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Found 3 results

  1. Hi LAVAers. I thought I'd post this up to grab some more eyes and ideas, and maybe contributors if there is interest. I've started development of an open source datagridview project using .NET in LabVIEW to finally have a well implemented datagrid for use with LabVIEW UIs, data types and event integration. I have this all working in a sample project and would love more ideas, feedback and and help if anyone wants to contribute. The project is hosted on github, https://github.com/unipsycho/LabVIEWdotNetDataGrid I started a discussion for it in the LabVIEW NI community site when I started but its a LOT more presentable now, so extending this to LAVA. The original discussion is here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/OpenSource-Project-for-a-NET-Datagrid-for-LabVIEW/m-p/3194273 The main premise of the project is to have extended data types, extended features with a event driven datagrid for LabVIEW using .NET. Please let me know what you think or if any questions or ideas to add to this.
  2. Version 1.4.1


    UI Tools v1.4.0 Copyright © 2009-2016, François Normandin All rights reserved. Author:François Normandin Contact Info: Contact via PM on www.lavag.org LabVIEW Versions: Created and tested with LabVIEW 2012 Dependencies: OpenG Application Control Library >= OpenG Array Library >= OpenG File Library >= OpenG LabVIEW Data Library >= OpenG String Library >= LAVA Palette >= Description: This package contains tools for designing user interfaces. A first palette helps create special effects using transparency of front panel. Using them allows to quickly create fade-ins or outs using linear or exponential variation of the intensity. A second palette contains VIs to calculate the position of GObjects for many purposes like alignment, snap, mouse follow, etc. A third palette contains VIs to create dialog boxes based on class instances. "Simple Error Dialog" and "Simple Selection List" are featured with or without backrground blackening effect. A fourth palette includes some VIs to move objects programmatically on the front panel, using a basic deceleration algorithm to provide an impression of a smooth movement. The packaged VIs are all namespaced using a suffix “__lava_lib_ui_tools” which should not conflict with any of your own code. Includes: Front Panel Transparency (Fade In & Fade Out) Utilities (Alignment, Snap) Dialog (OOP based, extensible) Engine (Beta) for object movement Instructions: This package is distributed on the LabVIEW Tools Network (version 1.3) and updates are on LAVA (1.4). It can be installed directly in the addon folder of any LabVIEW version from 2012 to now. The addon installs automatically under the LAVA palette of the addon submenu. License: Distributed under the BSD license. Support: If you have any problems with this code or want to suggest features, please go to www.lavag.org and navigate to the discussion page.
  3. View File UI Tools UI Tools v1.4.0 Copyright © 2009-2016, François Normandin All rights reserved. Author:François Normandin Contact Info: Contact via PM on www.lavag.org LabVIEW Versions: Created and tested with LabVIEW 2012 Dependencies: OpenG Application Control Library >= OpenG Array Library >= OpenG File Library >= OpenG LabVIEW Data Library >= OpenG String Library >= LAVA Palette >= Description: This package contains tools for designing user interfaces. A first palette helps create special effects using transparency of front panel. Using them allows to quickly create fade-ins or outs using linear or exponential variation of the intensity. A second palette contains VIs to calculate the position of GObjects for many purposes like alignment, snap, mouse follow, etc. A third palette contains VIs to create dialog boxes based on class instances. "Simple Error Dialog" and "Simple Selection List" are featured with or without backrground blackening effect. A fourth palette includes some VIs to move objects programmatically on the front panel, using a basic deceleration algorithm to provide an impression of a smooth movement. The packaged VIs are all namespaced using a suffix “__lava_lib_ui_tools” which should not conflict with any of your own code. Includes: Front Panel Transparency (Fade In & Fade Out) Utilities (Alignment, Snap) Dialog (OOP based, extensible) Engine (Beta) for object movement Instructions: This package is distributed on the LabVIEW Tools Network (version 1.3) and updates are on LAVA (1.4). It can be installed directly in the addon folder of any LabVIEW version from 2012 to now. The addon installs automatically under the LAVA palette of the addon submenu. License: Distributed under the BSD license. Support: If you have any problems with this code or want to suggest features, please go to www.lavag.org and navigate to the discussion page. Submitter Francois Normandin Submitted 09/21/2009 Category LabVIEW Tools Network Certified LabVIEW Version
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