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Posts posted by Cat

  1. She can field dress a moose so of course she's hot. thumbup1.gif

    Exactly! The only thing I've ever field-dressed is a scarecrow, so how can I compete?!?

    Re Boring

    If there were not a move about to use the Global Warming as a license to create laws based on it, it would be just another boring science story. But it is being used to argue for laws that will have far reaching impacts on everyone in the US if they pass Cap and Trade or enter into the world wide argreement.

    I agree completely. There is the tree-hugger side of me that hates what we're doing to the environment and is happy that something is finally getting people's attention (or was, anyway). But there is a lot more of me that REALLY hates bad science and when it is used to manipulate public sentiment. If it turns out that's what's happening here, that will be a Very Bad Thing. But I've read a few other articles from other organizations who vouch for their own data as being separate from the data that is suspect.

    I hope Phillip is right and the big news orgs are just waiting on some sort of confirmation to start reporting this...

  2. Can't speak for the media in general, but the Associated Press had 11 reporters "fact" checking Sarah Palin's book. Obviously Sarah Palin is more of a threat to world peace than the biggest scam in history.

    My SO thinks Sarah Palin is "hot" (not that he would ever vote for her) so she's kinda a sore subject with me.wink.gif

    If it's true that there's been no mention of Climategate in any of the major news outlets, I do find it concerning. I could either think of it as a Big Leftist Tree-Hugging Conspiracy, or, what is probably even worse, blame it on the fact that global warming / climate change is becoming a boring topic that your average Joe no longer wants to talk or hear about. Unlike Sarah, who everyone wants to talk about. Because she's hot. tongue.gif

  3. Having participated in a couple Diet Wars, I am leery to write this. Your cardiologist probably isn't going to like this suggestion, but here goes...

    There are a lot of people out there who benefit greatly from a low carbohydrate diet. I personally lost 40 lbs low-carbing, and more to your issue, dropped my triglycerides (blood fat) from 283 mg/dL down to 80.

    My dad, who was following a low fat diet, had to have emergency quadruple bypass surgery a few years ago. After his recovery, I finally convinced him to try low-carbing. His cardiologist was adamantly opposed, but as my Dad said, obviously a low-fat/calorie diet wasn't working for him. A year later Dad's cardiologist was astounded. He said my Dad's heart hadn't looked that good in ten years. Oh, and as an extra added bonus, Dad got completely off his high blood pressure meds, dramatically reduced his T2 diabetes meds, and dropped 20 lbs (yeah, Dad hadn't been in very good shape and could also have benefitted by getting his butt up off the couch every once in awhile. But I digress...).

    Here are a couple articles:



    But if you want to research the actual science behind low carbohydrate dieting, pick up a copy of "Protein Power" by Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades. Reading that convinced me that low-carbing was definitely worth trying. They also have a someone less militant plan than Atkins who seems to be just about selling associated products.

    Of course, as with all diets, 1) what worked for me, my dad (and lots of my friends) may not work for you, and 2) also as with all diets, if you go off of it, whatever good it's done you will stop.

    Cat (duck and cover)

  4. Oh, fortheloveofpete. I'm getting pretty fed up with folks claiming the "right-wing" "radicals" are tearing themselves apart when 0bama can't blow his nose without provoking a bunch of left-wing moonbats.

    FWIW, this wasn't my opinion, it was/is the opinion of a fairly conservative Republican. The radicals aren't tearing themselves apart, but they are disaffecting a lot of fellow Republicans who don't like what the face of their party is looking like today. Much like when wacko leftist radicals make all the rest of us moderate lefties look bad.

    And I'll have to say, your Obama comment left me with quite an interesting visual image. biggrin.gif

  5. Do you really believe this phenominon is restricted to right-wing organizations?

    Heck yes! Us lefties are pure as the driven snow and would never resort to such low-handed tactics. laugh.giflaugh.gif

    Seriously now folks, I think it's because here in the USofA the liberals are *supposedly* in power. The Republican party is being split apart by it's own terrified radical conservative side. People like my SO, who is a Republican (and I love him anyway smile.gif ) are getting pretty disgusted with the scare-tactics rhetoric that keeps gushing forth from certain parts of the Republican party. Ditto for my best friend (what am I doing hanging out with all these righties?!). All those right-wing radicals are shooting themselves in the foot.

  6. Edit: D'oh. Forgot that the BIOS probably has a serial burned in.

    Yup, I'm assuming it was something like that, since the motherboard was identical.

    Brand new Dell laptop arrived with the eSATA port not working. Got to watch a tech totally rip the laptop apart and put it back together again. It was cool and disturbing at the same time. smile.gif

  7. Would you rather your daughter heard this from 0bama, or you? wink.gif

    My daughter heard it from me long before Obama was in any position to be giving advice.

