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Posts posted by Cat

  1. I have quite a few programs with both Abort and Stop.

    Abort means "halt whatever you're doing, cleanup, and return to idle state to await the next command".

    Stop means "halt whatever you're doing, cleanup, stop the program, and make it go away ".

    If this is applicable in your situation, you can give them both.

  2. I think you hit it with the time comment, anything you develop will take longer than drudging through the headers by hand. Of course then there's maintenance and validation to account for, but, well, you know.

    The up side of spending the time is that there will be more platforms added in the future. So if I take the time now, it will be automated in the future. If it's possible to do in the first place.

    Here's a little startup:

    Thanks, Ton! Yes, I will need to have to deal with deeply nested structures. If I go forward with this, I'll post those additions.

    Even if I can do this with scripting, you've started the parsing part for me. That will be a big help.

    Can you (or an associate) create a 'dummy' dll with functions that use these structures as inputs?

    That was my first thought when this was proposed to me. I know how to deal with dlls. But when I asked my C programming cow-orkers if they could make a dll for me, I just got back a blank stare. Of course, then I had to say that in LabVIEW, creating dlls is a piece of cake. :)

  3. I'm guessing the answer to this is "no", but thought I'd ask anyway, just in case...

    I'm (probably going to be) tasked to develop Yet Another data collector/analyzer. I'll be reading (via TCP) and parsing data from many different platforms. The main collection and analysis algorithms will be the same for all the platforms, but the "headers", to use the C term, that define the message formats will be different for each platform. There are around a hundred of these message types and the header files for them are already written in C. Is there any way, other than slogging thru each of them by hand, to turn the structures in C header files into clusters in LabVIEW (or whatever else might be appropriate)?

    I haven't played with scripting any, but might I be able to use that to generate this header code? It would probably take me longer to write the scripting code than to actually do the conversion by hand, but it would be a lot more fun. :)

    If the answer's "no" all around, then converting header files by hand might be a good project for one of my cow-orkers who's dying to take on some LV programming... [insert evil laugh] :P

  4. I only got one bad meal the entire time I was in Texas in '08, and that one came from an "authentic" Mexican place in a strip mall somewhere outside of Dallas.

    My personal favorite authentic mexican food is sangria. :)

    I just got off the phone with Laura and there are no reservations required. Get your food wonder over and sit down.

    I'll be there!

  5. 52290 4ALFRHGA Item dropping inside of structure even though pasting outside

    I'm hoping this means that a copied item doesn't just end up in the middle of the screen regardless of where you click on the BD to paste it. That is always annoying and occasionally difficult to recover from.

  6. It's true that there are plenty of twitter accounts that announce little more than what people are having for lunch. That said, there are also a lot of facebook profiles, blogs, and emails that do the same thing, so I guess your question "should I get a twitter account" is similar to "should I get an email account" :)


    So, you don't *need* to get a twitter account to experience NI-Week, but I think having one and following the right twitterers sure enhances it.

    You're right, as with most of these things, it's all in the way you use it. I don't generally email everyone in my address book all at the same time. And my view of Facebook is as being much more of a give-and-take than Twitter. Dialogue vs. monologue. Twitter is perfect for the "It's all about me" generation (insert crotchety old lady comment about those darn kids). But maybe that's just my perception.

    Anywho, my teenager is actually home for a couple days. I'm sure she'll be ecstatic to set up a Twitter account for me. And she was muttering something about "altering" my new "super-geeky" LAVA t-shirt... :blink:

  7. I'm trying to hit all the really important topics. smile.gif

    Do I *really* need a twitter account to follow all the happenings at NIWeek?? I've resisted it since I really don't think, as much as my friends love me, that every time I powder my nose, burp, cough, etc, they really want to know.

  8. "With a viable ovum I could grow my own Jim Kring!"

    Well, it's been over 15 years since I tested the viability of my ova, but... :lol::lol:

    If you wish I can set you up with TWO used napkins. I'll even put them in my pocket for a bit, so they can get properly crumpled.

    Bless you, sir!

    (I'm going to keep one and sell the other on eBay. I'll probably be able to retire early.)


  9. The conference is okay, I guess, but the LAVA chocolate cake they had at a lunch last year was deeeelicious!

    Mmmm. LAVA chocolate cake... If I wasn't already attending, I'd be drooling with envy right now. :P

    I suggest you look for anyone sporting a "LAVA Member" ribbon on thier conference badge (we'll be handing those out at the BBQ) and shimmy up to them for some brain food.

    Wow, soul food (chocolate) and brain food, all in the same place! You can't beat that with a stick!

  10. The LabVIEW Leaders lunch in on Wednesday, noon-1pm. If you are a NI discussion forum member, you probably received an e-mail invitation.

    Hmm. I'm a member, but not a regular one. I hardly have time to keep up with LAVA.

    One way or another, you have to eat lunch. You can either sit in a corner and eat by yourself, eat with some random people, or join us. :D

    Well, I'm certainly not flying all the way to the one place in the nation that's hotter than DC to sit in a corner by myself. :) I'm on the waiting list to officially join you all.

