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Posts posted by Cat

  1. You've stepped into a religious war.

    I think that (as usual) AQ has the best response to this issue. As he stated in the thread you were pointed to:

    "Sequence structures are to LabVIEW what sentence fragments are to English. Both are so problematic that we have to teach newbies "never use these" and then later we can say, "ok, now you can use them because you now understand how they work with relation to the rest of the grammer." Sequence structures have value, but new users to LV tend to over use them gratuitously and thus end up killing the performance of their code. Similar with sentence fragments. ;-) "

    Bottom line, only use a sequence structure if it's the *best* way to get the job done. Not just when it's the easiest way. A lot of beginning LV programmers don't have enough experience to know the difference.

    (Hmm, I think I used a sentence fragment in the above paragraph. tongue.gif )

  2. Here's the thing: we'd need to convert the logo to an embroidery pattern, which will cost ~$US30. We can do that, but I'd rather not if we're only going to make one sale here. I've just created a nice printed cap - will that do?

    Turning our lovely logo on its side makes it look like either a tube of toothpaste or a dead fish.

    • Like 2
  3. Is there a reason you haven't tried the tabbed approach? Where tab 1 has just one graph, tab 2 has two graphs, tab 3 has three, up to the number you want. Then color the tab to be transparent (so the user doesn't know it is a tab) and then control which tab the operator sees.

    Well, I have been playing with using tabs for the 3 main types of plots. The resizing of 1-4 plots on one page seems to work fine. Plus it's a nice fit programmatically. If I can't get the visible/invisible thing to work with 19 plots on 3 pages, I'll take a look at putting them all on their own page. Thanks for the idea!

    That being said I've never had the "Scale FP objects" work properly for very long. Usually I could resize once and it would be okay, then I would scale it back to where it was and every thing would be moved around slightly, and alignments between objects would fail. Maybe grouping them would have helped.

    Here's my little nugget I've learned about resizing: It works best if I only do it in either the horizontal or the vertical direction at one time. If I use the corner and do both at the same time, the FP objects get very misaligned very quickly.

    I have a set of sub-VI that let me realize "un-dockable" regions of the GUI. see reply # 18 in this thread.


    The other part of this challenge is that the Users also want another FP control (multicolumn listbox) to appear either to the side of the plots or below them. I've been thinking having some sort of floating window might be the best bet for that. Your approach looks very interesting. Thanks!

  4. No answers, just that I feel your pain. I too had code with a memory leak and talked my boss into letting me buy Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit. It didn't help any. I think if you have a really small project it might be useful, but there was just too much going on in mine and the trace buffer quickly filled up. Too quickly for it to be of any help (my memory leak wasn't evident until a few hours of run time).

    Hopefully your boss will be more forgiving. wink.gif

  5. A looong time ago (2001?) when I was designing a GUI I needed to be able to show from 1 to 4 waveform charts on 1 screen, in separate plots. If there was 1 plot, there was 1 big chart, if there were 2 plots, there were 2 narrow horizontal charts, and if there were 3 or 4 plots, they were each in 1 quadrant of the screen. To make it even more fun there are two different sets of plots (the other is an XY graph) I need to do this for.

    At that time my intention was to stack all those plots on top of each other and make them visible/invisible as needed. This had a tendency to crash my computer. There was some issue with LV back then about stacking lots of stuff on top of each other and manipulating it in that way. So what I did was instead of making an unneeded plot invisible, I moved it to another (hidden) part of the FP. When I needed it again, I moved it back to the right place and resized it according to how many plots there were. While painful, this has worked okay.

    Flash forward to 2010... my Users now want to be able to resize their windows on-the-fly. While LV does allow one to "Scale Object with Pane" for selected objects, it unfortunately gets very confused when those objects are off on some other part of the FP. Not that I am surprised or would expect otherwise.

    Since my current layout doesn't work, I've been revisiting the stack-and-hide concept. This seems to work better with the resizing, as long as you don't get too wild with it.

    My question for you all is -- have any of you tried this with recent versions of LV? I will have somewhere in the neighborhood of 19 plots stacked on top of each other. This is going to take some major recoding, so before I head down this way I thought I'd check around here and see if anyone had any experiences with doing this.


  6. I have had very good luck with DIGI port servers.

    I'll second this. We installed these in a bunch of boxes several years ago and have had no problems. I've been wracking my (fuzzy) brains trying to remember what brand they are. I can't tell from just looking at them since we've stripped the boxes off and just use them as bare boards.

