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Everything posted by jcarmody

  1. I'd like to add one word of caution. Although these are all good questions to prepare you for the CLAD exam, they only scratch the surface of what you may face on the actual exam. I took the CLAD last year after practicing the online test many times; I even took screen shots of each question so I could go back and wire up every block diagram and study every conceptual question. In the end, when I sat down in front of the testing computer the first question didn't look like anything I saw during practice. That's fine, I thought, there are 39 more questions to go. Then, the second one was unfamiliar too. And the third... That how it went; I think that only a one or two questions were similar to ones I had seen during practice. So, I say to take the practice exams as many times as you can. Study the questions off-line (asking for discussion here is a good idea) but go through the Basics I & II material until you're very familiar with it. Also, when you're taking the actual test, take advantage of the testing software's ability to "mark" a question to review later. The actual CLAD isn't like the practice tests; you can keep going back to a question until you're satisfied with the answer (or, until your time runs out). I kept going through the questions until I had un-marked all of them. Keep in mind the way folks here are answering the questions; you can often dissect the grammar for clues to what the questioner has in mind as the correct answer. Good luck and happy wiring! Jim Here's a list of things that I wasn't prepared for: . Order of events - vi mouse down, boolean mouse down, boolean value change? . disadvantage of saving data in ASCII file . coercion dot means? . expression nodes (I didn't even know what this was!) . sub-vi remains in memory, even when not displayed, if there are...? . things auto-indexing does . default auto-indexing behavior of for & while loops . date/time formatting (that pesky %d%M stuff) . weakly-typed vi reference definition (this one threw me for a loop) . ring controls accept vs. enumerated list . 1000/0 into for-loop 'N' results in how many iterations? (wire it for yourself) . stacked sequence advice . multiple X & Y axes on graphs & charts . when 'wait until next ms multiple' begins counting
  2. QUOTE (shoneill @ Nov 3 2008, 04:38 PM) No, thanks. I get cut on sharp things.QUOTE (jzoller @ Nov 3 2008, 10:55 AM) I had the attached laying around, hopefully it's helpful. Thanks. There's sure an awful lot going on in there. I'm going go forward with Python. I'm not sure what would be easier, but I'm more interested in learning Python than how to use .net in LabVIEW. I played around at lunch today and wrote open, query and close VIs so I have enough to get started and a clearer vision of where I want to go. Thanks to both of you for your suggestions. Jim
  3. QUOTE (shoneill @ Nov 3 2008, 07:43 AM) Shane, Do you have an example you could share? I don't have any experience with .net (except for a horrible application I inherited that has a slick user interface using .net controls). Thanks, Jim
  4. Hello, I've read a few posts about using SQLite in LabVIEW and haven't found the library to replace the broken link I mentioned here. My former employer had some useful VIs, but they are proprietary (and, being that they're my former employer, I no longer have a right to use them). So... I've wanted to write some wrapper VIs to use SQLite without ODBC and the NI DB toolkit (it works fine) and have made some initial progress. I first tried to use a Call Library Function node to access the functions inside SQLite3.dll directly, but got lost right away. I had seen a post where some work was started using CVI, but I didn't understand why a C wrapper was needed around the dll to use it in LabVIEW. What I got out of this, and a few hours of Googling, was that it was needed and I was missing something fundamental. Anyway, in a moment of inspiration I decided to use a Python Script node to access the database and was able to execute a SELECT query and also divine some schema information. I haven't tested it extensively yet (it's very much preliminary work and a bit sloppy), but I've just begun and would like some feedback as to whether I'm way off base or if this would be useful. I'm very interested in doing this, especially if others would be able to use it. I'll appreciate any suggestions you make. Thank you, Jim Download File:post-7534-1225677106.zip
  5. QUOTE (Omar Mussa @ Oct 31 2008, 05:49 PM) Omar, Thanks for your help. Would you mind if I asked a question re: Sequence: Wait? I did this in the other program I mentioned because it requires the operator to perform a timed operation not controlled by my software. I didn't want to wait in a state without handling UI events. The sequence needs to continue once the operation completes; how could I handle this without going through Idle? Am I misapplying the JKI State Machine? I appreciate the time you spent on your response and I'll definitely refer back to your suggestions and take the advice. Jim Ashwin, I hope I didn't hijack your post. Perhaps I misunderstood your original post and you won't need a state machine. Jim
  6. QUOTE (TobyD @ Oct 31 2008, 03:53 PM) Rats, I meant to make them all hyperlinks. Sorry 'bout that! You can find it http://forums.lavag.org/sensor-calibration-test-t12296.html&pid=53827#entry53829' target="_blank">here.
