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Welcome to Lava .... This Post form 1990 it takes a long time to reach this Forum ... ------------------------------------------------------------
QUOTE(manic @ Aug 1 2007, 04:55 PM) Welcome To LAVA ...Mr. passive ... Glad to see you Matthias, feel free to ask for any problem
Welcome To LaVa ... YOu are Lucky Rabbit. You have already found the best forum ... i like this forum so much it really helps ... Feel free to ask ... it gives us a great pleasure to help you ...
QUOTE(Gamboa @ Aug 13 2007, 08:28 PM) Welcome Gamboa. your Random Project is interesting wishing you all the best in your PhD. Hope we can help you. Regards Sherif Farouk (",)
QUOTE(Cat @ Aug 15 2007, 10:34 PM) Welcome Back to LV Community Cat :D
QUOTE(Harish @ Aug 20 2007, 09:27 AM) Hello Harish , welcome To Lava ...
QUOTE(orko @ Jun 27 2007, 09:40 AM) Thank you orko Now i'm sure that the error resulted from the code loaded on the FPGA board , i checked the VHDL code it's OK. However when i changed the VHDL process that is resposible for this problem to have double the period, the Labview VI didn't work [i.e simulation stops and a timeout error showed up] thus, i have to change the Baud rate to fit the new values ....[period doubled then Baud rate should be Half of its value] now Labview back to life again and work But unfortunately with the same Problem . This is because when i used factor two to reduce the baud rate I -- at the same time -- doubled the period so they cancel each other and back to the same Problem. i don't know what Can i do ....??!! do you have any idea .... !! regards Sherif Farouk (",) -----------------
QUOTE(orko @ Jun 27 2007, 01:52 AM) I already made what you said but still no change anyway thank you for your help To illustrate the problem more and more When the analog pulsed signal is converted to digital and sent Over serial Port and then read again on the labview the read signal has half the period of the written wave (i.e double the frequency or double rate)
QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 24 2007, 06:07 AM) OK Thank you Crelf i already tried the loopBack test you suggested but when i write for example Ahmed i received Amd i don't know why regards, sherif farouk (",) Thank you both JackHamilton & JFM you really helped me to discover where's the problem but i don't know now why he pulse width of read message is half of the written on the port do you have any ideas for this behavior...?? thnx in advance Sherif Farouk (",) -----------------
AA Karim Attached to this Reply the Modified code you want ... Regards, Sherif Farouk (",) " Help someone when he is in trouble and he will remember you when he is in trouble again" => Best wishes
QUOTE(karim @ Jun 26 2007, 12:32 AM) Well Kimo i don't know what to say, me too i have to deleiver my Project in 1-7 but in which college you are in .... ?? !! I don't think LABVIEW is difficult You can simply search on the Name of the blocks you want especially if you know their Palettes and they are included in my reply, [bas el zaher Enak Mesh Taye2 el LABVIEW aslan] Anyway i'll do it for you but i think you should at least Understand How the serial Port interfaces with LABVIEW. OK KIMO Promise to read [3ashan Masla7tak walahi ana mesh far2aa ma3ayaa ana aslan el Code 3andi mesh moushkela] Don't forget to tell me your college .... Regards Sherif Farouk (",) -----------------
Thank you Eugen Graf for your efforts i know a little German so it's not too clear to me but i think it's so simple. Good work regards Sherif Farouk (",) -----------------
QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 24 2007, 03:18 AM) yes i'm sure if all wt you stated above except the termination characters cause i don't know where i can find it in the Hyper terminal if you can tell me i'd be thankful to you kINDLY see the attached Hyper-terminal configuration i used in my test
Welcome to LAVA ... Enjoy your time :laugh: communityguy Regards Sherif Farouk(",)
HERE'S MY code ... no i connected the serial port between the pc (labview) and the FPGA board i received the same signal written on the visa write.vi but delayed and the full scale pk to pk is 2 even if i change it i don't know why Can anybody help .....??!! thnx in advance Sherif Farouk (",)
well i tried to write from Hyper-terminal and the ASCII code of writen strings is correctly displayed as a binary representation on the FPGA Board leds, But when i tried to write strings on LABVIEW using Basic READ WRITE example in LABVIEW examples the strings is not correctly represented in it's equivalent Binary format on the FPGA Board Leds. Does anybody know why???? + i still having the same error even when i used the Type Cast i.e Nothing solved .... ?? !! Thanks in advance Sherif Farouk (",)
To illustrate More see the attached JPG file ... also if you can't find the blocks tell me to send it to you Regards sherif farouk (",)
QUOTE(karim @ Jun 23 2007, 06:15 PM) So Kimo You mean you want to convert the received signal which is a string read into analog signal right ...?? Here You are what you should do : 1-Use string to Byte array .Vi converter form String Palette 2-then the output of this Vi is connected binary to Digital Waveform.Vi 3-then to to DAC you will find it in the waveform Palette 4-then use analog indicator to display the signal in analog or use it inside your system That's all... hope it's clear now for any clearifications send me Ta7yaa masr Regards Sherif Farouk (",)
Back to you .... The question now after insertion the target on the screen as you will see in the attached VI ... How can i Provide the variation of Target Position with Know given signal ... i mean if i could calculate the Range of the target how can i make this target Move with the calculated range not fixed Path as in the VI attached ....?? Regards, Sherif Farouk (",)
QUOTE(BOBILLIER @ Jun 23 2007, 12:03 PM) Why using Type Cast ...?? to solve error message ....?? So what about conversions i made on the analog signal .....?? and what's the problem in using (Byte Array to String .VI) Converter in string palette cause when i use the type cast the simulation didn't run continously ... ??
Hello everybody...,.. Well I'm using a Labview 8.0 in my Project ... IN the Project we have a link between the PC and the FPGA using a serial Port RS232 since we are using the Labview as a software on the PC, we are going to use VISA WRITE and READ to Tx/Rx data form serial Port. Actually i Perform the Loopback test on the Port ... Then we test the Transmission and receiption of Serial Cable using the Hyper terminal not the LabView ... The Problem Now is that the Output from the LabView is a pulse signal -Analog- SO I need to convert it to a digital wave form then to Binary representation(8 Bits) in order to transmit it through the serial Port ... [using DWDT Analog to Digital.VI followed By Digital waveform to binary array.Vi] but VISA WRITE takes string so i used (Byte Array to string.VI) Converter. I need to know is it right what i did [ I mean will i have the same signal analog (but with Equivalent Binary format) after all these conversions ] and still continuously variating with time ....................?????????!!!!! Because when I connect the Serial Cable Between the PC (LABVIEW) and the FPGA to test the received signal on the FPGA the Leds Lighted in the following sequence when all ones all leds are On but when we are in zero period of the signal the Leds provides the following binary format 00001010 i don't know why ???????!!! also when i change the Digital Waveform to BInary array.VI settings to be Digital Waveform to Binary U8 , simulation stops and an error message is introduced --attached with this Post-- .... does anybody know why /.....??
QUOTE(Karissap @ Jun 18 2007, 06:20 AM) Thank you Karissap .
AA ... simply the problem is that i need to generate a random Signal [Noise] with Rician Distribution or even Rayleigh Distn. which are used in radar application. i searched in the labview for this Rician but nothing i could get. Do you have any ideas about how to Generate siganl with Rician Distn.??!! Thnx in advance Sherif Farouk (",)