The scoring for the exam is based on 40 points, 15 for style, 15 for Functionality, and 10 for Documentation. Divide your time up accordingly. Our natural instinct as programmers is to focus on Functionality, which in the case of this exam might hurt you.
Documentation is really quite easy and shouldn't take more than a few minutes, so don't miss out on those points. In addition to my previous suggestions, also add descriptions to all your sub-vis. Do this as you create the sub-vis, much eaiser than than trying to go back at the end of the test and add it.
For Style, graders are looking for things like unnecessary wire bends, coersion dots, overlapping objects, unused code, stuff like that.
My biggest loss of points was due to the fact I didn't handle errors. I'd planned implement an error handing routine at the end, and I ran out of time. If I'd added it from the start I'd probably have gotten a better score.
But most of all, just relax. It's really not that hard.