 3rd party PXI chassis up and running with MAX I just need to add the right description files into the right folder? otherwise the chassis will be recognized as "undefined"? but will still work - except triggers? Whats my status right now? Chassis is connected via PCIe 8361 - PXIe 8360 and the Connection seems to work Chassis seems to work and inserted cards get recognized by MAX and "self test" works Chassis seems to get recognized with the Keysight Resource Manager (I installed it and selected it in NI MAX) no unknown devices in windows device manager (so the NI SMBus Controller gets recognized correctly) btw my actual SW installation: PXI Services 17.5.1 MAX 17.5 VISA 17.5 DAQ 17.5 LV 17f2 I am open for any suggestions and tipps! br SayMaster
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