    But given the lack of supervision many of my daughter's friend's parents give their children, I'm just happy they're hearing it from somewhere.

  8. The .lvproj file is xml, so it might be the easiest to cut and paste in a text editor.

    I can't seem to cut and paste without corrupting the file. I think I've copied the right chunk and put it in the right place, but it's not happy.

    Otherwise I am sure there must be a way you could read it out programmatically using property nodes and add it to your project. I would be interested to see your example if you go that way.

    If I had more than a couple hours to get all this code cleaned up and packaged, I'd definitely try it. At this point I'm adding files manually, but still hoping for something more elegant -- and hoping that doing it manually works. (Is there a "keeping my fingers crossed" emoticon?)

  9. I'm attempting to figure out how having "Projects" is helping me...

    Today's question: I have The Big Project that has 15 or so executable builds under it and 1 installation to wrap all those up. I was coding up a tool that I wasn't sure if I was going to include in The Big Project installation, so I wrote and built it in a different project. Now I've decided that putting it into The Big Project installation would make it easier for my users. Is there some way to copy the build parameters for the tool executable from its project over to The Big Project, so the tool build can easily be added to The Big Project installation? Or do I just need to make sure all the right files get put in the right place manually?


  10. "Well, let me give you some very practical tips. First of all, I want everybody here to be careful about what you post on Facebook, because in the YouTube age, whatever you do, it will be pulled up again later somewhere in your life," Obama said.

    What do you think about it?

    He is correct.

    My daughter is on Facebook; therefore I am on Facebook. ph34r.gif

    It is often a random bunch of trivia about people's lives. Especially if you "friend" a bunch of random people... OTOH, thanks to Facebook I hooked up with a highschool buddy a couple days ago who I haven't talked to in 25 years. That's pretty cool.

  11. Spoken like a true geek. wub.gif But exactly how do plan on attaching the accelerometer to the cat? Tape? glue? Staples? That would annoy the cat and he would stop purring.smile.gif

    Staples are definitely out. But I'm envisioning something like this little hat thingy I made for my one-and-only dog so I could attach antlers on her head for Xmas. I'm sure my kitty would love to wear that. laugh.gif

  12. My fave was the exchange between Lee and Lincoln. laugh.gif

    One of my kitties only has 4 toes on her front paw. She is missing the "middle finger" on both paws. She could never be a New York cab driver.

    My other kitty is a very loud purrer. I'm definitely going to run home and attach an accelerometer to his head and see if he's purring at 26 hertz!

  13. You'd better make sure your boss isn't too friendly with the IT department, or come the next performance review, all those logged URLs could mean a lot of trouble. ohmy.gif

    I know! You guyze and all your restricted links are going to get me in a lot of trouble! smile.gif

  14. FTP and other file hosting sites sound like a good idea, in theory. But there might be some security issues involved with that...

    I'm going to give our head IT guy a call today and see if he has any suggestions. Otherwise, it's snailmail.

  15. Give it a try Cat!

    The first time you open a VI that you have not touched in a long time and the diagram drags the needle of your brain back to the same track it was on at development time, you'll be hooked.

    I'm trying! My main concern is the years of code I have out there that has zero documentation.

    But I've got A Plan. Everytime I have to reuse/rewrite some piece of code, I'm going to Do It Right as far as documentation and diagramming. Since the majority of my job is adding more features on to software I've already written, this should eventually cover the majority of my sins.

    • Like 1
  16. How could you have let that happen?! ohmy.gif Been cat staff for very long? laugh.gif

    All my life! I've been owned by over a dozen cats!

    I'm blaming my daughter. I'm thinking they coerced her into some extra treats. She's not well enough trained yet to know Thou Dost Not Empty The Treat Pouch Without Purchasing A Replacement Immediately. biggrin.gif

  17. Anyone else click the !@#$% link expecting something to happen?

    I did that myself. smile.gif

    I do think 62MB is a little extreme, what version of LabVIEW was it built in?


    I just did a test where I saved a blank vi, created an exe using all default settings, then created an installation with it adding nothing but the 8.6.1.RTE. It came in at a hefty 75MB.

    I have the LabVIEW 7.1 runtime at 11MB zipped with normal compression levels. But that's still too big for most email servers, I think many are at a 10MB limit, while I know gmail is 20MB.

    Oops. I was going to send it from my gmail account tonight at home. Good thing I haven't gotten around to dumping my domain yet. I can send just about anything thru there.

    Posting this zip would be illegal right? Since NI owns the runtime engine? Attached is my file list for my LabVIEW 7.1 runtime. I've been told that my file list is extensive and could be trimmed.

    I'm not sure about the legalities. And I'm not sure if downgrading is an option. Someone "borrowed" my 7.1 development laptop a year or so ago and I haven't seen it since.

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