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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Yes! I hate it when some project manager comes knocking on the door asking me to write code for a VXI system. And yes, they gasp when I tell them how long it will take. Then I tell them about 10% of that is writing code and the rest of it is a science project getting all the cards to play well together on whatever system they need it to work on. And don't get me started about working with SCSI...
  2. If you haven't tried this already... Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner Select "My Settings" Select "General Settings" (should be the default) Down at the bottom of the page under "Search Settings" -> "View New Content Method" Select "Show me all the content I have not read"
  3. The boldest I've ever gotten with meat was eating grilled bambi. It wasn't too bad. of course, that could have had something to do with the moonshine I was washing it down with (quite literally; I was in the mountains of West Virginia at the time). Cat
  4. Y'all have been out of school too long. Mark's right -- the key to passing any test is knowing what the test creator thinks the correct answer is. Is this the way it should be? No, but it's the way it is. That's why it's a Good Thing to take as many practice tests as possible. Not only does it point out what knowledge you're lacking (I completely forgot there was such a beast as a stacked shift register until I took the LV Fundamentals test), it gets you familiar with the way the test is worded, and underlying assumptions the test creator is making (Yair, your example of the array addition is one that really annoyed me, too). It would be nice if there was some sort of peer-review process with these test questions. But Mark, that comment about "skinning a cat"... Cat
  5. Forget "Must See TV", they've got "Must See ASCII"!
  6. Something new to do with my Legos! Does this mean we should all stop contributing to the Alfa threads?!
  7. For What It's Worth In this case, I meant it's probably just coincidence, but if it helps anyone figure out the problem...
  8. FWIW, I'm in the midst of going back and forth with NI customer support just trying to get LabVIEW 2009 activated. This is on a laptop with a couple other versions of LV installed. I got it to activate just fine on a desktop (both computers running XP). But what is interesting is that NI keeps asking me if I have a desktop or laptop, as if this makes a difference for some reason. It sounds like others might be having problems with a laptop installation, also. No solutions, just an observation... (BTW, NI support has been very proactive about helping me with this.) Cat
  9. Wow! Congrats, Ben! Any bets on when Ben will achieve that level here on LAVA?
  10. Thanks for the suggestion. Some of the reviews I've just read say you need to know Java to understand the examples. OO Thought Process has examples in both C# and Java. I can read the C#, but everytime I look at the Java, all I can think is, "That's not code, that's just somebody talking about code." Think this will be a problem? My guess is that when I think I've got something workable, I'll post it to the LVOOP subforum, and let you guyze rip it apart and tell me how it *should* have been done.
  11. And it's green!
  12. Unless someone comes up with a fancy way to do this... I would just Alt-PrintScreen the LV exe, put it into the picture editor of your choice (MSPaint is easy to use) and cut-n-paste your graph to the Word doc. I've done this a few times in the past and it's relatively painless. Cat
  13. That would take an entire case of wine!
  14. I just printed that out and posted it on the front wall of my cubby!
  15. I was wondering where you'd wandered off to. Along with the "last 24 hours" link is the "View Unread Content" link that should be in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
  16. Ewwwwww!!! (I need an emoticon for "about to toss my cookies" )
  17. Ack! After a few chapters of The Book, my head is already hurting enough! Or maybe it was all the wine...
  18. Definitely info-LabVIEW, and most probably about CINs. I remember I had the post printed out and filed away. I wasn't using CINs enough that I had the process completely down -- not that the "process" was very well defined anyway. But when I did need a CIN, it was very handy to be able to pull that post out and at least have some clue about how to proceed. Things are a lot easier now! (Yeah, and I used to have to walk 5 miles to school everyday, thru 3 feet of snow. Uphill. Both ways. )
  19. Well if AQ recommends it... Luckily I have a well-stocked Barnes&Noble within walking distance. Geeky! Umm, I mean, practical, I guess... I just got the "Drinking the OO Kool-Aid" book, uhh, "The Object Oriented Thought Process" book. I'm ready to pop open a bottle of zinfandel (red, not white), crack open the book, and have one heckuva night! Smoochie! I figured I could count on you two for the scripting vote! Here's what I think I'm going to do... start with the OO book at home, and do the scripting stuff at work, where as far as all those sequential-programming ninnies can tell, I'll be doing something project-related. Thanks for the links! I'm sure they will be quite useful once I learn the language...
  20. I'm back from vaycay (a lovely week on the shores of Lake Michigan) during which I worked too much. As a kind of reward, I'm going to take a few days off from my regularily scheduled projects and do a little professional development. At this point, I can probably squeeze in a week of time (okay, some of it will be on my own time, at home, but my cow-orkers didn't get me a "Geek Goddess" mug for nuthin' ). I am woefully uneducated on two topics(well, a lot more than 2): 1) LVOOP 2) Scripting One seems more interesting (scripting) but the other seems more practical (LVOOP). Given a week, and given that I don't know diddly about OOP to start with, anyone want to weigh in on which of those 2 options might be a better use of my "professional development" time? Cat
  21. I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but... Is there any way to mark a post that's already been read as "unread"? Here's the problem: I read LAVA most every day by just going thru whatever turns up when I hit the "View Unread Content" link. I'm doing this at work thru a very thick firewall on an obsolete IE6 browser, and many of the attachments are invisible and links are unreachable. I would like to be able to mark posts I want to see all of as "unread" so when I get home, I can "View Unread Content" again and view the posts I couldn't view at work. Solution(s)? Cat
  22. I was just thinking I probably have a post archived away somewhere that Rolf wrote 15 years or so ago on this very topic.
  23. That's good to know. I run on an internal network with no access to the outside world and that doesn't make LabVIEW happy. Staring with 8.0 I've experienced hangs during initial loading of vis. At one point I was having to physically disconnect the ethernet cable from my computer to get LabVIEW to start up with anything other than glacial speed.
  24. I've mostly bought ThinkPads. Lots and lots of ThinkPads. I was concerned when IBM sold that line off to Lenovo, but so far it doesn't seem to have affected the quality. They are pretty solid machines. Dell laptops used to be notoriously bad, but my last laptop purchase was a Dell, since it was the only place to get a double dual core laptop and I needed lots of processing power. Customer support was very responsive when it got delivered with a non-functioning eSATA port... I'll second the comment someone else made about making sure your two laptops have the same native screen resolution. I've got 3 development laptops with different resolutions, and it gets annoying when I develop on the widescreen one, and forget that it need to run on my "ancient" 1024x768 box, too.
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