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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Cat

    Alfa String

    Which God(dess) are you talking about?
  2. Yup, I'm assuming it was something like that, since the motherboard was identical. Brand new Dell laptop arrived with the eSATA port not working. Got to watch a tech totally rip the laptop apart and put it back together again. It was cool and disturbing at the same time.
  3. Cat

    Alfa String

    My daughter heard it from me long before Obama was in any position to be giving advice. But given the lack of supervision many of my daughter's friend's parents give their children, I'm just happy they're hearing it from somewhere.
  4. I can't seem to cut and paste without corrupting the file. I think I've copied the right chunk and put it in the right place, but it's not happy. If I had more than a couple hours to get all this code cleaned up and packaged, I'd definitely try it. At this point I'm adding files manually, but still hoping for something more elegant -- and hoping that doing it manually works. (Is there a "keeping my fingers crossed" emoticon?)
  5. This is just a ditto of Gary's post, since it doesn't seem to have gotten answered...?
  6. I'm attempting to figure out how having "Projects" is helping me... Today's question: I have The Big Project that has 15 or so executable builds under it and 1 installation to wrap all those up. I was coding up a tool that I wasn't sure if I was going to include in The Big Project installation, so I wrote and built it in a different project. Now I've decided that putting it into The Big Project installation would make it easier for my users. Is there some way to copy the build parameters for the tool executable from its project over to The Big Project, so the tool build can easily be added to The Big Project installation? Or do I just need to make sure all the right files get put in the right place manually? Cat
  7. And to make this post actually on topic, I think last time I changed out a motherboard I had to reactivate LabVIEW.
  8. Cat

    Alfa String

    He is correct. My daughter is on Facebook; therefore I am on Facebook. It is often a random bunch of trivia about people's lives. Especially if you "friend" a bunch of random people... OTOH, thanks to Facebook I hooked up with a highschool buddy a couple days ago who I haven't talked to in 25 years. That's pretty cool.
  9. Wow, that's great! Congrats! (I hope the LAVA baby boom isn't catching...)
  10. How did you know that was the Top Secret Navy project I'm working on?? Oh no!! Now I have to kill all of you!!
  11. Staples are definitely out. But I'm envisioning something like this little hat thingy I made for my one-and-only dog so I could attach antlers on her head for Xmas. I'm sure my kitty would love to wear that.
  12. My fave was the exchange between Lee and Lincoln. One of my kitties only has 4 toes on her front paw. She is missing the "middle finger" on both paws. She could never be a New York cab driver. My other kitty is a very loud purrer. I'm definitely going to run home and attach an accelerometer to his head and see if he's purring at 26 hertz!
  13. Cat


    I know! You guyze and all your restricted links are going to get me in a lot of trouble!
  14. Cat


    To which my computer replies: NMCI GNOC Restricted Site Access to this site has been denied in accordance with Navy policy to safeguard the security posture and/or to maintain the operational integrity of the NMCI. Sigh...
  15. Cat


    FTP and other file hosting sites sound like a good idea, in theory. But there might be some security issues involved with that... I'm going to give our head IT guy a call today and see if he has any suggestions. Otherwise, it's snailmail.
  16. I'm trying! My main concern is the years of code I have out there that has zero documentation. But I've got A Plan. Everytime I have to reuse/rewrite some piece of code, I'm going to Do It Right as far as documentation and diagramming. Since the majority of my job is adding more features on to software I've already written, this should eventually cover the majority of my sins.
  17. Cat

    The 5th dimension

    All my life! I've been owned by over a dozen cats! I'm blaming my daughter. I'm thinking they coerced her into some extra treats. She's not well enough trained yet to know Thou Dost Not Empty The Treat Pouch Without Purchasing A Replacement Immediately.
  18. Cat


    I did that myself. 8.6.1 I just did a test where I saved a blank vi, created an exe using all default settings, then created an installation with it adding nothing but the 8.6.1.RTE. It came in at a hefty 75MB. Oops. I was going to send it from my gmail account tonight at home. Good thing I haven't gotten around to dumping my domain yet. I can send just about anything thru there. I'm not sure about the legalities. And I'm not sure if downgrading is an option. Someone "borrowed" my 7.1 development laptop a year or so ago and I haven't seen it since.
  19. Cat


    After responding to the poster who wanted to make an executable without the RTE, I had to create an installation for an offsite customer to use. My little 760KB exe turned into a 62MB whopper (zipped, even), which was then too big to email over my !@#$% (sorry) network. Argh.
  20. Cat

    The 5th dimension

    How can you explain anything to animals? When I tried to explain to my cats the other day that I was out of treats and it was too late to go to the grocery store for more, they made it very clear that they really didn't want to hear my excuses.
  21. Also, to add to the testing "gotcha's", make sure you test on a completely clean computer that's never had any NI software installed. You may think you don't need a file because you didn't load it on yourself, but it may already be there from some previous testing. I was testing an exe on what I thought was a clean computer a while back and everything worked fine. Luckily, for once, the group I wrote it for actually ran it before it went out into the field. It didn't work. It was missing NI-VISA. Turns out someone else had installed NI-VISA on the laptop I used for testing. (I now have my own clean test master disk) Good luck with this! I remember back in the Good Old Days when the RTE took up one 3.5" floppy...
  22. Umm, if you can make it to LAVA, that means you should be able to type "spartan 3E Starter Kit" into your favorite search engine and find a distributor (who may even ship to Bangladesh). I did this and came up with the following supplier: http://www.xilinx.com/products/devkits/HW-SPAR3E-SK-US-G.htm They even have a support forum. Good luck! Cat
  23. Cyber Monday is every day! (just doing my part for the economy) The very LAST place I will be on Black Friday is any bricks-and-mortar retail establishment, anywhere. Shopping is painful enough without all that madness and mayhem. Well, maybe if REI has a really good sale....
  24. I spent my first few years with LV doing a lot of card-level programming but other than some instrument I/O, have done very little of that sort of thing in the past 10 years. Is this something I would need to go back and review for the CLD exam? Someone's been peeking at my code again!
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