  7. QUOTE (kmc @ Oct 31 2008, 01:49 PM) Ashwin, You were about ten minutes too early! I just got back to this thread after spending some time in LabVIEW to see your latest post. Anyway, I think I understand your assignment but don't think that your approach is adequate. I think this is a perfect application for a JKI State Machine (I love the JKI State Machine!!! :worship: ). The only thing that would make me deviate from a JKI State Machine would be the DAQ part; I'd probably need to make some sort of a Producer and use the JKI State Machine as the consumer. Regardless, you have a lot going on and it would be akward to stuff it all into a Sequence Structure (never use 'em myself, 'cept to give myself something to wire to when I'm enforcing data flow on objects w/o inputs). So... I've made a start at this but don't want to go too far. First of all because it's your assignment and I don't want to either do too much of it for you or lead you down a bad path (more likely?). Secondly, I don't think I have enough information to continue. Please take a look at what I've done and see if it could be developed into a solution to your problem. The "Macro: Initialize" state is where I put the sequence; you can tell what I have in mind by looking there. If you haven't seen the JKI State Machine yet (why not!?!?!?), take a look at the tutorials on their web site. (I think I have the link around here, somewhere... ) There's a bunch left to do; for example, you'd probably want an indicator to prompt the operator on what's expected. The point I left off was simulating the DAQ so I could evaluate the inputs at each station, but that's not too difficult. Let me know if this helps and if I can help further. Best wishes, Jim :question: To the JKI folks & others that are familiar with the JKI State Machine, would you comment on what I've done? I've read the discussions here and on JKI's site, and I've (nearly) finished an application at work based on this (just working on getting Software Quality Assurance approval). I've gotten my feet wet and would like to learn more. I've added some states to let me sequence through test steps. I've added a "Sequence: Wait" step that causes the program to loop for a specified time so other operations can continue ("Sequence: Wait >> 10" will loop for ten seconds before continuing to the next step). I've added a "Sequence: Wait for button" that will wait until a named button is pressed during a particular test step. "Sequence: Wait for button >> pbx" will loop, holding this place in the sequence, until a button labeled "pbx" is pressed. I'll probably add the option to specify a final state using a command argument. It doesn't handle the event; it just waits until it's pressed. I've put a cluster of control references outside the main loop (so I can set indicators w/o resorting to local variables) and I've added target & elapsed time indicators to the Front Panel. Do you think I'm OK with these approaches? Thanks, Jim Download File:post-7534-1225478032.zip
  8. Hi Anthony, First of all QUOTE We fired him in September.Seriously, though. My experience with functional specs tends to make me agree with the first article, but specifically with this point: QUOTE Functional specs only lead to an illusion of agreement My situation has me building test equipment that must meet a customer-approved ATP, which is written in stone and the basis for a functional spec. The trouble begins when we start to get requests from our internal customer (the Design Engineering group) for features beyond the ATP requirements. I've seen success with a "Statement of work" - "Statement of understanding" process where the customer writes what they want (the SOW), we read it and respond with our understanding of what they wrote (the SOU). They read our SOU and modify their SOW and we go 'round and 'round until we're sure that we have an understanding (as sure as we can be, anyway). I can't see how to build test equipment without a good document at the beginning, whether it's called a 'functional spec' or 'requirements document'. I began a thread here looking for help (got some good pointers, too). I'd need to learn to manage the process at the beginning of the project so I can satisfy all my customers (ATE delivered on-time, within budget and slick). Thanks for the link. Jim
  9. QUOTE (crelf @ Oct 24 2008, 11:08 PM) I like them, but I can't change the background. I'd like that to be transparent, like the fifth button . Thanks, Jim
  10. QUOTE (crelf @ Oct 20 2008, 09:53 AM) No... But, I use it! There are only two of us using LabVIEW; the other guy uses LabWindows. QUOTE You're on a team - do you share any code? Not really... I've used VIPM to package some of my own reusable bits, but haven't shared them. QUOTE How do they control versioning, rollback to previous versions, etc? These aren't fun questions QUOTE Yes - having SCC exoerience will help you with the CLA. Even if it's only with Subversion? I recognize the need for this, among other things; I started http://forums.lavag.org/requirements-document-t12141.html&p=52947#entry52947' target="_blank">another thread about requirements documents last week. Thing is, I've got a long way to go before I can lead an effort to change these things, but I'm reading/trying/learning to position myself to improve myself first, then I can be better able to affect the team.
  11. QUOTE (ivan00 @ Oct 20 2008, 08:07 AM) Delete the Index Array function and wire a zero to the shift register. The first element in the output array will be the first element of the input array (minus zero). Jim http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_10_2008/post-7534-1224507877.png' target="_blank"> PS - You're welcome; this stuff is fun for me!
  12. QUOTE (crelf @ Oct 18 2008, 03:08 PM) I'm on a team of developers that doesn't use SCC, but I use Tortoise SVN for my work. My question is not how this will benefit me, but whether my experience with it will help when I sit for the CLA exam (someday, perhaps next year, not sure when, not nearly ready...). The stuff I read from NI mentions $oftware that I don't have. Thanks, Jim
  13. Hi Ivan, Welcome to the forum. I've found it to be a great resource with fantastically capable and willing members. I'm hooked; I hope you find what you need, too. Good luck. Jim
  14. QUOTE (ivan00 @ Oct 20 2008, 01:17 AM) Is this what you're looking for? The first loop is just to make an array of data to play with. The second loop indexes through the first array and uses a shift register to make the n-1 element available to each iteration. "n-1" doesn't make sense for the first element in the array so I initialized the Shift Register with the first element of the array, making the first time through the loop result in zero; seemed like the right thing to do http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_10_2008/post-7534-1224496217.png' target="_blank"> Jim PS - if you post your code as a png file you'll make it easier for us to see. My first thought was that I shouldn't open the Word doc because it could have a virus. I hope it wasn't a mistake...
  15. jcarmody