    Lunch is included with your registration, no need to register. [...]

    See you there!

    Thanks for the info! I'm looking forward to it (and I don't mean just lunch :P )

  11. What goes on in the LabVIEW Leaders lunch??

    Is it really just for those of you who consider yourselves "LabVIEW Leaders", or is it a chance for the rest of us to rub elbows with the bigwigs, kiss your rings, and maybe pick up a used napkin as a souvenior?? I figured it was the former and didn't register for it; now I see there's a waiting list. So either there are a lot of LabVIEW Leaders, or the tables are really small, or there are a lot of napkin collectors attending. :)

    Also on the topic of lunch: Do you regulars usually eat lunch at the Convention Center, or grab something elsewhere? Should I be registering for lunch??

    Hungry minds want to know...


  12. There's a "delete" field under each of the statuses (stati? stata?) on the right side of the main LAVA page. Before I start censoring, is it there because I'm on the Admin list? Or can I use that field to delete status updates I don't want to see anymore for just my account (if so, that would be kewl)?

  13. I'm waiting breathlessly for info on the LAVA BBQ.

    It is, after all, the *real* reason I'm coming to Austin, and definitely the only thing that would convince me go there in August. NIWeek is just a convenient excuse. :yes:

    • Like 1
  14. Is the gigabit connection 'just because' or is the data stream really so fat that you need that speed?

    It's "just because" (the other option is a 10Gbit connection). And, we have a need for speed.:) One of the data streams is coming to us at ~70MB/s.

    If 'just because' you could add a USB to Ethernet adapter to the laptop (quick stop at Best Buy), then a couple of Ethernet to SC converters? Not pretty, but...

    The data is actually going to two custom built Solaris boxes. Dealing with all the interface issues between our system and other systems just happens to be one of my collateral duties.

  15. I did not now anyone still made hubs!

    I don't think anyone does. That's the problem.

    I've posted to the darkside as you suggested.

    Hubs are bad since they allow for more network collisions hence lower throughput. Even if you find a hub, you may pay the price in performance and this may cause other problems.

    I know! Even if I find the mythical hub, I still have concerns there will be all sorts of problems with it handling the aggregate ~86MB/s data stream.

    Maybe you could replace your 'output' NIC with a multiport NIC, or just place another NIC in the LabVIEW PC and run an additional point-to-point cable.

    I did something similar in a 'secure' facility, the point to point cabling made everyone happy. I recall that I had some additional coding problems though because the comms were UDP and I needed to keep track of which interface I was talking and listening to...

    I have no control over the pipe coming into my system. I've thought about using a 3 network card PC to handle this, but don't have an available box sitting around (all our systems are laptops) and time is very short...

    Part of the problem is that I haven't been able to get ahold of the Head Networking Honcho for the network we're connecting to and find out what the real issues are with switches, and if maybe we can configure around them. Unfortunately, the way things work with the Navy (and even more so for contractors that work for the Navy) if *they* say you can't do it, you can't do it, whether it makes logical sense or not.

    You do make me wonder tho -- the guyze who said they were going to take care of the network connections for us, and didn't, are a data source -- and it's via UDP. I wonder if maybe that group was told they couldn't put a switch on for some reason, but the fact that we're just a data sink might make it a different case. Probably not, but it's worth checking out.

    Who are they? I think I have some ISA VGA cards and 2400 baud modems at home I'd like to sell them.

    We're a little slow in the Navy. Thanks for the offer of equipment, but I'm sure we have plenty of both around here.:)

    One additional place to ask this is on Serverfault a Q&A site for system admins.

    Thanks for the suggestion. And I already know why it's nuts to use a hub, even if I find one. :(

  16. I'll venture a guess that "them" know there is memory in a switch and that "them" have the domain password and failing to comply with "them" will result in potential prison time at one extreme or "them" taking the PC and shreading the hard-drive.

    While the details aren't exact, you have the general idea... I'm sure you all will visit me in prison, right? Right...?!?

    And unfortunately, *they* don't need anything -- *their* network is set up and certified. We stoopidly let another group convince us they (a different *they*) were taking care of the network connections. The "no switches" bomb was just dropped on us last week, and we're loading the system at some undisclosable time in the very near future. :frusty:

    Oh well, the analysts always ask for more data than they really need. I'm sure just getting half of it will be fine...................:(

  17. Accessing the massive LAVA knowledge base... :)

    I need a 1Gbit ethernet hub. Not a switch or a router, but a hub. I have searched and searched and cannot find such a beast and was hoping you all might know of one.

    We're connecting our network to some one else's network -- there's 1 input pipe and we need two outputs -- and they freaked when they heard we were going to use a switch. A hub is okay, but not a switch. There are supposedly security as well as technical issues involved here, so if "they" say it's got to be a hub, it's got to be a hub.

    And if all my wishes were to be granted, it would take SC multimode fiber inputs, but copper would be just fine. I have plenty of media converters.

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