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Posts posted by jcarmody


    I want to make a program where you can draw a waveform which can be later on be generated by my DAQ analog out.

    I understood that part, I just don't understand why.

    I've modified my earlier example to use the Waveform data type, but you'll see that it doesn't faithfully represent what's been drawn.  This is where you'll have to define how to convert X-Y data into a waveform (axis scaling and handling right-to-left pen movement, to start).  Do you understand what I mean?

    post-7534-016919600 1279102673_thumb.png

    main (1).vi

    • Like 1
  2. I have a similar situation in that I'm working on abstracting CAN hardware because my company has NI, Kvaser and ValueCAN all over the place.

    I've begun a BaseCAN parent class, a ValueCAN class (which will have ValueCAN-2 and ValueCAN-3 children) and a Kvaser class.  My ultimate goal is to dynamically dispatch whichever child classes are required based on the hardware (as indicated by an entry in a configuration file).  I've got it working for simple read/write functions.

    I've printed out the document from Daklu's link about HALs.  Is this along the lines of what you're discussing?

  3. Hi,

    Yes, Mikael is correct. Myself and the rest of my collegues at AddQ left Endevo earlier this year.

    I was discussing G# with a colleague this morning and mentioned that some of you had left Endevo. His first thought was to question whether it's ethical for us to use G# when it could contain some Endevo-proprietary content.

    What sayest thou?

  4. After a year and a half you probably have a good foundation, but you should do better than 70%.  Study the questions from the practice exam, even wiring them up yourself to verify their operation.

    I passed the CLAD, CLD and CPI (Certified Professional Instructor) in less than one year without taking any NI training courses.  You can, too. 

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  5. I am coming up with an interactive labview questionare but am not sure what to do,please check the attachment below and advice accordingly,.....you can as well modify and send me the modified version. thanx

    You ought to have done more work with Dennis' example than you did.  Crosspost from here.

    Here's an example of how to have each question on its own page.  I used a Tab Control and hid the tabs.  The Next button isn't on any of the Tab Control's pages, I've floated it over the control so it's accessible from every page.

    post-7534-092101200 1276512106_thumb.png 

  6. Hello guys,

    First of all, I am glad to be here. I am a beginner at LabView (2009).

    Second, I was suggested this site by a friend of mine in case I need help with LabView.

    Third, I need HELP! hehe

    Ok so I want to create range of number associated with another number.

    i.e. Numbers 1-10 should be assigned value "1"

    Number 11-20 should be assigned value "2"

    and so on.

    I want to compare my number with the range if it falls into the range, I want to assign the value assigned to that range.

    i.e. # I have is 15 and I want to compare it with each range. Since 15 falls in between 11-20, I want to assign it # 2.

    I am not looking for answer or code. All I want is an idea in the right direction. i.e., what types of things I should consider for creating different ranges and assigning them with numbers.


    First of all, welcome.

    Second, you've come to the right place.

    Third, think about what you get if you divide the input number by the size of the range.  For your example, divide 15 by 10 and consider the result.  Try a few other numbers and you'll see what I'm getting at.

    (hint: Quotient & Remainder)  Highlight the text before this line for a dead giveaway...

    Good luck.  :) 

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