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Found 10 results

  1. HI! I am new in this forum. I have searched a lot for the Labview Real-Time version 8.0 without any success. I am writing in case anyone has the link, zip, rar, iso or any format with this version. It is for an old PXI. Thank you very much in advance!
  2. In a few days my team and me will start a project and I'm a little anxious because I've never work with PXI Systems... If anyone want to tell me a tip, recommendation or something about your experience with this systems, you'll welcome. I'm one of the developers in the crew!. I've experience with cRIO and cDAQ. OG
  3. Hello fellow LabVIEWers, I am trying to get a self developed PXI chassis up and running - with some problems. As this is this my first time developing a chassis, some general questions about 3rd party chassis: If I want to get a 3rd party PXI chassis up and running with MAX I just need to add the right description files into the right folder? otherwise the chassis will be recognized as "undefined"? but will still work - except triggers? Whats my status right now? Chassis is connected via PCIe 8361 - PXIe 8360 and the Connection seems to work Chassis seems to work and inserted cards get recognized by MAX and "self test" works Chassis seems to get recognized with the Keysight Resource Manager (I installed it and selected it in NI MAX) no unknown devices in windows device manager (so the NI SMBus Controller gets recognized correctly) btw my actual SW installation: PXI Services 17.5.1 MAX 17.5 VISA 17.5 DAQ 17.5 LV 17f2 I am open for any suggestions and tipps! br SayMaster
  4. I have an AIT MIL-STD-1553 PXI card, and I am trying to control it using LabVIEW. The card shows up in MAX, and a Test Panel is able to communicate with it, as shown in the attached images. Further, if I open a VISA session with the instrument, it seems to be okay. (I have only tried doing a VISA Open and VISA Close, resulting in no error. Since I don't know any other VISA commands to this instrument, and since it does not seem to speak SCPI, I have been limited to simply opening and closing the VISA session.) However, when I try to do a simple Initialize using the AIT LabVIEW vis, I get an error code -1, stating that there is "No Hardware Found". This simple vi is shown in the other attachment. I have also tried different "network path in", and "board index in" values, without success. Any time I change the network path in to anything but "local", I get an error code -5, stating that "Remote network connection not supported by this hardware". I have verified that the latest AIT firmware is loaded on the card. I'm running the AIT LabVIEW vilib components, and LabVIEW 2015. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Dan
  5. Hi, My company has been developing and maintaining its own SCADA software in LabVIEW for a few years. It is fairly comprehensive: datalogging, graphing, alarm monitoring, automation, loops for equations and PIDs, and so on. It is a PC-based solution and communicates with many different kinds of hardware through the COM(RS232), USB, and Ethernet ports of the PC. This solution works well and allows keeping the costs low for most of our customers. Most of the loops run around 10Hz (100ms). However, more and more we are running into customer specifications that require high control rate (few milliseconds), high determinism (to the millisecond), and high reliability. Not surprisingly, the PC solution becomes unacceptable. We feel it is time to look into a real-time, embedded solution for those customers. That's why I'm currently investigating the different NI embedded RT solutions (namely PXI and cRIO). I can find plenty of resources on each of them, but close to nothing when it comes to comparing the 2 solutions and choosing which one to go with. Would you mind giving me some guidance? I guess you'll need more information, which I'll be happy to provide. A few elements already: - There is no request for MHz loops, so the FPGA side of the cRIO is not required I believe - Our application contains many VIs that are both the engine and the HMI, so there will be some decoupling effort if we need to split it into an HMI application on the PC and an RT application on the cRIO. Would a PXI solution avoid this issue by plugging a monitor directly to the display port of the controller? But then if I have all the code in the PXI controller, is it likely that I will lose my control rate and determinism? Thanks! Emmanuel
  6. Hello, I am developing a PXI system and thought I would use OOP to do all the DAQmx calls for all the different cards in my chassis. It all looks nice and neat and works a treat when running in LabVIEW 2013. All my Network Shared Variables are updated on my host application and the host can happily control the PXI chassis. However, as soon as I try and create an executable to run at startup the code stops working, it simply appears not to deploy. There are no errors or warnings, the PXI executable simply no longer works. I presume I am missing something simple, like a missed check box or an automated deploy command. If anyone can see what I might be doing wrong then I'd be mighty grateful. My class structure is fairly simple LabVIEW Class >> DAQmx Class >> PXIe 6363 AI, PXIe 6363 DI, etc Thanks Malcolm
  7. Hi! I've got a new PC with Win7 and a PXI-Chassis (connected through MXI) with a PXI8231 Ethernet card inside. Everything seems to be correctly installed (no yellow signs in the hardwaremanager) the ethernet card appears in the Network Connections, has a static IP, notices if there is a cable pluggen in, but has no communication (0 packets send, 0 packets received). the card is 'supported' out of the box from Win7, so there are no drivers from NI or Intel. With WinXP everything worked fine. I've already changed the card, but still have the same issue... I tried several days to get it running, without success... has anyone a similar environment, or a working PXI8231 on Win7? maybe someone of you has an idea what I could even try to get it running? thanks fabian
  8. Hello everyone, Basically i have 2 VIs, one running on a PXI, lets call it PXI.vi and one on the pc, GUI.vi I started testing my application some days ago and after 3 hours of running i got the error in the picture. Error -1073807339 occured at VISA Write in PXI.vi Reason: Timeout expired before operation completed. Then immediately also this error: Unable to locate variable in the shared variable engine. Deployment of the variable may have failed. I restarted the PXI and started the test and it happened again after 2 hours. The third time even sooner. It is always 2 variables that cause this problem.They are used to pass information about error happening on a instrument. So actually they are not even used when giving the message. I check them in a loop every second. They are not buffered. I initialize them when the vi starts I am using Labview 2011 and windows 7 Thank ou in advance for your time.
  9. Kello everyone! I have some instruments which i controll over VISA. the software has two parts: one GUI running on a computer and the program running on the PXI to which the instruments are connected. I would like the user to be able to choose the GPIB address of each instrument on the GUI, so i created a cluster of GPIB controls. My problem is that while the same cluster on the software of the PXI gives the posible addresses from the instruments connected to it, on the GUI it does not. One easy solution is the user to write the number of each instrument and manipulate the string but i hope there is a more "nice" way. Also if i create a shared variable it cannot be network, only single proccess, which might play a role. I am using Labview 2011 and windows 7 Thank you in advance.
  10. Dear List Members, My Boss has asked me to look into new Agilent PXI Chassis and compares it with NI Chassis. The Agilent Salesman provides a list of "superior" performance items, such as: - All slots are hybrid (not like NI that some of them are hybrid) - two 4GB paths (effectively 8GB) for data transfer (as opposed to 2.5 GB for NI Chassis) - Existing of Timing card? and Trigger line? that is more superior than NI? - Better cooling methodology - "Free" Agilent Test Exec Software module I have not had a chance to test this Chassis yet and would like to ask independent opinion of the esteemed list members about their positive of negative experiences related to this new product from Agilent. My main concern is lack of software (driver) compatibility with MAX and Labview, although the Agilent Sales man is assuring me that there is no such a problem! (Agilent is about 20-25 percent more expensive than NI) Considering that Agilent does not have any FPGA, Image Acq, Motion Control, etc PXI Modules, it is a bit hard for me to accpet this claim. They provide a few DAQ and Switch PXI modules . So, bottom line, if you are using Agilent PXI chassis, could you please share your impartial experience with me? Either positive or negative, please. I really appreciate your help. Kindest Regards Dr. Hamid Yazdi
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