    Alfa String

    QUOTE (alfa @ Oct 20 2008, 03:12 AM) I RESEMBLE that remark!
  16. QUOTE (crelf @ Oct 13 2008, 12:40 PM) I do want to talk further about this, but I want to make sure I'm not getting in over my head. I'm accustomed to receiving specifications, not writing them, so I'd like to get someone else's perspective. I'm going to discuss this with the senior test guys and my manager; we'll see if they're as interested as I am. Thanks, Jim
  17. 5.57 It's stuff like this that makes it hard to deny that I'm getting old.
  18. Hi, I work in a Test Engineering department on the Manufacturing/Operations side of the "wall", with Design Engineering on the other side. There is a disconnect in the way the Design teams specify their requirements and we end up shooting at moving/unclear targets; the result being that our ATEs are often delivered behind schedule and over budget. We'd like to make a generic requirements document that would gently guide them toward providing a specification that we can hang our hats on. If we can accomplish this early in the process we might have a shot at controlling scope-creep. Granted, late design changes will require us to readjust, but we'd be able to specifically say how much time & money will be required to comply if we had a good plan. Another area to consider (that I've been hurt by) is custom test equipment purchased by the Design team that gets thrown over the wall when the product is ready for production. I'm about to release one ATE for limited production use after spending > 200 hours reverse-engineering and modifying the software to the latest test requirements. I'd like to be able to get Design Engineering to follow our guidelines when working with an outside vendor, at least if they're going to use "future production use" as part of their justification for the purchase. Our design team is in the process of quoting a new piece and I'd like to get my two cents in early. I recall having an NI District Sales Manager give us a presentation on the help they offer folks developing large projects (it's impressive). One of the biggest things I took away was his point that a missing specification is a big risk at the outset of a project. I've sure seen the truth in this. Do you have a template that you would share with me? I'd appreciate any advice you can offer, and I'll compile whatever help I receive and post it back here. Thank you, Jim PS - Our walls aren't very high and we do have cross-functional teams working on all development projects. I'm just trying to help guide our operation toward Standard Work in this area.
  19. I recognized the poster's name in this thread. It's a small world, after all!
  20. QUOTE (Shaun Hayward @ Sep 26 2008, 09:09 AM) I just joined a http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&thread.id=359065' target="_blank">thread on the NI LabVIEW forum where I learned that you can use the database connectivity toolkit if you install an ODBC driver for SQLite. I guess I should have known that...
  21. QUOTE (Mike C @ Sep 25 2008, 09:28 PM) Michael, I'm curious about why you're interested in this product. Do you have a specific need or is this an exercise to learn a new technology? I'm all for learning new things :thumbup: (except, perhaps MS isn't my favorite source :thumbdown: ) I'd recommend SQLite for a small database without onerous licensing that you can include with your application. There's a http://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-1254' target="_blank">toolkit on ni.com that I've had some success with. Anyway, good luck with your project. Please forgive me if I'm way off base. jm
  22. QUOTE (JiMM @ Sep 23 2008, 08:32 AM) "WARNING!!! It is never safe to look directly at the Sun because the Sun’s rays can damage your eyes. It is safe to study the Sun’s surface if you use a telescope to project the Sun’s image onto a piece of paper." I don't know what would make it safe to study Michael Moore's new movie. But, I could imagine projecting something...
  23. QUOTE (mballa @ Sep 22 2008, 12:37 PM) THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! Thank you! I love it. jm
  24. jcarmody

    Alfa String

    QUOTE (JiMM @ Sep 22 2008, 01:06 PM) We're supposed to be http://www.amazon.com/Republic-Not-Empire-Patrick-Buchanan/dp/089526272X' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">a republic, not an empire. My kids are taught that in school; they go to school in the room over our garage. On the curriculum this year: Lego Mindstorm robot programming. :thumbup:
  25. jcarmody

    Alfa String

    QUOTE (rolfk @ Sep 22 2008, 08:30 AM) I think I'd prefer a monarchy. At least then there's a possibility that the government would want to maintain a sustainable economy; he's not likely to loot it to the point that there's nothing left to pass to his oldest son. The incentive in a Democracy is to get as much loot as you can before loosing office. :thumbdown: No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in session. ~ Gideon J. Tucker Jm
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