  7. I had the Mega SinusInfection/Bronchitis Combo last winter. I've never been so sick in my life. Took me weeks to get over that. I feel your pain. sad.gif

    I really didn't want to hear it's going to be weeks...

    About 4 days into it (last sunday) I had to drive some equipment to a test site for installation - 4 hours away. I had people lined up to call me every half an hour to make sure I was still alive and hadn't passed out and driven off the road.

  8. I just finished a week of reverse engineering the cold class. I didn't find a cure method, but I did run across HackingCough, ClogSinuses, and LoseVoice methods among others. It's a nasty bugger--by the time I discovered it its code was deeply integrated in the client app. The entire time it was loaded in memory the Daklu.FeelLikeCrap property was set to true. I would have given my left arm to revert to a previous scc check-in.

    Fortunately the cold class appears to have a built-in timeout that self-kills the thread it's running on.

    LOL! I'm glad your cold class thread self-terminated.

    Unfortunately, I discovered the Cat.SinusInfection and Cat.Bronchitis properties were set to true, also. I am applying the TakeAntibiotics method, but am now also suffering from the Cure.WorseThanTheDisease property.

  9. I am REALLY tempted to abuse my temporary moderator privileges and kill this thread. Of course then I'd probably be accused of being a member of Mossad or a prostitute or an animal or a thief or a cannibal or just plain stupid.

    There were a few interesting things talked about here a long time back. But not anymore (despite attempts from posters other than alfa). This will be the first thread I've ever felt like I had to stop watching, but it's my little form of protest over letting one person continue his political ranting on this forum.

    BTW, just for the record, some of my best friends are animals.

    • Like 1
  10. Version changes concern me. They mean a lot of work for me revalidating my 1800+ vis. That's the main reason I went from 7.1.1 to 8.6.1 and bypassed all the other versions. I figured by the time 8.6.1 came out, all the bugs were out of the version 8 software.

    So NI's new "Major Version Release Every Year" paradigm really concerns me. When they release software with a new major number that means to me they have made major revisions/additions/changes. Otherwise, why make it look like a different product?

    I don't need a lot of fancy new features every single year; I need to know the code I already have is going to work and not be broken when I upgrade. Even worse, I don't want something to still work, but work *differently* from the way it did before (this one bit me in 8.6.1 -- so much for waiting).

    I would much rather see LV2009 SP2 be released next August, not LV2010. And if LV2010 will be, in essence, just more bug fixes for LV2009, then NI shouldn't change the version number. I would actually feel comfortable upgrading then.

    • Like 2
  11. You do create performance overhead with the copies of the nodes. Each property read makes a copy of the data in the property. For many properties, like "height" for example, this isn't a big deal. But if it is something like "Value" and the value is a large array, you might be duplicating a significant amount of data.

    But even if there's only one property node, every time the value out of it branches, isn't there a possibility (probability?) that a data copy is being made anyway, depending on how the value is being used?

    Either way, AQ's last point about readability is an important one. With code this bad, a good intermediary step can be to put the property nodes right by where they are used so that you can get a better sense of program flow. Then, once you have it all cleaned up, take a step back and see if you can consolidate all those property nodes in a logical way. It is stylistically "better", and a good habit to get in to, since it's an absolute necessity if writing code where a particular value might be changed in between property node reads by some other part of the code.

  12. Outside of LV the "triple-click" is not used often in user interfaces so it is not something someone would just guess.

    Yeah, I thought about that a second after hitting the "reply" button. But whenever I attempt to edit a post it either ends up looking all garbled or just blows up (IE6). Tim_S had already beaten me to it anyway.

  13. I have "inherited" a LabView program with a large main vi which has a number of wires that cross, split and merge or disappear behind various case structures/for loops etc, or even are positioned exactly on the borders of them, making it really hard to track which wire goes where.

    Oh and I feel your pain. BTDT...

    BTW, if you don't already know, you can right-click on a subvi and select Visible->Terminals to really see where the wires are going.

  14. For tracking progress, I recommend Weather Underground's Wundermap

    Wow! Lot's of pretty colors (yes, after being pretty much house-bound for 4 days, it doesn't take much to amuse me :))!

    Gary, here's a local site that's been doing a great job of predicting totals. They were even spot on with the December storm and predicted the large snowfall long before the NWS/TWC had a clue it was going to be as bad as it was.


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